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Thread: SOTD - 'HOBBY THEME' - Sun June 03rd - June 09th

  1. #211
    amb is offline
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    TOBS, Mr.Taylors / HJM 31 P8 / Fatip + Feather / Brut, Oceans

    Have a nice weekend, gents!


  2. #212
    Lookin like a crim baldy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DFriedl View Post
    I was going to write "You take really great pictures for such a basic setup!", then I realized that what I want to say is "You take really great pictures!"
    Thanks mate, it's amazing what a little software can do
    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    Grant, you should pick yourself up a Rolleicord III, although after checking eBay JUST after I typed that first bit, I do see they've gone up in price a bit since I got mine. They're good for close ups (with the Rolleinar lens) and also portraits. The lens is really on the softer side of being really sharp, but if you look at Bailey's eyes ion the first picture you can see it's pretty sharp, as is the vodka in the glass...

    Box cameras are good too, and with a fixed shutter speed take one variable out of the equation. Ilford HP5 400 ISO Black and White film is really forgiving; you can over expose and under expose quite a bit and still get a pleasing result. Then you need to learn this, and you're all set!
    Thanks Carl, and thanks for the link too. Fascinating stuff.
    I really admire the skills of actual photographers, I know i'd really enjoy it if I got into it.
    Gotta be careful, could lead to another obsession...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    This one is a 2007 Chevrolet Corvette Convertible. It was purchased from Chevrolet and delivered via the Museum Delivery. My daughter and I flew to Memphis Tenn, then drove to Bowling Green to pick up the car. After a private tour of the Corvette factory. We went across the street to the museum where they delivered the car to me. We then spent 4 days driving home through the mountains of Tennessee, North Carolina and Virgina.
    That is sooo cool

    Last edited by baldy; 06-09-2012 at 01:38 PM.

  3. #213
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Today, great shave!
    Prep: Shower/Jojoba Oil/ AOS Preshave
    Razor: Invicta ~5/8
    Brush: Semogue 830
    Soap: 1st Pass MWF 2nd AOS Sandalwood
    Toner: Thayer's WH
    Balm: AOS and Skincado Combat Balm
    I had a great shave today. I was not going to post today but felt compelled due to the magnitude of the shave. At first, it started out mediocre. I was using some Maca Root Shave cream. Which is a great cream; I just cannot get over the smell for some reason. I switched to MWF and lathered up some soap on my face. Of course, I used my Semogue 830. I am looking at some other Semogue as well to change things up a bit. Anyway, first pass was great and decided to go for another. I switched to AOS Sandalwood cream for the second pass with some AOS pre shave oil. That was magnificent as well. I was able to get my chin and my neck really close with few remaining whiskers. I finished off with some Thayers, Skincado Combat Balm and some AOS Sandalwood ASB. Ok, so for my hobby today I am sharing my passion to do family history work. I have neglected it for some time but I will work on it some today. Cheers.Name:  IMG_0452.jpg
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  4. #214
    Senior Member Sargon's Avatar
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    Brush: Vie-Long Horse
    Soap/Creme: Proraso Sandalwood
    Razor: Merkur Futur
    Blade:Astra SS
    Pre: Hot Shower
    Post: Lilac Vegetal
    Hair Groom: Jeris
    Result: CCS

  5. #215
    Senior Member csrund's Avatar
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    First Official Post-Surgery Straight Razor Shave!

    Hot shower
    Filarmonica 1" round
    20x linen; 60x leather, Illinois 127
    Mama Bear's Lime + Bigelow Menthol
    Conk badger
    Aqua Velva Musk

    Here's a mash-up of vocation and hobbies, railroading and illustration:Name:  poster thumbnails.jpg
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  6. #216
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    Gem Jr.-Gem SS-Rooney Pure Badger-Truefitt & Hill Almond-Thayers Lavender-BrutNo pic today, as I'm getting ready to go to a wedding. The T&H Almond was extraordinary with both it's scent and lather. The Gem Jr. is one of my favorite safety razors and came through as always. Finished up with the Brut AS and cologne and I feel like a million bucks. Have a great day all.

