Results 261 to 270 of 276
09-11-2010, 01:04 PM #261
On September 11, 2001, I was serving on active duty in the Army at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, GA. I was in my office doing final preparations to head over to the post theater where I was to give a class on the law of war to a Battalion sized element. I remember my phone rang, and one of my peers was on the phone. She asked what had happened; I was confused. She then explained that while she's been on the way to work, her husband called and told her a plane flew into the World Trade Center. I walked out of my office to the nearest TV and turned on Fox News to see the coverage.
I headed to the theater where I was teaching the class. There was a lot of confusion and concern from the Soldiers, so I began teaching the class with the news on a television in the corner. I was talking about the distinction between combatants and non-combatants when I looked at the television and saw the second plane go into the tower.
That day set many things in motion, as we all know. The most profound effect on me directly, was that it led to my participation in the ground war in Iraq. My SOTD reflects that experience. Two books form the backdrop. The first is a celebration of West Point's first 200 years. As a graduate, my experience at the Military Academy defines much of who I am. The second book is NBC News' Operation Iraqi Freedom. My Staff Judge Advocate presented a copy of the book to each of the attorneys who served with him in the desert.
In the forefront you see other important pieces of my experience. My class ring from West Point, the combat patch from 3d Infantry Division that I wear on my uniform to this day as a reservist, and an insignia of rank for a Major, my current grade.
Many people passed on that fateful day, and many more have done so in the aftermath of 9/11. Let us never forget![/QUOTE]
I rember going in with 4th ID. Spent spent part of my time as a Personal Security detail for our lawyer who went around solving village problems...She was about 5ft nothing, packed an m9 pistol and that was it...She had balls of steel and would go any place she had to. I was the BDE Master Sniper and always was amazed by her composure during our frequent trips in the villages.... Never got the chance to tell her....But I was pretty impressed...So everyone who reads the above on Leagal Beagal's note, he was not out of danger, in fact he waas a target more often than most..Hat's off budddy.
09-11-2010, 01:08 PM #262
On September 11, 2001, I was serving on active duty in the Army at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, GA. I was in my office doing final preparations to head over to the post theater where I was to give a class on the law of war to a Battalion sized element. I remember my phone rang, and one of my peers was on the phone. She asked what had happened; I was confused. She then explained that while she's been on the way to work, her husband called and told her a plane flew into the World Trade Center. I walked out of my office to the nearest TV and turned on Fox News to see the coverage.
I headed to the theater where I was teaching the class. There was a lot of confusion and concern from the Soldiers, so I began teaching the class with the news on a television in the corner. I was talking about the distinction between combatants and non-combatants when I looked at the television and saw the second plane go into the tower.
That day set many things in motion, as we all know. The most profound effect on me directly, was that it led to my participation in the ground war in Iraq. My SOTD reflects that experience. Two books form the backdrop. The first is a celebration of West Point's first 200 years. As a graduate, my experience at the Military Academy defines much of who I am. The second book is NBC News' Operation Iraqi Freedom. My Staff Judge Advocate presented a copy of the book to each of the attorneys who served with him in the desert.
In the forefront you see other important pieces of my experience. My class ring from West Point, the combat patch from 3d Infantry Division that I wear on my uniform to this day as a reservist, and an insignia of rank for a Major, my current grade.
Many people passed on that fateful day, and many more have done so in the aftermath of 9/11. Let us never forget![/QUOTE]
Also, I taught Air Assault school in 97' at the Point (Camp Smith), you didn't happen to go then did you?
09-11-2010, 02:07 PM #263
Week of September 5 - Saturday (a 9/11 special)
Dedicated to the men, women and children
who lost their lives; those brave people who gave their lives
And the Heroes that responded to the emergency. I will NEVER forget
Pre-Shave: Hot shower + Stephan's Conditioning Shave Creme Razor: 6/8" Thiers-Issard Historic Worked back, 1/4 Hollow, Round point Brush: 23mm Shavemac Silvertip Badger Überlather: CarrieM Oakmoss Shave Creme + Mama Bear's Masculine Musk Shave Soap + Glycerin Post-shave/Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel (Rose Petal, no alcohol) ASB: NancyBoy Replenishing AS gel Facial Moisturizer: Trumper's Facial Moisturizer Cologne: Ralph Lauren Result: Super (but sad) shave.
