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Thread: Sun - May 19th - Sat May 25th
05-22-2013, 12:58 PM #8122 May 2013
* The Cobra
* Feather Pros
* WSP 2-band + oscar11 all-amber
* Mike's Lemongrass & Eucalyptus
* Unrefined Shea Butter
05-22-2013, 01:36 PM #82William's Mug Soap
Gillette Razor
Feather Blades
Ever-ready Pure Badger
Pinaud Clubman ASL
Feeling 'old school' today. The Feathers did not leave so much burn this time. Face is feeling just fine. The brush, though floppy, mixed the lather well. Williams does the job and does it decently enough. Also, did they have a different definition of 'pure' back in the day? This 'pure' badger felt like a silvertip. Maybe it is just me.From their stillness came their non-action...Doing-nothing was accompanied by the feeling of satisfaction, anxieties and troubles find no place
05-22-2013, 03:28 PM #83Custom fiber muhle & Tabac cream ~~ Zensho Kamisori ~~ floïd
05-22-2013, 04:58 PM #84Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Prep: Speick Natural Soap
Razor: Thiers-Issard Le Grelot 6/8
Soap: MdC
Brush: Vulfix Grosvenor
Scuttle: Schwarzweisskeramik
Post: Myrsol Agua de Limon
"Younger than some, older than most" - Wet shaving for 50+ years
05-22-2013, 05:58 PM #85
Prep: Long hot shower
Razor: Hart 6/8
Brush: Semogue 610
Soap: RazoRock La Famiglia, Don Marco
A/S: Nancy Boy Signature Aftershave Balm
Result: Seems like all my edges are dialed in, so I had a great, smooth shave! Been extremely busy lately with work and family life, all of which is a very good thing. Now, back to work. You all have a good Wednesday.
05-22-2013, 06:55 PM #86
Razor: Crown and sword mustache razor, Liliput 3/8 (Right out of my favorite book!)
Brush: ShaveMac 341
Preshave: Castle Forbes
Cream: Castle Forbes Lavender
Aftershave: Castle Forbes Lavender balm
05-22-2013, 07:32 PM #87
Thursday evening
Hot water prep
Ali's Blade Raptor razor - Proraso Red sc - Barbershop badger brush - cold water splash - Floid asb - steaming hot towel - hot shower - Acca Kappa 1869 AdC
A relaxing shave, enjoyed to the tunes of Blossom Dearie. The raptor was stropped on red and bare leather, but during the shave I remembered that I was supposed to give this one a few odd more laps on the Thuri, or -come and think of it- even the Coti. Still a good shave, but I want to tweak this edge to my liking. It's sharp alright, but I want smooth too.
05-22-2013, 08:24 PM #88
well ive been playing with my favorite razor a lot lately and after another 50-60 laps on the Zulu from the Coticule i think i may have over done it just a bit to much ... excellent shave capabilities but just has that feel of to sharp so to speak .. very smooth but i dont know , maybe i got to used to the Coti edge
brush= black badger
soap= Mikes Barber Shop
1) Greaves 7/8
2) Gillette SS with a Derby in it
results .. excellent shave per spoke of above , mayb hit a few swipes on the coticule to bring back that nice coti edge .. on a side note i finally found hair on my body that passes the HHT
05-22-2013, 11:06 PM #89
tonight,few minutes Amazing razor
Sapone Occitane-Cade/ F.S. silvertip/ Ern-Ator gold medal/ Floid Blue
05-23-2013, 05:24 AM #90
Thursday morning:
Mikeīs Peppermint & Rosemary
Simpsons Persian Jar
W.B. Bolsover, Sheffield, 7/8 "Speed" with a rabbit on tang
Dopo Barba di Camaldoli Aftershave
After this aftershave you donīt need a EdT. That's enough for the whole day.
It's nice to be back home. Our tour ended a little earlier. The weather was very wet. Below water, above water and wet clothes - with children then this is less funny.
Overall, it was very nice and relaxing. Here's a picture. With lots of wind on the water, it goes through Dresden, the capital of Saxony.
Have a nice day!>Jean