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Thread: What Do You Have In The Mail Right Now?

  1. #3411
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    One thing I picked up doing. Since the stone is 3" wide, You only really *need* 6" width of paper to get total coverage. So I usually cut off 1" from either side and keep that on hand for the other sanding necessities. Otherwise, I felt I was wasting valuable sanding media. If you keep the whole sheet, the middle is usually dulled more than the rest of the sheet, but usually usable unless you really go to town or have really cheap paper. However, this will also depend on your lapping pattern and how you move the stone on the sheet.

    Edit: 3M is really good stuff, it really does last longer than Norton and their "Black Ice" line.
    MikeB52 and aaron1234 like this.

  2. #3412
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Waiting on two NOS vintage Japanese razors a Hoshitombo 6500 first edtition and a Giyana Biken Osaka.
    “Wherever you’re going never take an idiot with you, you can always find one when you get there.”

  3. #3413
    Razorius Maximus hrfdez's Avatar
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    Waiting for a Kanoyama 30000 to add to my 80000, some stones a friend gifted me, and these beauties from Ulrik.
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  4. #3414
    Member... jmercer's Avatar
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    I went nuts last week and scored three separate wedges. Two on deck.

    NOS Wapienica SFK FSM wedge 5/8 got here early. Wasn't expected till August. As it was still sealed I was suspicious of rust but took chance. There was minor rust on tang but cleaned right up.

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    Red Imp Wedge #132 5/8 with very little hone ware cleaned up and ready for honing. Need to look for maroon color paint to redo their the painted lettering.

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    And still in the la la land called mail, was suppose to be here yesterday is a W&B wedge 5/8. I didn't know they made simple smaller wedges. I'm finding out. {ebay pic}

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    Shave the Lather...

  5. #3415
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmercer View Post
    I went nuts last week and scored three separate wedges. Two on deck.

    NOS Wapienica SFK FSM wedge 5/8 got here early. Wasn't expected till August. As it was still sealed I was suspicious of rust but took chance. There was minor rust on tang but cleaned right up.

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    Red Imp Wedge #132 5/8 with very little hone ware cleaned up and ready for honing. Need to look for maroon color paint to redo their the painted lettering.

    Name:  redimp1.jpg
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    And still in the la la land called mail, was suppose to be here yesterday is a W&B wedge 5/8. I didn't know they made simple smaller wedges. I'm finding out. {ebay pic}

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    I'm not very "well traveled" with SRs yet. But, I believe I have between one & three of these "simple W&B wedges" as you call 'em. Grabbed them in an online auction off the beaten path months ago, they are currently in the "to-do" pile. None have scales, as I got them for... not a lot. Roughly a dollar each, the catch: they were in lots of 4 blades, with maybe two in each lot that stood a chance at being restored.

    Want some pics? Shouldn't take too long to dig them out from under the pile of related materials lol...
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Crawler For This Useful Post:

    jmercer (07-23-2016)

  7. #3416
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Yep, the W&B, "You lather Well I'll Shave Well, is a 5'8" wedge if I remember right. I know I have seen others.
    jmercer and hrfdez like this.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to engine46 For This Useful Post:

    jmercer (07-23-2016)

  9. #3417
    Senior Member blabbermouth Thug's Avatar
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    This eventually arrived at my Post Office this morning after being received by our International Mail Centre on 4 June!! Now you know why I use a Shipping Forwarder to get my goods delivered directly to me.

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  10. #3418
    Senior Member AndyCee's Avatar
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    Nice looking brush Tony, are the handles made out of porcelain?

  11. #3419
    Senior Member blabbermouth Thug's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyCee View Post
    Nice looking brush Tony, are the handles made out of porcelain?

    They're hand made out of ceramic.
    engine46, AndyCee and hrfdez like this.

  12. #3420
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    Eiko. The BIN was too good to resist. Looks very tidy.
    Into this house we're born, into this world we're thrown ~ Jim Morrison

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