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Thread: Sun August 28th - Sat September 3rd

  1. #51
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot Water Wash
    Razor: 1960 Gillette Fatboy (new Personna blade, set @7)
    Brush: Omega Boar
    Cream: C.O. Bigelow
    AS: Skin Bracer
    Finish: English Leather Cologne
    Pipe: 1940's Whitehall Grand National
    Tobacco: Cornell and Diehl Big and Burley

    It occurred to me this morning that I completely forgot about the dome shave yesterday so I got my hair did this morning. Three passes and the dome is indeed catfish belly smooth. Late evening shave yesterday meant there wasn't much to do on the face. Gave it a one pass multi-directional touch up and that seemed to be more than adequate.
    The older I get, the better I was

  2. #52
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: New Forest knot in barbers handle
    Razor: C V Heljestrand no 4
    Soap/AS: Tabac
    Strops: Neil Miller
    Result: Very, very clean

    This blade is amazing, looks rather plain (but stylish ) even though an awesome shaver! Tabac's greaty stuff too, if you only could afford one regular supermarket soap, this could easy be one of those (ARKO or Cella being two other).

  3. #53
    Senior Member NavalArchitect's Avatar
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    Monday 29th, in Athens, Greece

    Falkenberg 117 8/8 and Filarmonica 13 Doble Temple
    Tony Miller horsehide artisan 'Notovan' strops (40/60 and 35/50)
    Frank Shaving Lindisfarne Finest
    Nanny's Lavender and Sweet Orange soap
    Chanel Allure Homme Edition Blanche after shave lotion
    Chanel Allure Homme Edition Blanche after shave balm

    Started off with the Falkenber, razor had been here ever since my sister brought it from Chicago. Turns out the razor is not shave ready from mid-way along the edge's length till the heel. Never mind, I take out the Filarmonica and continue, finishing off nicely with the Chanel after shave prep.

    Sharon's soap gives abundant lather with ease, and the FS brush is and excellent performer. A very enjoyable shave.

    Preparations and arrangements for my potential new assignment are well under way. I will only rest when this matter is finalized. A week's long holiday in the islands in the Aegean Sea is quite possible next week.

  4. #54
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Razor: John Shepherd
    Brush: Semogue 2010 LE #66
    Lather: D.R. Harris Almond + AK 1869 + Glycerin
    Strop: Kanayama
    Toner: Tade Alum
    Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel (Lavender)
    ASB: Sabon
    EdT: Penhaligon's Sartorial
    Result: This was a test shave of a blade for a friend. He purchased it some time ago from our own GSSixgun and declares it his favorite razor in his den. Sadly, it had lost its keenness over time and he was unable to bring it back. So I took it to the hones. I started on my 5k Chosera, but it wasn't getting sharp enough, so I went back to bevel set with the 1k Chosera. Once it was smoothly shaving arm hair, I proceeded through my 5k and 10k stones and then finished it with a light nagura progression on the Oozuku Suita. The result this morning was one fit for a king! The edge was smooth and it simply wiped away several days growth. I was left with a sticky smooth BBS leaving me ready to apply the Sartorial. This is a scent that has grown on me significantly. It is pure class but in a modern refined way. It's an excellent choice for a Monday!

    He saw a lawyer killing a viper on a dunghill hard by his own stable; And the Devil smiled, for it put him in mind of Cain and his brother Abel.
    -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  5. #55
    Str8 to the bone ;-) Adept's Avatar
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    Default My first str8 BBS!

    Prep - Hot shower,
    Brush - FS Richmond Finest Badger Faux Ivory Handle,
    SC - Trumper’s Violet SC,
    Razor - George Wostenholm & Son "Pipe Razor", 9/16, extra full hollow, singing,
    Hone - PHIG,
    Strop - DOVO Prima Rindleder,
    Toner - Osma Bloc,
    Astringent - Thayers Original Witch Hazel,
    Finish - 4711 + 444.
    Results - This one left me right in The Downtown BBS

  6. #56
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Default Monday Morning

