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Thread: A straight and nothing but a straight

  1. #11
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    I said goodbye to cartridges last December when my wife gave me a Dovo Shavette for Christmas (along with an excellent fine badger brush from AOS), and have since used staights exclusively, and I shave every day. There is the rare, occasional Saturday that I don't shave. I have 7 straights, and the Dovo Shavette, and no other razors. I use the shavette to clean up the back of my neck on Sundays. There are mornings when I am in a hurry, and I am able to get a quick shave with a straight, and a damn fine shave at that. On those rushed mornings, I don't do a final rinse. I simply wipe off any remaining cream from my face, followed with a splash of A/S. This leaves my face feeling soft and moisterized, whether I used a soap or cream.

    I have thought about getting a DE, if only because that is what my father used, but I am not sure that I ever will.
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  2. #12
    Enthusiast Gammaray's Avatar
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    Real men shave with a SR everyday.
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  3. #13
    Shave like a pyrate! Pyrateknight's Avatar
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    I have a shavette for the days I absolutely can't (i.e. Weekend Air Travel) but I find that if I am in a rush a single WTG will do for me.
    Shaving with facial hair is like a golfcourse. It's a challenge of rough and fairways. You are the skilled greenskeeper of your face?

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Probably 99% of the time with a straight razor. I try to keep to a schedule that allows me the extra time. Once in awhile a Merkur slant or some other DE. In the beginning I had to use both until my technique with the straight improved. Then I went through a period where I resolved to shave with a straight daily to master the technique. In the next couple of years I found that, given the choice, I really do prefer shaving with a straight razor for comfort and the efficiency they provide.
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  6. #15
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    I use both straights & DE's, but I do not use a disposable on my face, EVER.

  7. #16
    Senior Member Skippy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unit View Post
    I like your avatar!

    I use a straight only. I generally shave daily in the evenings after work but before dinner. SWMBO uses a multi-bladed thing and how she does is beyond me. I see it sitting there caked with hair and soap...I think she does not even bother to rinse it sometimes. I guess if you use one of those things, you might as well show it no love at all
    I like your avatar too!

  8. #17
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    I use my straights when it isnt REALLY hot unlike this month..I use DE/SE in the ok..but I havent bought ANY disposable razor in over 5 years personally.

  9. #18
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I used to shave with a straight exclusively however these days I use a DE on a regular basis too.
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  10. #19
    Member rkw216's Avatar
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    Disposable razors are meant to be thrown away, so I did. I do have a nice handle for the Mach 3 that I use when I have to fly. But only then.

  11. #20
    Just a guy with free time.
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    ..I use DE/SE in the shower
    I think Smalltank needs to see some DE disaster pics...I know some of you guys have them. It's your body ofc, but, no razor blade of any kind will go into the shower with me. lol.

    For the OP, yep..only a straight. It takes me 11 minutes to lather and do a two pass shave. It took me ten minutes to shave with a mach3 and brush my teeth. So by using a SR, I added two minutes to my routine. I don't have a thick beard though. Maybe that makes a difference.
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