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Thread: Sun September 11th - Sat September 17th

  1. #231
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelS View Post
    You're on that slippery slope as well? Long live Mabie Todd Swan (these are my flex ones)!
    Yeah, I have a few slopes. I got into FPs a little while ago, but I stopped at three. I wrecked my Geha Goldswinge a few weeks ago, so 'had' to buy another FP. I like the flex, but it's a little too 'wet'. I like the marble green you have...
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  2. #232
    amb is offline
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    Saturday 17

    Pre: Aleppo Soap (85% Olive oil, 15% laurel)
    Brush: Altesse, white badger (Model 72228)
    Soap/Cream: Tabac
    Strop: Herold Razor Strop (Model 9185)
    Straight Razor: C. Congreves 5/8
    Astringent/Post: Ransom Aloe Vera Gel
    AS: Balsam Tabac + Lotion, TOBS Collection N.74 Victorian Lime
    Cologne: 4711, Acqua de colonia Lavender & Thyme
    Comments: Beautiful shave. First shave with Congreves. Two pass (WTG, ATG). Congreves arrived 3 weeks ago. She was made in 1830/1840 but she is shave ready. I think she was wedge and she has been reground at some point, but for me she is still very nice. Nostalgic shave. Otherwise, good combination balsam Tabac and lotion TOBS, mixed on the hand

    Have a nice day.

  3. #233
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikael View Post
    Nice shave Carl! I won't comment on Plato or pens (I do know a very good custom maker of those though, if you want to know PM), since I know next to nothing about it (well, some Plato, but very little). However: what coffee beans did you use? Love a good coffee, even though I almost only drink espresso based coffee nowadays. Those vintage hand grinded grinders can look very cool too ... Pics!?
    Hi Mikael! I like vintage pens, like I like vintage everything. I don't really 'know' Plato, but I like it. It's not like I was educated at Eton or anything :-)

    I used organic 100% Aribica beans, 'Monjava' brand. The grinder is a Vintage 'Spong', No. 4. I Understand electric grinders grind at a higher speed, and the heat can effect the beans; a slower hand grinder is apparently better (cooler; literally). Of course I use a stove top 'mocca pot', capacity of 1 cup only. Mon - Fri I take it in a French Vintage coffee bowl (sometimes with cream, sometimes with milk, always with sugar) but on weekends it's the Royal Albert coffee cup, with the cream and cocoa powder...

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    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
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  4. #234
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Cheers Carl! That's one fine looking grinder (looks commercial, we have small wodden ones (grind plates of course not in wood) here in Sweden, that people used to use). It's not possible for me to use hand grinders though, I need a very high grain grit for my espresso machine. Lovely cup too! We've got my wifes grandmas setup, it's plainer though, with gold stripes and bone white. Only comes out on big events.

    This mornings shot:

  5. #235
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Default Saturday

    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: Neep, handle in Kenya soapstone and 26 mm extra stuffed silvertip
    Razor: C V Heljestrand B K 42, very stiff 1/4ish hollow grind
    Soap: Cade
    AS/edt: Paco Rabanne, Ultravilolet
    Strops: Neil Miller
    Result: Uberclean
    One of those shaves when everything falls into place, highly enjoyable

  6. #236
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    First DE shave today.. Went great!... Not a sing Nick or cut

    Prep: Hot sink splash
    Brush: Body Shop Synthetic shave brush
    Razor: Wilkinson Sword Classic DE Razor
    Cream: Palmolive Cream Tube
    AS: The Real Shave Co. Soothing Balm
    Blades: Wilkinson Sword Classic Blade
    Result: BBS in some areas...

  7. #237
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikael View Post
    Cheers Carl! That's one fine looking grinder (looks commercial, we have small wodden ones (grind plates of course not in wood) here in Sweden, that people used to use). It's not possible for me to use hand grinders though, I need a very high grain grit for my espresso machine. Lovely cup too! We've got my wifes grandmas setup, it's plainer though, with gold stripes and bone white. Only comes out on big events.
    Cool. The Spong is adjustable, so it does go very fine, once I had it TOO fine for the Mocca Pot; it clogged up a bit! I like to be 'fundamental' i.e. non automated where possible!!! PS Aaron (my son) and I are honing your Eric Anton Berg at the moment...
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  8. #238
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post

    Now, that's what I call a fantastic Friday. Congrats on the DD front. She's gorgeous. What a score. +1 on the RR products. How many of these did you actually get (not that I blame you, LOL)?

    Enjoy your evening with the whole family. Say hello to all of them from my wife and I's behalf.

    I picked up 5 of the RR soaps/creams. Really like they way the lather up. A very welcome surprise. I've not used the limited edition because I don't know what to put it into.
    NYC is just crazy on Friday evenings but the weather was great.
    Last night I slept like a rock. The first of the cool fall evenings with crisp air permeating the house. When I woke up this morning the room temperature was 63 Degrees and the Mrs. was no where to be found.
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
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  9. #239
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    rooney finest 1/2, I coloniali Mango, Iwasaki Kamisori, Tüff sensitiv

  10. #240
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    Default Friday

    Early shave / Late post

    Good to be back on the air.

    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: Martinez' Custom: Chess King w/ 26mm silver tip badger
    Soap: Trumper's Officers & Gentlemens Shaving Soap
    Strop: Tony Miller Heirloom tri-strop (3x25)
    Razor: Henckels Friodor 8/8 Spanish point w/ mammoth ivory scales
    ASB: Caswell-Massey No. Six

    Nice and smooth shave.

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
    - Napoleon LeBlanc, 1895

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