I remember that day vividly. It was a Tuesday and was getting ready for jury duty. In the middle of preparing breakfast, I tuned the TV to CNBC and noticed they were talking about the towers. The show was nothing about the stock market. At first, I thought they were talking about a new movie release with impressive special effects...but then, 15 seconds into the coverage realized that this was real...My jaw dropped to the ground. I could not believe what my eyes were seeing. Of course, jury duty was canceled... I called family members and them my cousin who had just moved to NYC, working for an investment bank near the answer on the phone. Everyone was trying to get a hold of him. Still no answer (no emails, no cell, nothing). But thankfully, he called and said that he was OK...for some reason, he ended up planning to go to work later that day and on his way to the City, was detoured.
That day, I realized that two oceans were no longer enough to "shelter" America from those who wish it harm...The world had gotten smaller and more easily accessible.
09-11-2010, 02:42 PM #264
Sad day 9/11, but always so beautiful weather wise here in the NY area. I remember I was single, and working in Long Island, NY when those events unfolded , our building held the Fed's Urban and Housing Development facility so we were evacuated for fear of further attacks. Just goes to show how incredibly shocking and horrific that day was, seemed like the world would end here in NY. Roads closed, had to drive along the beach home, spent a good deal of time at the beach just thinking and I decided to go surfing to get the tragedy out of my head ( it didn't work) I could still see the smoke from the beach where I was. I couldn't contact a living soul by cell phone, all lines were blocked or in use. So tragic, now many years later over five thousand soldiers have lost their lives in pursuit of peace over there. Seems like so much has been focused on an area of the world who cares so little for us and our way of life. Now I'm off to a friends son's first birthday today, times have changed for me since then. I'm married with two kids, and it is still something I won't forget.
Last edited by TechSupportTier2; 09-11-2010 at 03:14 PM.
09-11-2010, 03:38 PM #265
6/8 Dovo Special
RupRazor "El Toro" Strop
Prairie Creations "Clubman"
Crabtree & Evelyn Pure Badger
Pinaud Clubman
Bvlgari Pour Homme
Great pics gentlemen!
09-11-2010, 04:25 PM #266
Day of Remembrance
I remember 9/11 as clearly as yesterday. I was driving my daughter to school when the morning host of the local radio station I was listening to announced that an airplane had crashed into a tower of the World Trade Center. While shocked, I thought it was an accident. As I was driving home to prepare for work, however, I heard over the radio that another airplane had struck the WTC. I remember saying to myself, “This is intentional.” Got home, turned on the TV and all the morning news shows were showing video of the second airplane crashing into the WTC. The networks repeated that video and the collapse of the twin towers so much that day that I had nightmares about it for days afterward.
The succeeding days were a jumble of anguished images and stories about the last words spoken by victims to 911 operators and their loved ones. Day upon day of reports from “Ground Zero” as rescuers dug in endless shifts to find survivors.
Nine years later I still cannot watch or read too much about that day. My emotions are still too raw, too fragile as I think of the men, women and children who died that day.
6/8” dubl duck “Goldedge" / Simpsons Chubby 2 “Super Badger” / MWF + Cella / Thayer’s Witch Hazel / Barclay Crocker ASB / Dominica Bay RumLast edited by jhenry; 09-11-2010 at 05:17 PM.
"Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain
09-11-2010, 05:52 PM #267
Sept. 11, 2010
Razor: British Aristocrat Junior
Blade: Crystal
Brush: Custom turned by Rudy Vey
Soap: Spieck Shave Stick
Aftershave: Alt Innsbruck
09-11-2010, 06:59 PM #268
I will rehash an older picture from a few weeks ago since i still like it and the equipment used did not change. The only thing that changed is the use of cold water instead of hot, and it worked out fantastically for me.
Happy Shaving Everyone
09-11-2010, 09:18 PM #269
shavemac silvertip : Mühle R106+Gillette bleue extra : Proraso pre-doppo : Omega SS : T&H ASB
09-11-2010, 11:16 PM #270
Saturday Evening
Brush: Rooney Style 2
Razor: Dovo Ebony 5/8 Spike Point
Soap: Col. Conk Bay Rum
AS: Aqua Velva Ice Blue
ASB: Neutrogena
I was attending junior college about 30 miles away from home, and was on my way to class when the radio reporter came on and said what had happened. I remember going to class and everyone talking about what was going on. The words of one of my professors always sticks out in my mind. "If we run away scared, then the terrorists have won." I'm not running.Last edited by Bandman; 09-11-2010 at 11:19 PM.