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Thread: Sun July 31th - Sat August 06th

  1. #31
    Senior Member metalfab's Avatar
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    Default Sunday Afternoon shaves work just fine

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    Hot Shower
    T&F Trafalgar glycerin added for super lather
    Old Original SB
    DOVO white bone 5/8 Bismarck
    RL Double Black

    Got the lawn mowed and other chores wrapped up early. Took a nice long leisurely shower and shave. Now try to find a ball game on the telly have a nice cold one and later make some Kabobs over a wood fire. A nearly perfect day.
    Have a great week of shaves everyone.

  2. #32
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Sunday Dome and Face Shave
    Prep: Hot Water Wash, Baby Oil Gel
    Dome Razor: 1908 Gillette Single Ring
    Face Razor: Lecran Cutlery Extra Hollow Ground
    Brush: Semogue 1305
    Soap: Mitchell's Wool Fat
    AS: Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    Finish: English Leather Cologne, Firehouse Wacky Tacky
    There are shaves that could have went much better, shaves that are great and then there are shaves that are absolute epic productions. This shave would be the latter, it was just an incredibly relaxing, no hurry bit of all over manscaping. Three passes on the dome and three on the face, both are CBS as we speak. No hurry at all just kind of relaxing, playing with my toys and listening to some tunes. Doesn't get any better.

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    The older I get, the better I was

  • #33
    Member Robert888's Avatar
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    Default Sunday morning

    Mama Bear's Lime Ice
    Devin Thomas Sai Mai Damascus

    First time with my new razor. Wow! Really wonderful shave

    Wish everyone a wonderful Sunday
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  • #34
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Where: Rocky Mtn, base of the foothills
    When: Early afternoon, after all the chores have been done
    Razor: W&B Celebrated Xtra Hollow Ground 6/8" Dog Bone Custom (Thanks Don!)
    Soap: Omega (made a nice extra thin, cold water lather today)
    Strop: Home made paddle strop (50 wool, 100 leather)
    ASB: None
    AS: OBR+Sage+Cedar
    Prep: Cool Shower, lots of OBR Soap and lather, some hair conditioner and lots of oil rub.

    My first shave with this beauty, as well as my first cold water shave. We had to work hard in the heat this morning, since I was up so late last night that I didn't get up in time to beat the heat. So, afterwards I took a really cool shower, followed by my first cold water shave.

    It actually went very well. I stuck with a lot of oil and really wet lather and had a wonderful shave! My new baby hit the mark right on the head. I can't thank Don enough for letting her go. She shaves like a dream, no drag and honey smooth. Even with a cold water shave.
    I am a very happy guy this morning! Again, no styptic, no razor burn or abrasions, no nicks or cuts. I believe my technique is actually improving! I'm doing something right, at least my face thinks so!!

    Happy shaving, and have a great Sunday!!


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    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  • #35
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Default Sunday morning (late post)

    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: New Forest, high mountain badger
    Razor: Peroux Cognet
    Super lather: Al's + ARKO
    AS: Island, Bay Rum
    Strop: Neil Miller
    Result: Very, very clean

  • #36
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Mikael;824873][CENTER][B]Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: New Forest, high mountain badger
    Razor: Peroux Cognet
    Super lather: Al's + ARKO
    AS: Island, Bay Rum
    Strop: Neil Miller
    Result: Very, very clean [Quote]

    Great Pic Mikael, Are you sure you're in Sweden? It looks like a Florida backyard shot
    The older I get, the better I was

  • #37
    Nic by name not by nature Jeltz's Avatar
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    Sunday Night

    Hermes in Walnut scales - GFT Sandalwood - NF2213 - Alum - Jovan Musk
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    My 1st attempt at scales making. Alas it photographs better than it performs, the blade touches the side so they will be replaced, the cause was an error with a sanding belt. I've ordered some nice looking acrylic to use instead but next time I'll just be a little more careful while thicknessing.

    The shave, well that was good

  • #38
    rum is offline
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    Default Sunday

    GB Kent T4
    Creed Original Vetiver
    6/8 Le Grelot 3/4 to full hollow
    Roger et Gallet L'Homme
    Terre d' Hermes Parfum

    What a superb combination! Sealed with a very special kiss today on what was a beautiful day. What more could a guy want?

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  • #39
    Str8 for life! DOOM's Avatar
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    Late posting...
    Sunday Morning:

    Pre-shave: Proraso pre/post
    Brush: Vie-Long Zurito
    Razor: Parker Best Swedish Silver Steel 13/16
    Cream: Castle Forbes Lime + glycerin
    Bowl: DirtyBird scuttle
    ASB: Proraso pre/post
    AS: Proraso Splash

    Results: Got great smooth shave of this Japanese razor, first time with her Got her NOS and send her to Holi4pirating(Dylan) for a nice smooth edge, WOW! With CF cream your sure of good results.

    Cheers everyone!!!
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  • #40
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Default Sandalwood overload end of day shave!

    TOBS Sandalwood Cream/SRD Sandalwood Soap/Glycerin-JA Henckels 70 1/2-TOBS Sandalwood Balm-TOBS Sandalwood AS
    Name:  SOTD07.31.11 Henckels 70.jpg
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    Awesome day today out shooting with Mrs Str8Shooter and Lil Gal Str8Shooter. After cleaning weapons and then finishing the scales for the Twin W&B wedge's I'm working on for Nervin and myself(shh I want it to be a secret when he is healed up from surgery) I decided to go into an earthy sandalwood coma! Great shave off the ol' 70 1/2. Looks like y'all had a great sun also. Grant you remain in my family's prayers.
    Nite all I have an early work day in the morning.

    Almost forgot to thank Jacketch for planting the sandalwood bug back on me!!!
    Last edited by Str8Shooter; 08-01-2011 at 02:55 AM.
    "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

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