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Thread: Who is using glycerin?

  1. #41
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    What I've found, after using glycerin a bit more, is that some products benefit from the addition, while others do not. For me, I find MWF doesn't need any help, while some of my creams do benefit. I tend to get better lathers from my soaps than from my creams, so it might be a technique thing.

  2. #42
    Senior Member eflatminor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonycraigo View Post
    I can't find a reason to fix it - if it isn't broke.
    I don't consider anything to be broken but rather I enjoy the process of tweaking a product to my personal preference. Some guys like a little extra softness. Just the right amount of liquid lanolin can help that. Some like a moister lather; glycerin can help with that.

    Even a quarter million dollar Ferrari can be customized to your liking.

  3. #43
    Member markdfhr's Avatar
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    What I've found, after using glycerin a bit more, is that some products benefit from the addition, while others do not.
    I think this could be because there are a lot of products that already have the right amount of glycerin in them.

    I've started to use glycerin recently with my creams. It allows me to add more water to the mix and make a really frothy, slick lather. I've been pleasantly surprised.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleintax View Post
    . . . and by the way; in what section of the drug store would one go to to find glycerin or lanolin?
    These days it seems I get everything through amazon. They have both liquid lanolin (don't get the putty) and good size bottles of high quality vegetable glycerine for under $6.

  5. #45
    Senior Member bottomfeeder's Avatar
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    In the beginning, not that I've been at this long, I was using glycerin every time I shaved cause I was having issues with my lather drying out. However as my proficiency with the straight improved as well as my lather building abilities I've found I don't need it and prefer to use my soaps/creams as the are.

  6. #46
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    Good thread! As it happens, I just bought a bottle of glycerin, but haven't tried it yet. Now I know how to use it! The bottle had a big neck on it though, so I picked up a small medicine dropper to aid in adding it to the cream.

  7. #47
    Enthusiast Gammaray's Avatar
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    Adding glycerin to soaps or creams is not predictable. Works with some but not with others. Be generous with a palm full, about a quarter size, directly to the face followed by your favorite soap or cream and it will work nicely.

  8. #48
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Personally I have never added Glycerin to any Soap or Cream I only use it to make Überlather and then only 5 drops, but I have never found it necessary, it is just fun...

    There is no doubt in my mind or to my face that some of the Überlather recipes smoke any single Cream or Soap for shaving and others are a dismal failure

    Just like everything else in this hobby, you can take it as far as you want... But I see no problem with shaving with a Boar brush and Williams soap forever and a day, I just don't choose to ...
    avatar1999 and markdfhr like this.

  9. #49
    Hones/Honing/Master Barber avatar1999's Avatar
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    If you go to CVS or Walgreens, etc, just ask, they can hook you up. If you go to Walmart, it's over in the section with the pharmacy. Just ask the pharmacist. It's cheap, and at 4-5 drops per shave, it goes a long way.

    If you have hard water, it helps to get a good lather. If you have soft water, you don't really need it, but could rub some on your face before lathering if you like.
    Quote Originally Posted by kleintax View Post
    . . . and by the way; in what section of the drug store would one go to to find glycerin or lanolin?

  10. #50
    Senior Member Blackpool's Avatar
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    I don't get on with creams too well; with safety razors OK, but not with straights for some reason. I add just a navy bean amount of cream to the soap lather, then more water. Then instead of glycerin, I add a squirt of Glycerin & Rose Water, bought pre-mixed. It is true that adding more water after the glycerin bounces the lather up, and this amounts to the same thing. Another thing I have discovered is that getting the lather how you want it, then leaving it for 5 minutes and re-swirling gives it added creaminess. All this takes place in a very heavy pre warmed black granite mortar, which holds a low gentle heat for a very long time, making the whole process so much easier.

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