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Thread: Sun May 27th - June 02nd

  1. #111
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    Friday, Glorious Friday!

    Prep: Hot Shower/ Proraso pre-post creme
    Brush: Thater 4125-2
    Scuttle: G5
    Soap: MNS Lemongrass/Eucalytus
    Razor: #14 Henckels, 5/8 smiling blade in ivory scales
    Post: Proraso AS/ Nivea Lotion unscented
    Result: Dave asked for a pic of this razor. This being one of my favorites and top shavers, it didn't take much of an excuse to use it again! Second time out for the MNS Lemongrass/Eucalyptus soap and WOW!, I love this stuff. Wiped away by the Henckels (aka the "Velvet Squeegee") and I am off to a great start to the weekend!
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    Have a Great Friday Gents!

    Carl, congrats on SOTD!

  2. #112
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: Neep, 28 mm extra stuffed silvertip in Kenya stone handle
    Razor: Edv Neiström, no 62 + GEM Junior for head
    Soap: Nannys French Lavender
    AS: Lavanda
    Strops: Neil Miller
    Result: Uberclean

    What a razor!

    ... and, of course some coffee:

  3. #113
    Senior Member Bonbon's Avatar
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    Phew, what a week... everyday shave and no share or picture....just to busy at the work and home

    Thank you guys for your pictures and SOTD, they are great as always and now I know where I can cheer up quickly!

  4. #114
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Name:  SOTD06012012 001.jpg
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    I Colonialli/TOBS Jermyn Street-J.A. Henckles 70 1/2-DB 1.5- 25MM Silvertip-TOBS ASB-Play Cologne
    Nothing needs to be said on this combo other then fantastic!!

  5. #115
    Señor Member (the name is Dave) DFriedl's Avatar
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    OK Carl, you're going to have to enlighten me on what the avatar actually is. A Free Mason symbol, a stealth bomber, a drawing of Bailey's... LOL? It's probably something plausibly implausible.

    Oh, and nice razor Joe.

    Razor: 6/8 Hart Steel
    Prep: hot water, Barbasol
    Brush: VDH Boar
    Soap: VDH
    A/S: witch hazel, Nivea for Men
    Result: A great shave

    I'm home sick and wasn't going to shave today, but I got a call from the office and had to work a bit from here, and it got me moving.

    This is the first shave since honing the Hart Steel for the first time. It didn't need honed, and came wicked sharp from the factory, but after three or four shaves, I realized that it was just harsher than my other blades. This honing made all the difference - much more mellow.

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    Last edited by DFriedl; 06-01-2012 at 04:45 PM.

  6. #116
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Str8Shooter View Post
    I Colonialli/TOBS Jermyn Street-J.A. Henckles 70 1/2-DB 1.5- 25MM Silvertip-TOBS ASB-Play Cologne
    Nothing needs to be said on this combo other then fantastic!!
    Wow, Nice hardware Paul!
    Str8Shooter likes this.

  7. #117
    Senior Member tri33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Str8Shooter View Post
    Even the refill soap imho, is not one I would buy again. If you are looking for a different scent, try the I Colonialli. Good lather, and an interesting smokey mango scent. I try a bunch of the soaps and get them in the refill, then grate into a different dish. TOBS, T&H, GFT are all fantastic performers, Too bad about LaToja closing up as it is an excellent soap(not the stick). Martin de candre is amazing, Razo rock, cella are great budget soaps. Castle Forbes never let me down. Tabac seems to be one of the odd soaps where people love or hate(I hate) I'm also not in the porosso(sic) camp. Every SRD soap I have has always been a good solid performer with interesting scents. YMMV
    LOL that should keep you busy for awhile....

    Yea sometimes the amount of shaving products can become overwhelming, although in a good way! Castle Forbes, Tabac and Cella are all soaps I have been wanting to try. The price of CF has kind of kept me away, although I keep hearing good things about it! I have not heard of Martin de Candre, does one of the prominent shaving supply sites carry it?


    Oh and I saw your TOBS St. Jermyn in your SOTD post just now, and I was wondering if you had tried both the soap and the cream? If so, do they perform the same? I have the cream which I really like, but if I am remembering correctly, purchasing a refill of the soap is only a few more bucks than the shaving cream tube but it would seem like it would last significantly longer.
    Last edited by tri33; 06-01-2012 at 04:55 PM. Reason: Thought of another question.

  8. #118
    amb is offline
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    Today 6/1

    TOBS Mr.Taylors / HJM 31 P8 / Schick Imperial Eversharp / Brut Oceans

    Thak you for your pics, friends!.


  9. #119
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    You're saying I overdid it, aren't you?
    No, no, not at all! I really AM looking forward to your strobe-light shaving video. With a razor called the Iron Butterfly. Or maybe with a reground harpoon... your call, after all!

  10. #120
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    + 1 - we want to see Carl do a strobe shave!

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