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Thread: Two Pass Daily or Three Pass Every Other Day or Something Else?

  1. #21
    Senior Member dixon3162000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    My routine is WTG all over, then I reapply lather. Then it's XTG on the cheek area and ATG on the neck area, and done! Sometimes seems it's the shave goes to quickly!!

    What he said!
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  2. #22
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    I mix it up both on time between shaves and strokes but id say what i do most is atg(i know thats wierd but i seem to get better results so why fight it) then wtg followed by cold water touch up usually only around my jaw line. Im getting where i can accomplish this in about 15 minutes from building lather to splashing on my aftershave and still get near bbs with very little irritation although i fear the day i get rid of my goatee and have to learn to shave my chin as i imagine that will double my time for a while.
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  3. #23
    Scheerlijk Laurens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    And you bike in? Sorry just trying to guess what are you be?
    I thought you might get conversational Yes, I bike in, 11.5 km (which is about 7 American kilometres for you, Aussie) of sight-seeing route to the university and 10 km or ~6 USkm short route back to home.

    I'm in the last year of my master Life Science & Technology. Experience taught me almost nobody knows what that means. In short, it's biotechnology, the study of replacing dirty, old-fasioned oil-based processes by clean, modern bio-processes.

    Currently, I'm researching snake venom for bio-active peptides (small proteins). For example, a snake venom may cause low blood pressure, which can be a cure for people with high blood pressure. The nice things about using peptides/proteins as a medicine, are low concentration needed, completely bio-degradable and very little or no side-effects.

    I really enjoy working on this project, it's challenging and one of the first study-related things I can explain to my mum!

    I just noticed I did not answer the question... I'm learning to be somebody who can work on various biotechnological topics, either in the lab or as a consultant or so. Bio-based medicine and fuel, genetically enhanced food which makes it grow faster in worse climate conditions, bio-degradation of (industrial) waste, that sort of thing.
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    I want a lather whip

  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laurens View Post
    I thought you might get conversational Yes, I bike in, 11.5 km (which is about 7 American kilometres for you, Aussie) of sight-seeing route to the university and 10 km or ~6 USkm short route back to home.

    I'm in the last year of my master Life Science & Technology. Experience taught me almost nobody knows what that means. In short, it's biotechnology, the study of replacing dirty, old-fasioned oil-based processes by clean, modern bio-processes.

    Currently, I'm researching snake venom for bio-active peptides (small proteins). For example, a snake venom may cause low blood pressure, which can be a cure for people with high blood pressure. The nice things about using peptides/proteins as a medicine, are low concentration needed, completely bio-degradable and very little or no side-effects.

    I really enjoy working on this project, it's challenging and one of the first study-related things I can explain to my mum!

    I just noticed I did not answer the question... I'm learning to be somebody who can work on various biotechnological topics, either in the lab or as a consultant or so. Bio-based medicine and fuel, genetically enhanced food which makes it grow faster in worse climate conditions, bio-degradation of (industrial) waste, that sort of thing.
    I was about to ask what your course meant, then you explained it, which was good, then you said GM crops, which when I was in the uk were EVIL as they were going to contaminate all of the indigenous non gm carrots and such.
    I guessed you would cycle and I am glad you do (provided you seen spreading GM carrots and tulips throughout Holland, the seeds flying off you with gay abandon as you wend your way home), I started a thread about bikes in the fitness forum, you should post a piccie. Regards ed.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  5. #25
    Senior Member kevinred's Avatar
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    I had a shave tonight and instead of my all over XTG second pass I opted for a hybrid second pass.

    I went XTG on most of my face but ATG in a couple of the rough areas (at the bottoms of my cheeks below my sideburns, and under my chin) I went ATG straight after my WTG Pass and it seems to no detriment.

    I have ended up with a almost BSS, (Neck hairs a problem again) but with no irritation and I shaved yesterday, so very good for me. So it seems a two pass hybrid has it's place and it's something I'm happy to know about.

