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Thread: My Mastro Livi razor, at last: a wonderful life experience!

  1. #561
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    Ladies and gentlemen, Mastro Livi Grifetto! This is the latest Mastro Livi creation and it is supposed to replace the old "new grind", now discontinued because he finished the blanks for making it. Also this new Grifetto will be made from blanks, just like the "new grind", but in this case blanks are personally made by Mastro Livi. It is however a different razor from the "new grind" as "Grifetto" is made from stainless steel. Not to mention, it shaves wonderfully!
    taskind and stefanosup like this.
    The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+

  2. #562
    some like it wet
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    Thank you Rasorguy and Stefanasup both, for your efforts. A new brand rasor is born.
    stefanosup likes this.
    Oh yeaah, Some like it wet !!!!!

  3. #563
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taskind View Post
    Thank you Rasorguy and Stefanasup both, for your efforts. A new brand rasor is born.
    Let's clear things up: stefanosup and I just suggested the name and nothing else. The entire project and making is Mastro Livi's, of course. Stefanosup and I did not take part to the design and development, we simply suggested this name and Mastro Livi liked it. What we could do besides the name was simply offering moral support and encouragement because we both wished to see this razor coming to life. The Grifetto razor is totally conceived and made by Mastro Livi, from steel to honing.
    CaySea likes this.
    The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+

  4. #564
    Senior Member stefanosup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taskind View Post
    Thank you Rasorguy and Stefanasup both, for your efforts. A new brand rasor is born.
    I am happy that Mastro Livi has created a great new razor that soon will plow 'the ocean and will land' in America like its predecessor "New Grind". Sunday I will go 'I also pick it up at the show where he will be' officially presented and in the evening I guess I'll try it 'with great pleasure! Obviously the name "Grifetto" I love it !!

    razorguy likes this.

  5. #565
    some like it wet
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    It is really different but wonderfull.. A real masterpiece... and thank you for the video
    Oh yeaah, Some like it wet !!!!!

  6. #566
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taskind View Post
    It is really different but wonderfull.. A real masterpiece... and thank you for the video
    You are welcome. I am glad you like both the video and the masterpiece!
    The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+

  7. #567
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    Default Mastro Livi Grifetto will be shoulderless

    Every project in its primordial state may undergo come changes in the course of its development. This is what has happened to the Mastro Livi Grifetto, the latest straight razor manufactured by the great Italian artisan. You gentlemen know I had the honor and privilege for being the very first one to own such a lovely razor which is supposed to replace the very popular "New Grind". I am very proud of it as I was one of those who suggested the name and the other one being stefanosup. In a sense, I feel and consider Grifetto a part of me and I guess the same is for stefanosup as well. We both knew about it since the very beginning of this project and warmly encouraged Mastro Livi to make it.
    I am using it and I certainly love it. Just because I am using it and have the chance to look at it and enjoy its shining mirror finish, not to mention to enjoy the velvet touch in shaving, I am noticing things I believe should be changed. Don't get me wrong: Grifetto is absolutely lovely. I however believe it looks like the "New Grind" too much - as a matter of fact, it is a sort of replica, although this time blanks have been completely made by Mastro Livi - and I think it should look different in order to be able to identify both with just a glaze.
    I therefore phoned Mastro Livi and I suggested him to change something in the look of Grifetto and, in particular, the shoulder. I suggested Mastro Livi to remove the shoulder in Grifetto's blade just to make it look different from the "New Grind" and he loved the idea. Mastro Livi Grifetto will therefore be a shoulderless straight razor and, in my opinion, this gives the razor a more modern and "slender" look, after all, this is a gryphon and this magnificent animal is quick, slender and a bird of prey, a raptor!
    Here it is how Mastro Livi Grifetto will definitely look after my suggestion and promptly adopted by Mastro Livi as final. I simply love it and this is exactly what I was thinking of when I phoned Mastro Livi!

    Name:  MastroLivi-GrifettoShoulderless.jpg
Views: 321
Size:  26.9 KB

    In case you happen to be in Novegro (Milan, Italy) on this November 1 and 2, go and visit Mastro Livi booth at the "Culter Expo": besides displaying the giant razor, he will also have Grifetto razors for display. As a matter of fact, both the Giant razor and Grifetto will be officially presented at the "Culter Expo" of Novegro.
    Last edited by razorguy; 10-30-2014 at 08:50 AM.
    The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+

  8. #568
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    I have seen many Mastro Livi razors on this site and I keep having the same question, and I mean no offense to anyone with this as his work looks truly to be the work of a master: did anyone ever ask him why he did not create a traditional stamp for his tang? To me the hand writing on the tang looks more like something you might see in a shop for a guy to quickly identify his wrenches. Again, not to be disrespectful but I think a makers mark is very important, knowing full well it has no effect on the razor. It is simply an aesthetic thing. Since no one else does this perhaps this is his reason?
    "Call me Ishmael"

  9. #569
    Senior Member stefanosup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WW243 View Post
    I have seen many Mastro Livi razors on this site and I keep having the same question, and I mean no offense to anyone with this as his work looks truly to be the work of a master: did anyone ever ask him why he did not create a traditional stamp for his tang? To me the hand writing on the tang looks more like something you might see in a shop for a guy to quickly identify his wrenches. Again, not to be disrespectful but I think a makers mark is very important, knowing full well it has no effect on the razor. It is simply an aesthetic thing. Since no one else does this perhaps this is his reason?
    I have seen many paintings and sculptures created over the centuries in Italy and around the world, some great artists have signed their own masterpieces, some have made the self-portrait in the painting itself, others do not they just put no sign. No one has ever stamped designer or his works. I wonder then that a plea must also be there. Artists do not need to put a brand, this is a problem of the industries that they have to sell. I own several of Mastro Livi razors and are all signed in the blade and the handle and I find that nothing is more 'real signature.
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    WW243 (10-30-2014)

  11. #570
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    I think it is mainly because he is an artisan and he truly believes on making things by hand, in every aspect of his work. To me it is the artist touch, just like a painter who wants to hand sign his work, it cannot be a stamp.
    I don't know whether I am Italian and I am used to see artisans hand signing their works, but - to me - I absolutely love Mastro Livi hand signing his razors. Just my opinion, of course and I do not mean to be disrespectful to you.
    Lynn likes this.
    The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to razorguy For This Useful Post:

    WW243 (10-30-2014)

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