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Thread: Project coochie razor

  1. #81
    Member adickerson0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windcalmer View Post
    That should do it, unless she also uses a straight daily.
    If she has that much of a mustache it may be time to find a new woman.

  2. #82
    Senior Member Windcalmer's Avatar
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    I was thinking more her shaving her LEGS! LOL

  3. #83
    Junior Honemeister Mike_ratliff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilithParker View Post
    Quick intro: I'm here (on the forum) because my sweetie (long-distance) got himself a straight razor (I have no idea what kind yet) and wants me to eventually learn how to use it on him, so I'm hoping to soak up as much knowledge here as I can before I risk his neck. I'm here (in this thread) because I think it's high time a female voice be heard.

    I shave my girly bits with a safety razor two or three times a week in the shower. I'm not afraid of shaving said bits with a straight razor, as long as the person wielding it (me first!) knows how to use it. I'll let y'all know if/when that happens. (It'll be at least three months, since that's the next time I visit my sweetie.)

    With the safety razor, I do three passes on each side of the... well, you know: back to front, front to back, and center to side. I leave the mound alone, because, frankly, I like the way that triangle looks. I do the bikini line once against the grain (toward the pelvic bone) and once across the grain (toward the leg).

    My advice: BE CAREFUL! I've cut myself a few times ("just one more shave with this dull blade," I think... silly me) and it stings like heck. I suggest doing the first pass from center to side because it seems like it'd be easiest to hold the razor in that position. If that doesn't give a close enough shave, try back to front next. Be gentle, stretch the skin (it stretches a LOT), and don't press too hard.

    Y'all crack me up with your euphemisms, by the way.

    Thank you, I was not expecting that...

    Okay back to the serious issue here, if we use her explanation... The back to front and front to back could be problematic with a full sized razor, depending on position. I think a shorter blade may be in order for any members wanting to try a straight for this.
    1/8 is probably a bit too small, but I also wouldn't want to go bigger than 5/8
    and it's only fair if you shave her bits, and she wants to shave yours, you gotta let her...

  4. #84
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    WOW Mike LOL
    Having Fun Shaving

  5. #85
    Junior Honemeister Mike_ratliff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coachmike View Post
    WOW Mike LOL

    Hey fair is fair... It's a brave and trusting woman that'll let anyone use a straight on her...
    If she has that much faith in you, you have to reciprocate... Although I would let her try my face first, and eventually work her way down...

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_ratliff View Post
    try my face first, and eventually work her way down...
    only if you buy her dinner first

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by phillyclaude View Post
    only if you buy her dinner first
    What? No candy and Nylons?


  8. #88
    < Banned User > Blade Wielder's Avatar
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    I've used other grooming tools on a girl before, but never a straight razor. I like the idea, though, and will be sure to give it a try. As for allowing her to return the favor? No, I just couldn't allow it. After three years of practice with a straight razor, it has become almost like an extention of my hand. However, even the thought of tidying things up a bit down there with anything but a cartridge safety razor is out of the question. A person can never be that good. Heh. That's right, I don't even trust myself, let alone someone else. Guys have too much to lose, whereas a chick doesn't run the risk of making it inoperable.

  9. #89
    Junior Honemeister Mike_ratliff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blade Wielder View Post
    whereas a chick doesn't run the risk of making it inoperable.
    That's where you are mistaken... although a mistake on her won't result in the sausage dropping to the floor, she can still be severely harmed in several ways. including the possibility of permanently losing the ability to enjoy sex... and if she doesn't enjoy it, you aren't going to either.

    frankly there's less of a risk to us guys... if she slips up, and we've got insurance, we can get it fixed, and have a little extra added in the process... or get it fixed into a permanent salute... You never know you might get a lot of attention if you're walking around sporting a flag pole all the time

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_ratliff View Post
    That's where you are mistaken... although a mistake on her won't result in the sausage dropping to the floor, she can still be severely harmed in several ways. including the possibility of permanently losing the ability to enjoy sex...
    Heh heh. For that to happen, the person shaving her would have to make one hell of a mistake! Akin to accidentally filleting a fish.

    I understand what you're getting at, though. I know a couple of people who do piercings, and when a chick comes in to get one through her "on button," partial or total loss of sensation in that area is one of the frightening (albeit unlikely, if you're dealing with a professional) possible outcomes. When it comes to shaving, that'd be next to impossible to have happen, though, as the danger zone on her is naturally out of the open, unlike the male anatomy. In our case, the whole package is exposed, making every part of it extremely vulnerable. Add to that the fact we're likely to be hairier and have coarser strands, meaning the job, depending on how thorough the person wants to be, is going to be much more labor intensive and dangerous. The area is also ground zero for blood flow and contains arteries that pump blood to it, and veins that allow it to circulate. What would amount to no more than a nick on her (since the area, although there is a heathy amount of circulation, is made of a lot more fatty tissue) could just as easily create a crimson geyser on a fella.

    and if she doesn't enjoy it, you aren't going to either.
    Of course I would! Frankly speaking, the woman's gratification isn't a variable for the man's enjoyment if we're talking about a one-off situation. If it were, as you claim, the prostitution business probably would have fizzled out, oh, a few thousand years ago or so. If we define our scenario a bit and explain that we're talking about a monogamous married couple, where mutual satisfaction is necessary for the relationship's longevity....? Well yeah, in that case what you said would make sense.

    frankly there's less of a risk to us guys... if she slips up, and we've got insurance, we can get it fixed, and have a little extra added in the process... or get it fixed into a permanent salute... You never know you might get a lot of attention if you're walking around sporting a flag pole all the time
    There's definitely more of a risk for guys. I can tell by your surgery suggestions now that you're joking, though. What you're suggesting isn't like taking a busted car to the garage for a few aftermarket parts; it's the human body, and sometimes they can only do so much. I know a couple of people who have lost fingers, and despite clean cuts, they sadly couldn't be re-attached. If they were dealing with a severed part of a man's nether regions, often the only time they can guarantee a positive outcome is when the patient has booked a modification on their own -- not when he's running into the ER with his manhood in an ice bucket.

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