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Thread: Sun December 25th - Sat December 31st

  1. #81
    Senior Member blabbermouth kalerolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Fabulous setup...Especially the skate boarding "Schtroumpf". Which one is he?
    I do'nt now, i borrowed him from from my nephew

  2. #82
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    Great shaves Gentlemen! Keep them coming!

  3. #83
    Novice Rugbysh9's Avatar
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    Today I bring you what may possibly be SOTD's 1st ever dual SOTD post. My 4 year old (4YO) son and I just took our Christmas gift's out for test drives together. Here are the results:

    Name:  SOTD 12.26.11 a.jpg
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    Prep: Hot shower + Mugso Pre Shave Oil (Christmas Gift)
    Prep 4YO: 2hr play session at a McDonalds play yard followed by bath
    Brush: Thater SRP Bulb
    Scuttle: Georgetown Pottery
    Soap: RazoRock XXX + Glycerin (made a lot more then normal cause well I was shaving with a 4 year
    Razor: Maxtom (My Christmas gift - a custom 7/8 blade, spanish point, elongated monkey tail, 1/4-1/3 hollow. The blade is dressed in Forest Green G10 with a Hunter Orange G10 wedge. If there are any other duck hunters among us, you may recognize that my inspiration for the scales/wedge combo is RNT Duck Calls "Boots Down")
    Razor 4YO: Glen Special - red scales and a realy cool greenish swirly "blade"
    Post: Alum + Floid Blue
    Post 4YO: My son's all time fave...Pinaud Bay Rum
    Results: Maxtom is a beast of a razor and really not one I should be using while my son is distracting me a bit. Going to be a phenomenal addition to the rotation. I still can't thank Glen enough for the smile he brought to my son's face both yesterday and today!

    Oh and here's a beter shot of the Maxtom!!!

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  4. #84
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Another member of the Maxtom brotherhood. Congrats!

    That Glenn Special ain't too shabby either.

    IMHO the Maxtom's carrying case is as elegant as the razor itself.
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  5. #85
    Senior Member bman40's Avatar
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    Boxing day shave:

    Razor: Dovo Best 6/8
    Badger brush
    AOS Sandalwood soap
    Aqua Velva Ice Blue ASB
    Nivea Sensitive ASB

    Have a good day / week !


  6. #86
    Nic by name not by nature Jeltz's Avatar
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    Boxing Day Evening

    Kropp 6/8, Vulfix Rose Cream, NF2213, Alum, Aquatonic AS

    Not been totally happy with the edge on this one for a bit so I took it to the stones today. I blunted it on a bottle 1st to know that I had fully re-established the bevel but no matter what I tried I couldn't get it to right on my coticule, the edge just seemed to be collapsing. I eventually established the bevel on a synthetic 1000 grit stone and went back to the coticule but again the edge went off. I then used the coticule slurry stone of my Dragons tongue and tried that bizarrely that seemed to do the trick and I progressed through a dilution on that then finished on water on the coticule followed by water on my olive green hone. I'm guessing that this razor reacted badly to even the lightest slurry on the coticule which tends to release some as I go along, but the dragons tongue started with an amount which wasn't added to. Whatever it was its another trick to add to the box.

    As its stands I was much happier with the edge but still feel there is some keenness yet to achieve, maybe a Naniwa 12K would help. The Vulfix cream was a Fathers Day gift and doesn't get used nearly enough, it really is an under rated product both in terms of performance and fragrance.

  7. #87
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Blix View Post
    • Razor: Hoenig 5/8, half hollow(the heel is fine, the photo messed it up)
    • Honing; Chosera 1k, 1-2-3-4-6-8-10-16-30k Shaptons, #827 leathers with CroX and CeOx 10/12

    Got this straight from my father as a Christmas present, old German straight made for an Norwegian ship company around 1910-20. It was in quite bad shape, but some Autosol and steel wool helped. It still looks quite bad, but I'll take care of the finish later. But it shaved great for sure!
    Congrats Amund...What a nice gift. She's a beauty. But I must admit, that's one heck of a nice honing regimen. You're pretty much covered all the bases as far as grit goes. Nicely done.

    Quote Originally Posted by amb View Post
    Frank Shaving, a gift from a friend of spanish forum
    Tabac shaving cream

    Excellent shave in Barcelona. These days I was in Barcelona with family but tomorrow I'm coming back to Andorra.
    It's nice to have friends in high places, eh? congrats on the brush. Be safe on the way back home

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikael View Post
    My god, I never seen that a big C-mon
    Thanks Mikael

    Quote Originally Posted by baldy View Post
    Thanks Robert, he rarely eats chocolate or sweets so he went a little nuts, Ha Ha. He is getting big now isn't he, his hair is getting long to. Mamma hasn't wanted to get it cut since it grew back. We think its gorgeous.
    He's definitely beyond adorable. He's no longer the small boy we all remember. Time flies too fast my friend. He's on his way to becoming a man. I love his hair too.

    Quote Originally Posted by otherstar View Post
    I had such a good shave yesterday with the Dovo, I decided to use it again and had the same results as yesterday!
    Why mess with perfection, eh Jeff, LOL? I don't blame you. I bet that Bismarck will give this Dovo a run for its money.