    It seems I have learned something new again. Thank you gentlemen for your help

  6. #26
    Senior Member souschefdude's Avatar
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    WTG, Xtg, every other day. Unless I am testing out a newly honed razor, then I add an ATG. Takes about 20 minutes start to finish.
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  7. #27
    Scheerlijk Laurens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    I was about to ask what your course meant, then you explained it, which was good, then you said GM crops, which when I was in the uk were EVIL as they were going to contaminate all of the indigenous non gm carrots and such.
    I guessed you would cycle and I am glad you do (provided you seen spreading GM carrots and tulips throughout Holland, the seeds flying off you with gay abandon as you wend your way home), I started a thread about bikes in the fitness forum, you should post a piccie. Regards ed.
    I'm glad to hear the GM debate is evolving. Back when I was a (smaller) kid, people would just be frightened by genetic modification and think it was dangerous to everything and everyone and somehow scientists were plotting to destroy humanity or something. Now, people point out that genetically modified organisms do not belong in nature, as they will compete with wild type organisms and containing their growth to the last single organism is virtually impossible.

    What most people don't know, is that the "wild types" I just refered to are also heavily manipulated by industries. The thing is, if you expose a bag of seeds to a big dose of UV light, sigarette smoke, electrons or radiation, 99.9% will die and 0.01% may grow just a little better than the original seeds. Only, you don't have to tell your customers what you did with the seeds. And the main drawback is that you don't know what other new properties have been created, which you do know with directed genetic modification.

    Either way, it's an interesting topic! Who knows, perhaps in 10 or 20 years all crops have been genetically modified. Who knows when people start genetically enhancing themselves...

    Can you link me to the cyclists thread? I'm not much of a cyclist and my bike is not much of a bike, I simply enjoy it better than the bus, it saves me a little time and I like to get a little excercise, as working in the lab is mostly sitting on my ass stretching my brains and typing things on a certain shaving forum.
    I want a lather whip

  8. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laurens View Post
    I'm glad to hear the GM debate is evolving. Back when I was a (smaller) kid, people would just be frightened by genetic modification and think it was dangerous to everything and everyone and somehow scientists were plotting to destroy humanity or something. Now, people point out that genetically modified organisms do not belong in nature, as they will compete with wild type organisms and containing their growth to the last single organism is virtually impossible.

    What most people don't know, is that the "wild types" I just refered to are also heavily manipulated by industries. The thing is, if you expose a bag of seeds to a big dose of UV light, sigarette smoke, electrons or radiation, 99.9% will die and 0.01% may grow just a little better than the original seeds. Only, you don't have to tell your customers what you did with the seeds. And the main drawback is that you don't know what other new properties have been created, which you do know with directed genetic modification.

    Either way, it's an interesting topic! Who knows, perhaps in 10 or 20 years all crops have been genetically modified. Who knows when people start genetically enhancing themselves...

    Can you link me to the cyclists thread? I'm not much of a cyclist and my bike is not much of a bike, I simply enjoy it better than the bus, it saves me a little time and I like to get a little excercise, as working in the lab is mostly sitting on my ass stretching my brains and typing things on a certain shaving forum.
    Sorry laurens, I have no idea how to link threads. It is in the finer things in life, subforum exercise or fitness or something. I am in no way a bike snob, and at the moment I am a pretty poor cyclist but I want to get fitter and cycle more.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  9. #29
    Scheerlijk Laurens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    Sorry laurens, I have no idea how to link threads. It is in the finer things in life, subforum exercise or fitness or something. I am in no way a bike snob, and at the moment I am a pretty poor cyclist but I want to get fitter and cycle more.
    Just copy and paste the URL in a post, the incredible Interwebs will do the rest!
    Neither am I a bike snob, as you so adequately put it. I used to play table tennis at a pretty high level in my birth town, but then I moved and could not find a club at a high enough level with nice enough people. Cycling is the only movement I get, and ballroom dancing, which can be pretty demanding.
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    I want a lather whip

  10. #30
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laurens View Post
    Just copy and paste the URL in a post, the incredible Interwebs will do the rest!
    Neither am I a bike snob, as you so adequately put it. I used to play table tennis at a pretty high level in my birth town, but then I moved and could not find a club at a high enough level with nice enough people. Cycling is the only movement I get, and ballroom dancing, which can be pretty demanding.
    You seen strictly ballroom, a.good Aussie movie that. I do all this from an android phone Laurens, I don't know how to make it cut and paste, and I have no idea where be a url. Though I do think I might be able to a clever yet cumbersome work around. Give me 5 mins.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

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