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Thread: No more straights! Going all feather!

  1. #11
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Ok so here is my take on it. I too enjoy the hobby side of straights an DE's. I enjoy shaving with the antique straights an making sure they are pampered. MJC said it best an has been my biggest mentor to the feather system. I was initially turned away due to the price. After setting up some "loaners" an really working with the different styles, I have to say that IMO they are well worth the price. While I will not give up my real straights an DE's I will continue to use a feather of some type in rotation an definitely for my travel kit. I also will say that I agree that if not for the hobby side of this I could see myself never needing another razor. As previously stated they are that good.
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  2. #12
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Timely thread.

    Been working allot lately - this sees me waking up later and later every morning! So this past couple of weeks has seen me dragging my DE into the shower with me more often than I am comfortable with.

    Actually its a freaking crime!! I feel like I am cheating on my straights! So I got to wondering if maybe the Feather might not be the solution? Cuz night time shaving just isn't happening.

    Thing is, a Feather would be no faster than a straight short of a little stropping unless I took it in the shower too. Heck! Shaving with a DE isn't that much faster than a straight for me either - its just that I can do it in the shower and forgo the lather building and clean up which when combined, is at min 5 minutes.

    Anyone use their Feather in the shower??

    Bah, Its a slippery slope as they say. Maybe I'll just get a Feather (less intimidating), some Acca Kappa goop, and shave at work lol! Or maybe I'll get a Feather and shave in the shower?

    One thing is for certain - I can't seem to drag my lazy behind out of bed in a timely manor these days lol!
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  3. #13
    Senior Member bruseth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Timely thread.

    Been working allot lately - this sees me waking up later and later every morning! So this past couple of weeks has seen me dragging my DE into the shower with me more often than I am comfortable with.

    Actually its a freaking crime!!
    I saw a video by Geofatboy where he said that using a straight in the shower wasn't advisable. He said that the razor could slip out of your hand, and cut something off on the way down! something to keep in mind :-)


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  5. #14
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Earcutter, I wont tell you what or how to shave as it is your decision. I am ok with a DE in the shower if it saves you the time. While I don't see any adverse affects to the feathers from being in the shower environment, I will say that slippery hands + no clothes+ STUPID SHARP blades= lopping off the family tree so to speak. I think I would stick to the DE if time doesn't allow a sink shave. Just my opinion.
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  6. #15
    MJC is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollinCoal69 View Post
    Earcutter, I wont tell you what or how to shave as it is your decision. I am ok with a DE in the shower if it saves you the time. While I don't see any adverse affects to the feathers from being in the shower environment, I will say that slippery hands + no clothes+ STUPID SHARP blades= lopping off the family tree so to speak. I think I would stick to the DE if time doesn't allow a sink shave. Just my opinion.
    I'm with the "don't bring a Feather in to the Shower" crowd on this one - we don't want to see anyone get hurt (person or blade)

    On the speed of the feather side - I have turned out some pretty good one pass shaves with the Feather, certainly better than a 2 pass Cart shave as far as close. True there is a limit to how much you can rush, you do need to focus on the blade at hand.
    Yes you can strop quickly - for me the post shave care is as much or more time than the pre-shave (rinse, wipe, strop, wipe with oil) as apposed to the rinse dunk in alcohol with a Feather.

    Smooth Shaving...
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  7. #16
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    In life, I only take a chance if worth it, and shaving in the shower with the Feather is not.

  8. #17
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruseth View Post
    I saw a video by Geofatboy where he said that using a straight in the shower wasn't advisable. He said that the razor could slip out of your hand, and cut something off on the way down! something to keep in mind :-)
    Thanks brother - didn't think of that lol!!

  9. #18
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Thanks brother - didn't think of that lol!!
    Aren't you married with kids - why worry about stuff that's already useless

  10. #19
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Aren't you married with kids - why worry about stuff that's already useless
    You make a solid argument .
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  11. #20
    Senior Member bruseth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    You make a solid argument .
    Keep this in mind. You would have to change your name from earcutter, to, who knows what... [emoji3]
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