    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    Razor: Imperial Extra Hollow Ground

    This is another one of those razors that always feels and performs like it's fresh off the hone. Great edge, wonderful shave!
    Nice bade for sure

    Quote Originally Posted by kalerolf View Post
    I do'nt now, i borrowed him from from my nephew
    It's all good

    Quote Originally Posted by Rugbysh9 View Post
    Today I bring you what may possibly be SOTD's 1st ever dual SOTD post.
    Hey Andrew,
    That is very cute...I think we've had members post dual SOTDs with their sons (can't remember who right now, but Grant comes to mind with his son Jack). But one never tires of them. It's a very nice touch

    Quote Originally Posted by Rugbysh9 View Post
    My 4 year old (4YO) son and I just took our Christmas gift's out for test drives together. Here are the results:

    Prep: Hot shower + Mugso Pre Shave Oil (Christmas Gift)
    Prep 4YO: 2hr play session at a McDonalds play yard followed by bath
    Brush: Thater SRP Bulb
    Scuttle: Georgetown Pottery
    Soap: RazoRock XXX + Glycerin (made a lot more then normal cause well I was shaving with a 4 year
    Razor: Maxtom (My Christmas gift - a custom 7/8 blade, spanish point, elongated monkey tail, 1/4-1/3 hollow. The blade is dressed in Forest Green G10 with a Hunter Orange G10 wedge. If there are any other duck hunters among us, you may recognize that my inspiration for the scales/wedge combo is RNT Duck Calls "Boots Down")
    Razor 4YO: Glen Special - red scales and a realy cool greenish swirly "blade"
    Post: Alum + Floid Blue
    Post 4YO: My son's all time fave...Pinaud Bay Rum
    Results: Maxtom is a beast of a razor and really not one I should be using while my son is distracting me a bit. Going to be a phenomenal addition to the rotation. I still can't thank Glen enough for the smile he brought to my son's face both yesterday and today!

    Oh and here's a beter shot of the Maxtom!!!
    I love the Maxtom buddy...She'll be an amazing addition to the collection for sure. But, I think the trophy of today's shave goes to your son. He seems to have had more fun at this than you, LOOOOOOL. Even the Maxtom couldn't compete.

    Quote Originally Posted by bman40 View Post
    Boxing day shave:

    [I]Razor: Dovo Best 6/8
    Nice shave and razor Barry, but were you getting ready to beat someone up or watch a match on TV, LOOOOOL?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeltz View Post
    Boxing Day Evening

    Kropp 6/8, Vulfix Rose Cream, NF2213, Alum, Aquatonic AS

    Not been totally happy with the edge on this one for a bit so I took it to the stones today. I blunted it on a bottle 1st to know that I had fully re-established the bevel but no matter what I tried I couldn't get it to right on my coticule, the edge just seemed to be collapsing. I eventually established the bevel on a synthetic 1000 grit stone and went back to the coticule but again the edge went off. I then used the coticule slurry stone of my Dragons tongue and tried that bizarrely that seemed to do the trick and I progressed through a dilution on that then finished on water on the coticule followed by water on my olive green hone. I'm guessing that this razor reacted badly to even the lightest slurry on the coticule which tends to release some as I go along, but the dragons tongue started with an amount which wasn't added to. Whatever it was its another trick to add to the box.
    Beautiful chronicles of your experiments with the honing Nic...I love it. Well done.

    PS; Did you and Barry go at it , Boxing?...Both of you seemed to be getting ready for a match, LOOOOOOOOOL


  8. #88
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Default Beautiful Monday Vacation Day!


    Locale: The home of Christmas Cheer!!
    Music: Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
    Prep: Hot Shower / How towel soaks
    Razor: 11/16 Cosmo Mfg. Co. 'Superior Silver Steel'
    Hones: 3" Big Daddy Felt/Chestnut 25/100
    Brush: 24mm Silvertip in Honey Locust - One of my favorite brush's, builds lather amazingly well
    Uber: Tabac + AOS Unscented SC = It had been so long since I used my Tabac that it was dried and required some moisturizing. Together with the AOS it made a wonderful, pleasently scented Uber. It goes on like silk and allows the razor to glide very nicely.
    AS: Alum + Lucky Tiger Splash = Lucky Tiger is so good about not burning, and cooling burning or stinging after the alum. Today I just wanted to be nice and cool, as I have attempted for the first time in forever to shave 3 days in a row.
    Edc: Navy
    Result: Three days straight, 2 out of 3 days with this razor. I really didn't need to shave, I just had the time and felt a little stubble when I rubbed across the grain, so WTH. I loved it, a 2 pass beauty that didn't quite get everything, but didn't nick or burn me either. This 10$ Ebay special feels like a toy in your hand it is so light, but it holds an edge very well and gives a smooth shave. Excellent After Christmas Shave!!!

    Name:  SOTD 122611.jpg
Views: 264
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    Happy Shaving!!!!


    --Happy New Year!--
    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  9. #89
    Senior Member dinatali's Avatar
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    Hot Shower
    Feather ASS
    Feather Blade
    Vulfix 404 mix
    RazoRock Artisan Violet
    Alum RazoRock
    RazoRock Wax

  10. #90
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Wade & Butcher- buddelized+ R89

    Thanks for sharing all your beautiful pictures, friends.

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