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Thread: A straight and nothing but a straight

  1. #41
    Senior Member cflaageriv's Avatar
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    ironsidegnr...I basically went down to two in my rotation. Currently I have four. For me, it's a matter of remembering what "stage" I'm in with the various razors and what needs to be done on any razor on a particular day. I really find using one razor for a week or so keeps me on top and is not so demanding in my short term memory. For a while there I had been using the big suckers (a 7/8 Hart and a 7/8 Wostenholm) and found them both great shavers. Then I went to two smaller ones a (a 6/8 Holzhauer and its smaller twin in 5/8) and found I could appreciate the shaves as well as using the big guys.

  2. #42
    Senior Member ryan_a's Avatar
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    I have been a straight razor shaver for about 7 years now. I think I have used no more than 3 or 4 Mach 3 blades in that time. However, I travel for work a lot and I was in Palm Springs for a while and stopped by Classic Shavings store and purchased a sweet Merkur DE along with Feather blades. I am totally sold on this razor for times when the Straight just doesn't work (i.e. carry one luggage).

    I find it amazingly smooth and economical. I have only used about 3 packages of razors in the last 2 years. So I strongly recommend a DE to keep around. It is great!

    With that being said...I am in a Hotel right now on business and I was able to drive here. So I have my DE but I also brought a couple of straights so I can hone and have some fun in the evenings.

  3. #43
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    I would say 80-90% of the time I use a straight. This week would be the exception, I started on Sunday playing with my Single Edge safety razors. They certainly do deliver an incredible shave but something about shaving without stropping a razor that just feels like something's missing. I made Sunday, Monday and Tuesday with the SE but this morning just couldn't resist a good straight razor shave. Friday I'll probably be pulling out my other Lather Catcher (an Ever Ready.) That is the most I've shaved with a safety razor of any kind in probably a good 3 years. I generally don't use a safety razor more than about once every couple months.
    The older I get, the better I was

  4. #44
    32t is offline
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    Other than to experiment with an interesting vintage SE or DE, I have decided that I will use straights until I am to old or infirm. I will then grow a beard.
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  5. #45
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Straight, every morning, two passes, less than 5 minutes with strop. Lather on face.

    If you feel like you might not have the time to use a straight razor every day, then use one every day. Within a couple of weeks, you'll learn how to use it quickly. First pass top to bottom stock reduction, no screwing around, just pull the razor down the grain, second pass clean it up some. Nothing dainty.

    I did get my first DEs this last week, but only out of curiosity for what my grandfather used. I like the straights better and at this point can shave a better quality shave in the same amount of time.
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  6. #46
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    Default A straight and nothing but a straight

    Days that your rushed, use a nice Shavette . Inexpensive and fast.

  7. #47
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    i did away with the mach 3 last july, and it has only been straigh razors since. i have had to retire 2 bokers which i brought back to life from antique stores, but were very near retirement when i rescue them. but at least they were used right till the
    end and not rusted away. i have only my solinger. peaso extra hollow right now and am considering picking up a few larger straights, 13/16 and up to try for more clearence around my ears as i shave my head. i may even puchase new or at the very least unhoned as it pains me to stop using afamiliar tool.

  8. #48
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    i have used a disposible maby maby 4 times in my short life. i have a mornign routine that giveds me time to shave with my straight. the few times i have uesed them where one day when i was runnign so late it wasent funny for work and the other times where when i was away and frogot my razor so i borrowed a disposible. dont have much facial hair so i keep it clean shaven so it dosent look like hell.

  9. #49
    50 year str. shaver mrsell63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deerhunter1995 View Post
    i have used a disposible maby maby 4 times in my short life. i have a mornign routine that giveds me time to shave with my straight. the few times i have uesed them where one day when i was runnign so late it wasent funny for work and the other times where when i was away and frogot my razor so i borrowed a disposible. dont have much facial hair so i keep it clean shaven so it dosent look like hell.


    How is your genuine cowhide strop holding up?


  10. #50
    Member adamkavanagh's Avatar
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    I exclusively use Straight razors. I must admit though, I often have some 'less-than-smooth' skin under my chin but Im sure I'll get better with that area in another year or so.

    I have ultra sensitive skin so I usually stick to one pass. Straight razor shaving is the only method that leaves me with razor-burn free skin!
    MickR and moehal like this.

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