Quote Originally Posted by hamilton946 View Post
I tried the direct method; 3-5 drops rubbed into the skin before adding lather and honestly didn't notice a difference. Is there a right way to do this? Anybody, anybody...?
Quote Originally Posted by vitalMyth View Post
used glycerin as a pre-shave oil today. let it soak in for 5 minutes before lathering. did not go well. will not do again. however, lanolin+glycerin added to my bowl lather has been fantastic for creating a REALLY dense, creamy lather.
Add it directly to your shave soap / cream / lather. It can help thicken the lather, add lubrication and prevent drying. it was the only way I would get the Williams shave soap to lather properly and stay relatively moist during the shave.

However, Glycerin is a humectant, meaning it easily bonds with water. It can actually draw moisture from the humidity in the air. So by its nature it lubricates thickens and prevents the lather from drying out by pulling the moisture together and holding it longer.

Used directly on your face before your shaving lather, will most likely draw moisture from the hairs themselves. This would defeat the purpose of trying to get them moist in the first place.