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Thread: Did any of you take up Straight Razor Shaving to be....

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    I reckon I run the tap for maybe 30 seconds tops for my whole shave. And that would be nowhere near fully open
    Same I use it to lather then I wipe cream off blade on arm then use cold water to clean up

  2. #42
    Senior Member Papabear11's Avatar
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    To me it was the pollution factor and the price of disposable blades. I did Start out whit The brush and soap(no more can of goo), right at that moment the shave was better. Few months after i tried a DE razor it was just wow. I tried the Shavette and i was very pleased, as for the straight(traditional) it was a real hard to Start whit, but whit all the help i had whit the membres here i finaly saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Straight shaving(traditional) is my most common way to shave. 95% of my shaves is done now whit my straights and there's no way that i'll go back on disposable blades.

  3. #43
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    I have used shavettes for over 50 years and saw John Wayne shaving with a straight and thought that is really cool. How hard can it be. They don't call it the art of shaving for nothing. I really do like the fact I can enjoy the time shaving and looking at myself in the mirror. Saving the environment is a real plus even though some people in Washington don't feel that it is important.

  4. #44
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frederickdav View Post
    If you really want to save water, shave with an electric shaver.
    The source of electricity be it coal, nuclear and hydro dams all effect the environment badly. Solar and wind generated electricity also because of the manufacturing process. There is no free lunch. Everything we do has an effect on the environment. It is just degree of how bad the effect is.

    outback likes this.
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  5. #45
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    I think environmental impact is a great reason to shave with a straight, but I got into it because I love old technology (I have a giant wax cylinder player tattooed on my forearm) and shaving the way they did in the 18th century appeals to me. Plus the first time I saw a kamisori razor, it kind of reminded me that a razor is, at it's core, a knife, which is easy to forget looking at a Gillette Mach 3 or whatever. And I enjoy giving my whiskers a good knife-fight. I might take a hit here and there, but they always lose.
    outback likes this.

  6. #46
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    I never ever considered the environment at all. That would be the last thing I thought of.
    I switched from shaving with a DE (issued in boot camp at Parris Island) to SR because I retired from the military, work and have the time. It's one of the greatest pleasures for me now to have a hot lather shave with a straight razor, smoke a good cigar (hand rolled on the thighs of virgins), drink some really good dark rum, and have a hot woman (wife unit) waiting for me. It doesn't get any better than that, for me at least. Life is good and you should enjoy it while you're can. The environment will take care of itself no matter what I try to do to protect it. Just an old war horses opinion about such things.
    Semper Fi !


  7. #47
    Senior Member Suticat's Avatar
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    I started straight shaving because I wanted to be cool like the Fonz.
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  8. #48
    Member arfman2882's Avatar
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    It's amazing that such a seemingly innocuous question resulted in such lively and diverse conversation. I personally enjoy that many of the inflammatory posts were outright ignored or extinguished.

    I personally tend to be a grammar stickler, but the environment on this board, across about 95% of the threads I've read are quite civil. This makes it easy to respect the members and not post grammar corrections.

    All that aside, discounting collecting, straight razor shaving does seem less wasteful. This, of course, is my humble opinion. The subject of footprint is far beyond the scope of such a discussion.

    I feel compelled to speak on one last point. Humans are over concentrated, not overpopulated. Human greed, laziness, and limitation have resulted in unnatural and unnecessarily destructive manufacturing and consumption problems. Given the population density of New York City, the entirety of living humans would fit in an area the size of the Dakotas.

    Regardless, I really respect all for their honest opinions and civility.
    MW76 likes this.

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  10. #49
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    I like your thinking and style. Slow down and smell the lavender and sandlewood.

  11. #50
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Yes I did, I partially wanted to use a a SR because of environmental issues and not filling landfills with unneeded plastic (same with DE's), also money and better shaves. Eight years later I'm not sure on the money part lol, but the shaves are great and I'm now taking things from the dump (antique stores, flea mkts etc) and making them usable and very sharp again

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