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Thread: Did any of you take up Straight Razor Shaving to be....

  1. #21
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    It sounds bad, but honestly, saving the environment was the last thing on my mind when I started.
    Last edited by Firefighter2; 02-04-2016 at 11:42 PM.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Longhaultanker's Avatar
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    This is a hilarious thread.

    Steel blades from ores dug from the ground.
    Natural hones from rocks dug from the ground.
    Synthetic stones made from ceramic, glass, Cilicia, all from the ground.
    Leather strops from killed cows, kangaroos.
    Natural brush bristles from badgers, boars, horses, etc., some of which requires the death of the subject. (Like any of us really cares about a nuisance species from China, like Texans care about feral hogs).

    Like the guy said, grow a beard. I like my big, fat, tall, silver tip badger bristles from freshly killed species.
    Last edited by Longhaultanker; 02-05-2016 at 12:23 AM.
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  3. #23
    Senior Member Augustagj's Avatar
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    I'm glad you find it humorous.

  4. #24
    Member bekk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Augustagj View Post
    The water I do send down the drain is cleaner.
    Agree, but this water (in greater volume) still flowing into municipal sewage system and to the water treatment plants. In that plant, the waste/foul/sewage water treated by chemical and biological processes. As much water reaching into that plants, as more time the process will take. In some cases, the volume of sewage that sent down, more than capacity of that plants. In that kind of situation, the untreated waste/foul/sewage water sent directly into your river/lake/sea/ocean.
    Quote Originally Posted by Augustagj View Post
    I don't think rain is an environmental hazard.
    Yes, this is definitely hazard! The rain/melt snow collected by municipal "storm water" system and directed to your local water basin. AS IT IS! No any treatment! This water caring spilled oil and gas, garbage that placed improperly, and many many chemical and biological products that generated by any megapolis.
    Bottom line,
    All our civilization is one huge environmental hazard.
    P.S. Im not any environmental specialist, just have very basic idea about the functionality of municipal systems.
    32t and outback like this.
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  5. #25
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Augustagj View Post
    The water I do send down the drain is cleaner. I think that is my point. I don't think rain is an environmental hazard. No doubt I do use more water. By comparison to the plastics made from petroleum and the blades in the landfill for a great period of time it sure seems an improvement overall. And don't forget the packaging too.
    I agree with your packaging, You have to consider the whole "package".

    For example an electric car will produce less pollution in your backyard but you have to consider where the electricity and batteries have been made and the disposal afterwards.

    It is a much more complicated formula to figure out the truth.

    A lot of what we hear is from the extreme on either end of the spectrum that yells the loudest.

    As an aside, Now this makes me think about who I should vote for!
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  6. #26
    Senior Member Augustagj's Avatar
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    I actually owned a Nissan Leaf. Without the Federal and Georgia State Tax Credit it would have never made sense to own. The lithium mining and rare earth element mining is truly dirty!
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  7. #27
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    I've always been partial to old school ways. I started using a straight less than two years from the time I had my first shave. Was pretty tough not having anyone or the web , to obtain knowledge. Except what I remember seeing in movies or the barber shop with grandpa, at a young age.
    And was also hoping, it might rid me of the constant ingrown hairs and razor burn. Well it did..!!
    Haven't looked back since.

    As enviromentally speeking.
    Some. Financially..... If it weren't for the ADs.... YES!!

  8. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth ejmolitor37's Avatar
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    I quit using cartridges due to the fact it made me sick to pay so much for those things to hate shaving. In the end I guess so far I have spent more on my gear than I would have on cartridges but I have enjoyed myself since. Even though I am a novice I still get better shaves with my straight than I did with a the devil ( cartridges).
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  9. #29
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Late night decision watching skyfall while drinking a martini led me down the path. eBay account and this web forum did the rest.
    As Andrew said, the friends met in the pursuit of learning more about straight razor care and control were an unexpected bonus as well.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  10. #30
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I did choose to switch to a puck, mug, and brush for environmental reasons about 30 years ago. I eventually came to safety razors because they were cheaper than cartridge razors and stayed with them because they worked better. I decided to try straight razors to see if they worked as well as, or better than, safety razors, and I did recognize and appreciate that it meant that I was switching to a completely non-disposable method of shaving. It was not the reason that I stuck with straights but I did like the idea of it.
    Bonbon, MikeB52, JTmke and 2 others like this.

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