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  1. #71
    Senior Member tat2Ralfy's Avatar
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    Location, 52° 45' 55.10460 - 0° 57' 31.22065
    Beard Prep: Hot wash/lather hot towel
    Razor: WUG 5/8 Hollow
    Strop: 60canvas/60 leather straight off the Coti
    Brush: Kent
    Soap: Kent
    Astringent: Thayers
    AS: Diesel "fuel for life"
    ASB: Diesel "fuel for life"
    EDT: Diesel "fuel for life"
    Background Music: M J "Wanna Be Starting Something"
    Result: BBS! Shave ON Pop Fans
    Conclusion: I understand WUG are a brand name of Dorko? thats a high end Razor right? either way it delivered a high end shave! Bang On

  2. #72
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    Default Wednesday

    Prep: hot shower and proraso pre/post cream
    Lather: Crabtree & Evelyn Sandalwood soap whipped by large best badger in stacked mugs
    Razor: Ford and Medley hand forged wedge
    Post: Proraso pre/post cream and Hâttric AS splash

    Smooth start for the holidays.

  3. #73
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Christmas Eve !!!

    Ahhhhh what a fantastic shave, had to do the whole Italian experience this morning hmmm I need a good Italian aftershave....

    "Mambo Italiano" UberLather
    Velobra Almond Soft Soap
    Poraso Red shave cream
    5 Drops Glycerin
    Restored Solid Brass 20mm Silvertip
    SRD Premium #1
    7/8 Livi Rose Damascus re-scaled in Pearl acrylic
    Pinaud’s Classic Vanilla Splash
    Name:  004.jpg
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    Have a Great Day!!!!

  4. #74
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    hmmm I need a good Italian aftershave....
    don't forget Italian wine, food, pastries, woman (we'll skip this one since you're married)

    Always love to see my G brother's SOTD.

    əˌfisyəˈnädō | pərˈfekSH(ə)nəst | eS'prəSSo | düvəl ləvər

  5. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maximilian View Post
    I don't have a new source for the Bolsters. As to bakelite. Did you know it was a invented by a Belgian, Chemist L.H.Baekeland c.1909. Best way to know if it's bakelite. Rub your fingers over the scales until it gets very warm. If it smells anything like formaldehyde or a carbolic acid it's bakelite. It's a very particular smell. Same smell when using a hot needle. Another trick is to use scrubbing bubbles. Spray some on a Q-Tip and touch the scales. If the Q-Tip turns yellow it's bakelite. (you won't harm the scales).
    Quote Originally Posted by tat2Ralfy View Post
    Also Celluloid which is very similar to bakelite has a distinct "Vicks Vapo Rub" kind of smell I believe.

    Nice looking Razor, is it by chance a Clover Four?
    Thanks. It only has one engraving that reads "NABOB". I don't know the age of the razor and originally thought the scales might be French Ivory but I don't think so now. After scouring the web for months I found another NABOB razor with a different type of scales. The description of the razor was:
    The Nabob cut throat razor has a 5/8”+ Hollow ground blade.
    Engraved on the tang are the words “NABOB

    On the reverse is “Walter Belk & Son Kingsley Works Sheffield Eng”
    On the blade there is “E. Loft. Hornsey. N"

    I believe Nabob means "The Best" in Hindi. Perhaps this was made during the British occupation of India or maybe the manufacturer was trying to romanticize the blade.
    I purchased the razor at my local antique store in April. I also bought a spike point with bone scales at the same time. It was not as sharp as the NABOB so I didn't use it until I bought a set of Norton stones. Using a pocket microscope from Radio Shack I found that it had microscopic nicks along it's edge. I got those out. I sent the NABOB to one of our honemiesters (thanks gssixgun) and found out what scary sharp is all about. LOL I get BBS saves almost every time with it, but I do nick my chin area nearly every time. After the shave, my skin feels so much better than it ever did with an electric or multi-blade cartridge razor.

  6. #76
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    Its almost Christmas day here in the future soooo


    Thank you Max for running these outstanding threads, and a big thanks to everyone that posts here.

    Best wishes and I hope the new year brings everyone everything they need.


  7. #77
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    Castle Forbes Lavender cream
    RV Silvertip
    Dovo 6/8
    Alum block
    SCS Bulgarian Lavender ASM
    Pen's Racquets Formula

  8. #78
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Merry Christmas to all!

    Strop SRD Bridal
    Brush: Shavemac 23mm Silvertip
    Shave Cream: CarrieM's BRV (Black Raspberry Vanilla) Oh Yeaaaa!
    Razor: Dubl Duck Wonderedge 5/8s round point
    AS: Royall Bay Rhum

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    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

  9. #79
    rum is offline
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    Default Christmas Day 2009

    This will be my set-up for my Christmas morning shave

    Coral Skin Food (pre)
    Kent T4
    Trumper's Rose shaving soap
    Le Grelot 6/8
    Santa Maria Novella Pre-Post (post)
    Acqua di Parma Colonia

    Merry Christmas to all!
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  10. #80
    Junior Member MintyFresh's Avatar
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    Default Christmas Eve

    Pre-shave prep : Hot towel w/lather
    Pre-shave Oil : The Art of Shaving : Lavender
    Razor : "New Century" 4/8, Solingen
    Brush : Badger hair from The Art of Shaving, my first badger.
    Shave Cream : The Art of Shaving : Lavender
    Post-shave : The Art of Shaving : Lavender

    I got this set at The Art of Shaving in Las Vegas, at the Venetian last week. Also got a professional shave from a master barber - highly recommended.

    However, this is the only thing I can talk about from my trip to Vegas, cause, well, you know.....

    Result : BBS, although that chin is still tricky!

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