    Prep: Hot shower – followed by Proraso pre-post-shave cream
    SS/SC: EJ “Sea Buckthorn” + Castle Forbes “Lime” = Superlather
    Brush: Rooney Style 3-Size 2 faux Ebony “Super Silvertip Badger”
    Strop: VB Red Latigo 50 fabric; 60 leather
    Razor: 6/8” Bengall “Finest Hollow Ground”
    Astringent: Thayer’s “Lemon” Witch Hazel w/ Aloe Vera
    ASG: Vifrex “Dopobarba”
    AS: Floid “Blue”
    Result: Bye, bye beard…

    Name:  SOTD 08-29-11.jpg
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    Last edited by jhenry; 08-29-2011 at 11:33 AM.
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  7. #57
    amb is offline
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    Monday 29

    Pre: Aleppo Soap + Le Petit Olivier, hands cream with olive oil
    Brush: Altesse, pure badger
    Soap/Cream:TOBS, Mr.Taylor’s Cream
    Safety RazorStrop: Merkur 34 C HD
    Blade: Merkur (#2 use)
    Astringent/Post: Floid "Vigoroso" + Shower + Ransom Aloe Vera Gel
    AS: Lotion TOBS, Collection n.74 Victorian Lime
    Cologne: Roger & Gallet Jean Marie Farina Extra Vieille
    Comments:Excellent shave. TOBS lather has allowed an easy gliding of the blade

    Have a nice day.

  8. #58
    Lookin like a crim baldy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    [ATTACH=CONFIG]No shave yet today due to some weather considerations. Once I know Irene has left for good, I'll take the time to enjoy the day. We were lucky, house did not flood or loose power. Hope everyone else who was in harms way is OK.
    Glad to hear your OK mate. I was thinking about you this morning. I heard on the radio that the damage in NYC was a lot less than expected, but Jersey still got a pretty good beating.
    Quote Originally Posted by sharp View Post
    Result: Today's shave was very special. My Dad recently went home to visit my Grandmother and he returned with 3 razors (1 DE, 1 SE, & 1 Straight) that belonged to my Grandpa who passed away in 2002. I just finished the restore yesterday. A very comfortable and meaningful shave today.
    Beautiful razor mate. Very well done
    Quote Originally Posted by Adept View Post
    Results - This one left me right in The Downtown BBS [/CENTER]
    Congratulations, thats a great milestone to get passed.

    Great Posts and pics from everyone today, well done boys.
    DOOM, Mvcrash, sharp and 3 others like this.
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  9. #59
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Locale:Mile High in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado!
    Music: Santana - Supernatural
    prep: Hot Shower + Hot Towel Soak + Virgin Olive Oil Rub
    Strop: Star 3" Big Daddy Chestnut + Balsa + Felt + Felt / 40-40-100
    Brush: Custom Will Newman Original 22mm Silvertip in American Ash
    Uber: RazoRock Cacao + Godrej + Glycerine
    Razor: 6/8 Wade & Butcher pre 1891 Square Tip Hammer Restore
    Post: Alum Block + Tend Skin on the worst spots
    AS: Lucky Tiger Skin Toner
    EDT: Blue Deep
    Result:After a refresh on the paddles, this W&B was perfect. It was so sharp it re-opened an old cut perfectly. It caught the scar and just opened it again. Amazing. 2 passes and I was content. Not BBS But near. The Uber was amazing today. Mix a brush full of water in the mug with an inch of Godrej, load the brush with RazoRock, throw in 5 drops of Glycerine and it made such a wonderful lather, thick, creamy and so smooth and slick. It was one of the best I have ever made. Talk about the poor man's uber. Wonderful. Finish it with my new edition EDT Blue Deep. The wife loves it, so I do too!! (She bought it for me!)

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    Happy Shaves!!!!
    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  10. #60
    Senior Member tumtatty's Avatar
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    Had a great shave today with my Wadsworth XLNT razor that I picked up from Mjhammer (who I think got it from Whippeddog). I decided to make some steampunk themed scales which I finished late last week. The blade gave me a beautiful 2 pass shave through an uberlather of TOBS Sandalwood, MWF and glycerin. I feel like a million bucks!

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