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Thread: Sun - February 17th - Sat February 23rd

  1. #221
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Thanks to all that made my week brighter with photos, ideas, and pure unadulterated drool bait!

    Hot shower prep
    Razor: Jnat by way of Mainland China
    Soap: Arco in Colgate tin
    Mug: Tin cup
    Brush: Rubberset 18mm
    Aftershock: Alum block
    Splash: none
    The day: Bright and partly cloudy -4ēC. The Shave: Close and smooth in 3+. This little razor is renewed from a basket case and has been on the hones a number if times. Today was the first real shave from her. All said and done it was kinda like having to give extra care for the troubled kid and almost ignoring the well behaved ones.
    In my opinion, razors do have personalities!

    The fun of trying things makes the day go a bit better and quicker!

  2. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikael View Post
    [CENTER]Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: Vie-Long silvertip
    Razor: No name Solingen extra hollow blade
    Cream/edt: Penhaligon's Endymion
    AS: Mennen S B
    Strops: Neil Miller
    Result: Lousy

    Well, sometimes you get a lousy shave and I blame the cream Seriously, I bought it when on sale and I seriously think there was something wrong with the batch they sold out ... or I had a lousy shave, all by myself :-)
    I'm sorry you had a bad shave with this soap. I'm curious to read how your next shave with this soap works out for you, because I've been interested in this soap for a little while.
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  3. #223
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    After years of fitful starting and stopping with str8's, today the magic finally happened. I finally honed my own razors properly using Norton waterstones and a pyramid, finished with a Japanese 12,000 then progressively 1.0, 0.5, 0.25 micron diamond spray on balsa wood and fine leather pasted strop's on Hand American's magnetic bench hone base, then stropped with a custom Hand American strop, also H.A.

    The razor was a Wacker-made 7/8ths "Junmeister" Spanish point, American Crew pre shave oil, hot towels, then Pacific Shaving's cream put on with a Dovo silvertip travel brush in a generic ceramic mug. Finish with cold water and alum block.

    I've known for a long time that I should send off my str8's to a professional honemeister, but I've been determined (against sound advice) to "hone my own", but up until now I've gotten my razors only to a minimally adequate sharpness, and the shaves, while passable, have been imperfectly rough on the skin. Not today -- The magic happened, for the first time ever, the razor went through the beard like hot butter -- no pulling or plucking and BBS. I didn't even feel the need to XTG a second pass. And absolutely zero skin irritation!

    Now of course, I need to learn to be consistent in my shaves and honing. But now, like learning to golf and hitting your first perfectly-aimed long drive off a tee, I've had it all come together at least once, and know what I'm aiming for.

    Happy shaving, everyone!

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  4. #224
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    No shave today.
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  5. #225
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    Razor - Filarmonica - DT 13
    Brush - Vie-long
    Soap - La Toja
    AS - Nivea

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