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Thread: Did any of you take up Straight Razor Shaving to be....

  1. #61
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    I read about half of the posts on the environmental advantages of straights and while they are a basic once off production item there are many more things each day that will impact the enviroment.

    Packaging in the supermarket, in fact packaging everywhere for almost everything we buy.

    I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it but if the OP wants to reduce his footprint environmentally consider the damage just using this forum has for the environment. I'm in Australia so his post from California about saving the planet is sent through a multitude of servers all consuming not insignificant amounts of energy then delivered to my home by my provider while I run either a desktop, laptop, tablet or phone, most of which are also attached in some way to wifi polluting the environment in an unseen manner.

    The differential between your one internet post and the environmental harm of a disposable razor is worth pondering.

    So just by replying to this thread I have probably been instrumental in the use of more coal or nuclear power around the planet. We cannot really "win" but we can, where we choose be responsible for the things we do.
    Last edited by baldas; 04-12-2016 at 11:45 PM.
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  2. #62
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by baldas View Post
    I read about half of the posts on the environmental advantages of straights and while they are a basic once off production item there are many more things each day that will impact the enviroment.

    Packaging in the supermarket, in fact packaging everywhere for almost everything we buy.

    I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it but if the OP wants to reduce his footprint environmentally consider the damage just using this forum has for the environment. I'm in Australia so his post from California about saving the planet is sent through a multitude of servers all consuming not insignificant amounts of energy then delivered to my home by my provider while I run either a desktop, laptop, tablet or phone, most of which are also attached in some way to wifi polluting the environment in an unseen manner.

    The differential between your one internet post and the environmental harm of a disposable razor is worth pondering.

    So just by replying to this thread I have probably been instrumental in the use of more coal or nuclear power around the planet. We cannot really "win" but we can, where we choose be responsible for the things we do.
    What you make on the beer you loose on the peanuts or the modern version, the carbon tax credit.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  3. #63
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johntoad57 View Post
    Well actually, I have two of them. I just didn't mention them at the time. Life is good for me right now. I don't have anyone shooting at me anymore or throwing grenades at me. Most people don't understand that feeling....
    More of us on this forum than you think, but most of us did our time InThe 60,s and early 70,s to be honest 40 years with my wife was more hazardous than combat. Tc
    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

  4. #64
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    For me, my reasons for going to the SR was being fed up with declining quality and razor life coupled with increasing prices of cartridge razors. I was going to consider either of those two shave clubs but none of them got really rave reviews. So I was going to go with a DE and almost bought the MicroTouch ONE at a Walgreen's. But after visiting wetshaving websites and online retailers, the SR began to appeal to me. I knew by reading that I would spend the same time shaving with a DE or a SR. But the SR was what I wanted.

    So now all I had to do was choose a razor. But what if I did not like it? Thanks to this website, I was able to steer clear of the GD or the Razolution which were previously getting strong consideration. So, and after I found out SRD was about 45 minutes from me, I was going to get either the Dovo Best Quality or the Ralf Aust. But again, what if I did not like SR shaving? So...I settled on a shavette and used Derby, Astra Platinums, Gillete 7 O'clock yellows, and Feathers. I was hooked. Well, in January, I got my Ralf Aust 5/8 round point and a strop from SRD and have been enjoying it ever since. Had to learn the stropping technique as well as shave angle. And I had to use CrOX paste to recover from bad stropping. But it was, by far, the best move I made. The SR actually has had me enjoy shaving, something in the 31 years of shaving I NEVER thought I'd say!
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  5. #65
    Senior Member Raif79's Avatar
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    I took up straights to save money...joke's on me! Now I have more razors than I know what to do with. Fire sale!

  6. #66
    FAL is offline
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    I have a small project to save the planet, Using old wasted straight razors to make a damascus knife of 20", should be an interesting mix, we will see.
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  7. #67
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    The "windchime" machete?
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  8. #68
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    You know I never even considered that. I mean most of the packaging is some form of paper, metal, or plastic. Plastic can be recycled, metal recycled, and paper is generally biodegradable since it's just wood pulp. But it's a fair bet that it IS more environmentally friendly, and things that fall into that category are slowly moving higher on my priority list. Besides that, fewer things in the trash bin means fewer trips to take out garbage and a lighter can to drag across the road on pick-up day.

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