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Thread: Sun September 4th - Sat September 10th

  1. #301
    Eagle-eyed Zephyr's Avatar
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    Default Saturday

    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Brush: Simpson Chubby 1
    Razor: J.A. Henckels Friodur 721/2
    Strop: 40/60 Neil Miller Linen/English bridle
    Soap: La Toja Shaving stick
    Astrigent: Alum Block
    After shave: D.R. Harris Sandalwood
    Results: Not much to say, I have yet to get a bad shave of the Friodur, and today was no exeption. Simply another excellent shave.

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  2. #302
    Soap Slut sfcablecar's Avatar
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    Default SOTD 9-10-11

    World Master No. 194 | Custom Silvertip | Barbus | Alt-Innsbruck

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  3. #303
    Senior Member du212's Avatar
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    Henckels Friodur 17 1/2, Simpson Duke 3 BB, Jabonman experimental, T&H aftershave balm

  4. #304
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    No shave for Friday, No shave for Saturday!!! This Sunday shave will be GLORIOUS!!!

    I plan on going with my little Kerry-Gow Wedge for this 3 day shearing. My face was a little beat up and raw in a few places. It worked out good to not have to shave for a few days and let it heal up a tad. I've been experimenting with a few different DE's lately, and the ATG's have been playing heck on the chin area. I tend to get carried away on the ATG's and pay the price for it. I use the DE's specifically for the ATG passes that I have yet to perfect with my Straights.

    Happy shaving mates!! See you tomorrow! Great pic's and story's.

    In memory of 9/11, God Bless America and all who have served in her name. I still have a son in active duty. He will be starting on his 4th deployment in just a few weeks. He now flies choppers in the Army. He made Warrant Officer just 2 years ago, and learned to stay off the ground after 2 deployments as a ground soldier and Generator Mechanic in Iraq. I have a sister who works at the Pentagon and was there 10 years ago when they were attacked. We lost contact with her for over 24 hours before we found out if she was safe or not. She was, but was stranded in the area, and of course all communications were unavailable to those poor people for a good while.

    So again, God Bless all those who have, are and will serve this country in the cause of freedom and tolerance. God keep all those who have lost all defending all Americans, both civilian and military.

    And, God Bless SRP and all who inhabit her virtual walls.

    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  5. #305
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjhammer View Post
    I still have a son in active duty. He will be starting on his 4th deployment in just a few weeks. He now flies choppers in the Army. He made Warrant Officer just 2 years ago, and learned to stay off the ground after 2 deployments as a ground soldier and Generator Mechanic in Iraq.
    I'll keep your boy in my prayers, may he come home safe and soon. God Bless America indeed!
    The older I get, the better I was

  6. #306
    Senior Member tumtatty's Avatar
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    In honor of the those fighting the war on terror:

  7. #307
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    September 10st SOTD
    Prep: hot shower and lingering lather
    Brush: Rooney Silvertip
    Soap: RazoRock Lemon
    Razor: Dovo C-Mon Blackie
    Post: RazoRock Alum and Witch Hazel

    No picture today as the camera is off elsewhere.
    I do like the RazoRock soap, big lather and a decent scent all for a great price... I think it will see regular use. Now I just need to justify getting some of the other scents.
    A good close shave today, after a refresh on the hones the Blackie is as sharp as it was the day I got it, and did a fine job removing a couple days growth.
    Enjoy the weekend gents.

  8. #308
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    A sunny Sunday morning, looked forward to using my Klas Törnblom again, such a nice razor, if a little ‘skittery’ over the face...

    Razor: Klas Törnblom Frameback, 11/16, ivory scales
    Pre Shave: Proraso
    Cream: Speick
    ASB: Proraso
    After Shave: Truefitt and Hill Trafalgar
    Summary: Pictured with another of my favourite things, my ’53 Rolleicord.


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    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
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  9. #309
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post

    Sure sure...You and Max just rub it in, LOOOOL. She's great Rene
    No problem Robert. After you pulled out all the stops by showing me the Toyo. LOL! I cant compete with all of your Max razors.

  10. #310
    Senior Member sharp's Avatar
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    No shave on Friday or Saturday, been a bit busy. A very dear friend of mine had his Mother pass away. The funeral was on Friday evening, it was a very touching service. My Grandmother on my father's side has taken a turn for the worse and has double pneumonia, and her kidneys are failing and my younger sister had an emergency C-section early this morning due to the cord being wrapped around the baby's neck. Mommy and baby are doing ok at this time, so we are excited for the first cousin for my sweet daughter Lily-Kate. Have a great Saturday night gentlemen, your posts continue to inspire, see you next week!

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