  7. #217
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    I'm bleeding.
    Oh, no, no, not with blood, the red stuff you see from a juicy nick. No, not that. I'm bleeding because not in a million years will I be able to play the guitar the way this guy plays it, as I listen to his music while shaving. His name is Hector Ivan Garcia and the music a collection of South American traditional pieces. It's an out of print CD I guard with a regiment of dragoons. Anyway, on to today's shave den playbill:

    Razor: Genko 5/8 French point — this is a sweetie
    Razor: FaTip shave head on the iKon bulldog handle
    Brush: Simpson Duke 3
    Cream: Trumper's violet
    Pre-shave: Castle Forbes
    Scuttle: Schwarzweisskeramik
    Witch hazel
    Balm: Trumper's Coral Skin Food
    Aftershave: Woods of Windsor
    Music: Traditional South American pieces, from a recording titled Ecos Del Ande, with guitarist Hector Ivan Garcia
    Finisher: A blend of Guatamalan Hanapu and Brazilian coffees — and The New Yorker

  8. #218
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Prep: 25 minute run, lukewarm shower
    Razor: Friedmann and Lauterjung Electric
    Brush: VDH Boar
    Soap: TSD Coconut Lime Verbena
    AS: Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    Finish: Murray and Lanman's Florida Water
    Results/Remarks: Shave and a haircut this morning (both with the straight). First PT in almost 3 weeks, I was down sick for a week and a half and just enough yuck seemed to linger to prevent me from PT. 25 minutes was a nice little leg stretcher that got the blood flowing again. Now to get back to a regular regimen before the weight I've lost comes back. Murray's Pomade/stiff brush for the stash. It isn't long enough to handlebar but ungroomed and unstarched it hangs in my mouth so it was time to start training it.
    Last edited by 1OldGI; 06-09-2012 at 07:44 PM.

  9. #219
    Eagle-eyed Zephyr's Avatar
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    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Brush: SRP Thäter
    Razor: 8/8 Maxtom
    Strop: 40/60 Neil Miller Linen/Kanayama Cordovan
    Soap: Martin de Candre
    After shave: Knize Ten
    Results: Saved a few days growth for the first shave with my new razor from Max, and of course only top notch soft and hardware. It's large and heavy, and chopped down every single trace of beard with no effort, perfectly CBS The razor felt great in my hands, surprisingly easy to maneuver for it's size, but I will need a few shaves to get used to that insane point. Thanks again Max!

    Another hobby I've had for years is to drink and collect Jack Daniels (That sounds like I drink a lot, but I really don't, the two bottles in the pic will last me at least a year)
    I sold a few of the rarest items a couple years ago, now I only keep and collect items I find cool, and rarely buy anything new, all my "hobby money" have gone into straights lately, figure why.....

    BTW: I got this cabinet in the livingroom, on the shelf below the JD collection I keep my straights, and on the two below them I have my hones and honing gear.

  10. #220
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    I wanted to post this today, in the Hobby shave of the day.

    tomorrow mornings shave will consist of a warm shower, Stephan's Warm oil
    Dirty Bird Badger
    Nancy Boy Shave Cream
    Maxtom 7/8, 1/4 Hollow, Barber's Notch, Linen Micarta Pink Wedge.
    SRDP1 100 Laps
    Razorock aluminum
    Vaseline for men

    The last hobby I'll post is Str8 shaving and more importantly, this forum. I have have been privileged, both in person and on line, to meet a fabulous bunch of gentleman. I want each and everyone of you to know how much I appreciate you and wish you only good things.

    Thank you!!

    My little man cave. A bit messy right now, but still a nice place to hide.
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    Some of my razors
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    TheShave cream, brush shelves
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    After shave Shelf
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    Cologne and AS
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    Shave of the day (tomorrow)
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