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Thread: Who bakes bread?

  1. #451
    32t is offline
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    My wife went shopping and the only thing on her list that wasn't available was yeast.

    Not what I expected but we have some "older" yeast packets on hand.

    Do any of you have some recommendations of how I can get a culture started and keep it going?
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  2. #452
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    While it's been several days since I ventured out of the Boars Nest to our local Albertsons, they too had ZERO yeast--it's displayed on the top shelf so I went 'Mountain Climbing and found one strip of 3 pkgs of Red Star Rapid Rise yeast way in the back. That gives me 5 packets to last until more yeast arrives. I still have one small loaf of bread in the freezer.

    As far as making a culture and keeping it going, you are entering the world of sourdough as I know of no way of making yeast like the commercial stuff.

    I hope you find something that will work for you.
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  3. #453
    32t is offline
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    In "normal" time at least around here this is not a subject that is of a big deal at least to me and not probably very economical.

    But having time on our hands I thought I would ask here......
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  4. #454
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Have any Brewers Yeast around? I've read that it will work but with different tastes--
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  5. #455
    32t is offline
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    Many years since I have brewed but that might turn into a project............
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  6. #456
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    My mom is getting interested in baking bread after eating some of what I have made. Unfortunately, all 5 grocery stories in my vicinity are sold out of yeast as well, so she has to borrow some of mine to tide her over. Still having issues with TP and paper towels. I got really lucky and needed to resupply my paper goods before people started hoarding.

    As far as yeastless starters, this is the one I'm probably going to start later this week. I'm working from home now until April 24th at least, plenty of time to take care of a pet jar. According to the instructions, looking between a week to 2 weeks until it is ready.

    Forgot to update about my wheat loaf. In my defense, I was drinking scotch at the time.

    After 1 hr rise, split the 1.5 hrs in the pans. Didn't run the oven at all, kept the rises under a towel to retain heat. I split the a little uneven, but I wanted to see how sensitive I should be with the weight difference. Could have let the smaller one rise a bit.
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    25 min in the over, time to tent 'em!
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    All done! Really happy with how this loaf turned out. The honey and brown sugar are noticable, but don't over sweeten the loaf. Probably going to just tweak this and the other classic white bread recipe until I need to go to the grocery store.
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    Last edited by dinnermint; 03-25-2020 at 01:10 AM.

  7. #457
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    My wife went shopping and the only thing on her list that wasn't available was yeast.

    Not what I expected but we have some "older" yeast packets on hand.

    Do any of you have some recommendations of how I can get a culture started and keep it going?
    All you have to do is take maybe a cup of flour or less and add water to make a sponge and leave it exposed to the air a few days. If you are lucky you'll get some yeast which can then serve as your starter.

    Of course there is no guarantee you will get yeast. There's all kinds of critters floating around out there. Maybe you'll get Penicillin!

    Either way sourdough yeast is weaker and takes longer to rise if you are successful. The smell will be your cues.
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  8. #458
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Back in the day when I was a youn'in what we knew as 'Cinnamon Roll's---now seem to be referred to as 'Sticky Buns'. Back then NO ONE absolutely NO ONE made cinnamon rolls with a frosting. Oh well, as Bob Dylan said; "The times they are a changing".

    Anyway I've been trying different recipes of these sticky buns and this batch came out pretty close to what my mother, grandmother and granny all made.

    I did get them cut a bit thicker than I needed but they do taste quite good.

    Out of the oven;

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    Turned out and cooling;

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    Got 'em wrapped up/some in the frig, some in the freezer--dessert for awhile
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  9. #459
    Senior Member blabbermouth evnpar's Avatar
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    Oh, man, I'd almost make the long drive to Walla Walla for one of those Cinnamon Rolls!!
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  10. #460
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evnpar View Post
    Oh, man, I'd almost make the long drive to Walla Walla for one of those Cinnamon Rolls!!
    If you do drive over call me right before you get to the Boars Nest and I'll put some on a paper plate covered in plastic out on the porch for you to pick up--social distancing you know---hehehe
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

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