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Thread: My Mastro Livi razor, at last: a wonderful life experience!

  1. #551
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    Quote Originally Posted by razorguy View Post
    It would be very nice if you could also post this picture to the Mastro Livi Club thread.
    So all it takes to be in the club is to buy a really nice razor? No oath or secret handshake?

  2. #552
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaySea View Post
    So all it takes to be in the club is to buy a really nice razor? No oath or secret handshake?
    I guess it is the very same as all the other club started in this forum: it just takes to own a razor of that specific brand and to post pictures in it. Any razor would do. I guess it is the only rule for that, no oath or secret handshake at all!
    The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+

  3. #553
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    I did it again. Last week I went to Mastro Livi workshop because jkasp22 asked me to take some pictures of the making of his Mastro Livi razor. That was also a good occasion for me to order a new razor. I wanted a razor suitable for my work travels, not so big and which could easily fit in my luggage. The result literally took my breath away. Mastro Livi - as usual - has been an impeccable artist capable of turning my wish and idea into reality. The blade is made from Damasteel Ladder pattern and scales are made of amaranth buckeye burl, French point and it shaves wonderfully!
    I am sure you know what straight razor I will bring with me on my next work travel.

    Name:  MastroLiviLadder.jpg
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    Mastro Livi Damasteel Ladder, 6/8 Full Hollow, French Point

    • Steel: Damasteel Ladder Pattern
    • Blade: 6/8 Full Hollow, French Point
    • Scales: Amaranth Byckeye Burl
    The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+

  4. #554
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Just gorgeous..
    Green with envy..

  5. #555
    some like it wet
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    a real beauty... no need to talk about the razor itself, because it is a mastro livi art, but the color is astonishing. I like it very much..
    Oh yeaah, Some like it wet !!!!!

  6. #556
    Senior Member Attila's Avatar
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    Stunning! Congrats on that beautiful razor.

  7. #557
    some like it wet
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    Razorguy you lucky guy... On seeing your and stefanosup's new razors,I think to myself that I wish I lived in Perugia next to Mastro Livi so that I could go to his shop to see and buy new razors from him and have chat with him on razors. Sometimes I thank god that I dont live in Perugia, because I would spend all my money on new razors. Although I am far away from Mastro, this straightrazormania never leaves me. Last month I bought six straight razors , some of them vintage some new. But, None of them compare to my two mastro livis though.
    razorguy and CaySea like this.
    Oh yeaah, Some like it wet !!!!!

  8. #558
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taskind View Post
    Razorguy you lucky guy... On seeing your and stefanosup's new razors,I think to myself that I wish I lived in Perugia next to Mastro Livi so that I could go to his shop to see and buy new razors from him and have chat with him on razors. Sometimes I thank god that I dont live in Perugia, because I would spend all my money on new razors. Although I am far away from Mastro, this straightrazormania never leaves me. Last month I bought six straight razors , some of them vintage some new. But, None of them compare to my two mastro livis though.
    You absolutely seem to have hit the point here: I love Perugia - my enchanting city - and I live quite next to Mastro Livi. Beautiful place, wonderful city and money spent in straight razors. However, there is also a good part of it: enjoying Mastro Livi friendship is of course worth the ride, in particular for all of the priceless insights he always gives me about razors, shaving and, last but not the least, life.
    On the contrary, whenever I travel and I am away from Perugia, I always can't wait to get back where I was born. And when I come back here, I know I am going to visit Mastro Livi and I always have to make sure to bring my wallet with me.
    Now that you truly seem to understand my problem, do you think it is better and safe for me to leave my wallet home?
    The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+

