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Thread: What are your friends/familys reaction to you shaving w/straight rzrs

  1. #31
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    My wife and kids are pretty much oblivious, but then they've seen me get wrapped up in all sorts of "weird" hobbies and interests over the years. I'm not even sure most of them are aware that I'm shaving with straights. To the extent that they are, I think their attitude is basically, "yeah, Dad's weird. What else is new?" My wife has complimented some of my shaves, but that usually starts with me grabbing her hand and saying, "hey, feel how smooth my face it!"

    One of my co-workers has been interested in straights for some time. He thinks it's cool that I'm using them now. My 72-year-old mother and my 68-year-old boss are both convinced I'm going to open an artery. (In the back of my mind, I keep hearing, "You'll shoot your eye out!" [A Christmas Story.])

  2. #32
    Senior Member vmathis12019's Avatar
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    Now, several months after setting out completely uninformed, most of my early scars have healed completely and everyone thinks it's just too cool. Some of my older coworkers are impressed, but freely admit they would never try it. So far, all positive reviews!

  3. #33
    Senior Member Fort's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Most of my friends think I'm nuts, but find it interesting that people still use them.

    The pre-conceived notion that SR's are dangerous, and you'll probably cut yourself badly, is very prevalent. Decades ago, when I used a DE, that's what I was given by my Dad, I used to get cuts all the time. It was a regular thing back then to come out of the bathroom with a couple of little tags of toilet paper stuck to your face to stop the bleeding.

    Then spent many years with the cartridges and after a great barber shave, decided that I was going to do that as well. Why not?

    Now, I can splash cold water on my face, lather up, shave and get a DFS and be done in under 10 minutes...almost as quick as with the old Mach 50,000!

    When time permits, a shave parade is a lot of fun, hot shower, all the pre- and post ritual, use one of my nicer razors, and I'm chillaxed for the rest of the day....

    Shave parade that is too funny...Is that your own take on it or a common term? Either way that sums it up nicely
    "The blade must always be respected"

  4. #34
    Senior Member Fort's Avatar
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    Reading all of these posts of the indifferent reactions to straight razor shaving started me thinking about my running. Yes running for exercise! A few years ago I went on a low cholesterol diet and began to exercise. I progressed to running as another tool to add to the routine; however I couldn't get but a mile and my knees would hurt or my shins would burn ect ect. In my research to find relief with this and running instead of quitting, I was directed to knee supports and custom made running shoes to compensate for my over pronation or over supination and so on...Then I found the book titled "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall which is a true story about long distance running and a special tribe in Mexico called the Tarahumara Indians. There are two major points to the story told in this book that caused the running world stop and look, and in addition created an industry for the Vibram Five finger shoes. Those are running barefoot and running after a night of drinking.

    The drinking is funny. The Tarahumara Indians can run for over one hundred miles almost non stop. And the night before a long run they have a party where they drink a corn based alcohol drink. This form of carb loading also serves to retain H2O which serves to hydrate the cells further during the run. But that's not the big one.

    The running barefoot is serious an dis the big one. Why?? Because it caused the running shoe industry to react. Independent studies found that running barefoot created less impact on contact. The reason-the foot is built like a natural shock absorber. And when one runs barefoot the natural step is for the ball of the foot to touch or land first. When one wears running shoes, the heel tends to strike first causing a violent impact to the leg.

    My point is Nike produced the first running shoes for running as a form of exercise back in the 70's. Running was becoming popular and so the research and design of the shoes changed to encompass everyone. But those first shoes were modeled after track shoes; a flat soled shoe with no support that only served as a protection from the running surface. Modern running shoes have an elevated heel which forces heel striking. But now there are people running barefoot in marathons ect. I myself had switched running barefoot. My results were like night and day. No pain. No issues. I actually ran faster. I improved my 5k run time. I only ran faster because I was more relaxed.

    So what does running barefoot have to do with straight razor shaving? I think shaving has a similar evolution in the senses of what once was and what it is today as sold and told to use by the shaving industry and the millions spent on adds selling the next great breakthrough in shaving technology. Yeah we can get there with the new products, but the old ones where only one single blade touches the face without research and development or improved this or that did just fine and even better.

    I think most people react to straight razor shaving the same way as when barefoot running first made the mainstream. When people think of running they think of going to buy running shoes because that's what they are sold and told subliminally. Now when people think of shaving they think of the products available at the drug store or supermarket. Why? Because that's what were being sold and told subliminally.
    "The blade must always be respected"

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  6. #35
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    Dang, Fort... for only being two weeks in, you are a quick study!

    Well said, good sir!
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  7. #36
    Stay calm. Carry on. MisterMoo's Avatar
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    Given my relatively long list of existing eccentricities my use of a straight razor didn't exactly surprise anybody. It certainly appears safer and more practical than some of my other hobbies.

    This is a small, insular community. If civilians were interested and informed we wouldn't be posting- and cruising for information here.
    Last edited by MisterMoo; 09-27-2013 at 12:36 PM.
    WadePatton and edhewitt like this.
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  8. #37
    Member velocityboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fort View Post
    There are two major points to the story told in this book that caused the running world stop and look, and in addition created an industry for the Vibram Five finger shoes. Those are running barefoot and running after a night of drinking.

    The drinking is funny. The Tarahumara Indians can run for over one hundred miles almost non stop. And the night before a long run they have a party where they drink a corn based alcohol drink. This form of carb loading also serves to retain H2O which serves to hydrate the cells further during the run.
    And THIS is why I always partied the night before a PT test back in my military days! I noticed pretty early on that some of my best run times were when I was still half drunk from the night before. Never bothered trying to understand why though. huh. If only I'd have drunkenly lost my shoes too, I'd have been golden.
    nzFuzzy, crouton976 and Fort like this.

  9. #38
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    In answer to the OP. No one cares in my family, unless they're in a hurry and want the bathroom. Sometimes I think the wife wished I would just go back to shaving in the shower so that I would leave the mirror free, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon. Otherwise it isn't a topic of conversation with any of my family and only rarely with friends.


  10. #39
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    Mostly I get disbelief. But my Girlfriend loves to watch, and that counts for a lot!
    WadePatton likes this.

  11. #40
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    None what so ever,I never talk about how I shave with family or friends,is just shaving.
    Now, if you want to talk about toilet paper brands,the best or the worst,That I can talk about

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