  9. #559
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    Once upon a time, there was a straight razor known in the world as "Mastro Livi New Grind", which story has been written by me in this thread:
    Those straight razors were made by Mastro Livi by using blade blanks probably made in the 1930s and brought back to life by him. Those blanks are today finished and the lucky owners of this razors - I believe I am even luckier for owning the very last one of the series - certainly hold in their hand a magnificent piece of history of Italian straight razor making. These razors have been sold everywhere in the world and everywhere they have been acclaimed and appreciated by everyone.
    After having ended this important page of history, Mastro Livi knew he needed to continue - in a way or another - the production of a razor similar to that, although he knew that very razor was absolutely impossible to revive as he had no more blanks of that very type. The only thing he could replicate was the shape of the blade but he could not certainly use the very same steel, in his words, an excellent carbon steel.
    He talked to me about the idea of continuing making a razor similar to his "new grind" the very day I was shooting the video I made about the last razor of that series. It was the end of February 2014. I told him it certainly was a magnificent idea and I have been a faithful and strong supporter of this project since the very beginning.
    He said it certainly needed some time, because he should carefully choose a good steel for this new razor, to experiment a little on that and then make a decision about what steel he should use. I know he selected about ten different steels to experiment with and to see what was the best one for this razor, at that time, a razor with no name. The only sure thing was the new razor should have a different name and "new grind" or "classic" would have not been used at all. Those names belong to the other razor and this will be forever.
    The easiest part was to make a die for the new razor in order to make blade blanks. Because it must be said, this new razor was meant to be made from blade blanks to be ground, the very same process used for the "new grind".
    So, making blanks was the minor concern and blanks would have looked like the "new grind". These were the only sure facts Mastro Livi knew in the very beginning. Mastro Livi wanted everything of this razor to be made and created in Perugia and personally made by him, with the exception of steel, of course. He wanted a genuine Umbrian razor and made in Perugia, entirely made by him although using blade blanks. In other words, this new razor is very different from the usual artisan razors made by Mastro Livi - the ones usually called "custom" - for which he cuts the blade from a raw bar as well as giving the initial grinding. Using blanks means making a "semi artisan" razor, although blanks are made by Mastro Livi with a die, he wanted this razor to have the very same quality of his famous "artisan made" straight razors. No compromise about this.

    You gentlemen certainly know stefanosup - a friend I met about one year ago when he went for the first time to Mastro Livi workshop - and he too is part of this story, just like me.
    Last June, stefanosup came to Perugia because he wanted Mastro Livi to make a straight razor in san mai damascus and, in that very occasion, Mastro Livi told us about his decision of making a new razor which could replace the "new grind". Stefanosup too seemed to be enthusiastic about this - just like me - and showed an interest for it since the very beginning. As a matter of fact, stefanosup owns the next to last "new grind" of the series.
    That day, after having had lunch, stefanosup and I were talking about this razor and we were both amazed by that and, in particular, for the fact Mastro Livi wanted this razor to be entirely made in Perugia.
    You should know Stefanosup, although he lives in the joyous, lively and enchanting "Emilia-Romagna" region, he however is of partially Umbrian origin as his mother was born in Perugia. He of course loves Perugia and is always suffering a sort of homesickness, as he feels Perugia to be a strong part of his roots.
    We were talking about this razor and we were also talking about the name this razor should have, while emphasizing the fact it was an Umbrian razor.

    The discussion went on like this, more or less. I was telling Stefanosup this razor should have a name associated to Umbria and Perugia, in particular. After thinking for a moment, he said "well, why don't we call it "grifo"? (grifo is Italian for gryphon, the symbol of Perugia, the mythological animal having the body of a lion; head and wings of an eagle. In Perugia - as a matter of fact - WE ALL are very proud about our beloved gryphon).
    By listening to his comment, I replied, "well, it is a great idea, but I think we should call it "grifetto" instead" (grifetto is the diminutive for grifo, therefore meaning "little gryphon"). Stefanosup liked my suggestion and we then told Mastro Livi about this name: he loved it very much and, from that moment on, we all started calling this new razor like that: Grifetto (pronounce it as gree-feh-t-toh'). This is how the name of this razor originated and I am certainly very proud - and I am sure stefanosup is nonetheless very proud too - for having contributed to its name. So, stefanosup and I created the name, Mastro Livi created the razor and all the rest. That day, Mastro Livi promised me and Stefanosup the first two "Grifetto" razors were reserved for me and him and he fulfilled his promise. I am the very proud owner of the very first Grifetto ever created and stefanosup is nonetheless the proud owner of the second one.
    The razor looks like the "new grind" but it technically is a different razor. The blade blank is made from a stainless steel Mastro Livi chose among the many he experimented with. As a matter of fact, the "new grind" was made from a carbon steel.
    For "Grifetto", Mastro Livi provides for three different scales made from different wood types. The first two "Grifetto" razors have olive wood scales because this is the wood typical of Perugia and I guess this had to be the only possible choice for these first two new born razors.
    "Grifetto" straight razor will be officially presented at the "Culter Expo" of Novegro - near Milan - an knife exhibition taking place on November 1st and 2nd. In case you are going there, don't forget to visit Mastro Livi booth where some "Grifetto" razors will be displayed.

    Here it is the very first Grifetto which is now part of my collection and joy:

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    Front side of Grifetto with Olive Wood scales. Hand signed by Mastro Livi, of course!

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    Back side of Grifetto. "Grifetto" is hand written by Mastro Livi

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    Long live the Grifetto!!!

    I have now a question for stefanosup: how do you feel now that our "Grifetto" is finally born?
    The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+

  10. #560
    Senior Member stefanosup's Avatar
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    I'm very happy and you can say why!

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