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Thread: What Do You Have In The Mail Right Now?

  1. #3521
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Well John...if I hate it, I know where to send it...

    Phranky has your address....bwahahahaha!!!
    Don't you send no Vegetal !!

  2. #3522
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    With that Nomad, you will want a brush with a little backbone,,, load the brush with about 12 swirls, both ways,,, then build lather on the face, it likes water. I usually pour a little hot water on the surface , let it sit for a few.
    Phrank, MikeB52 and engine46 like this.

  3. #3523
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I forgot to mention I discovered the baddest razor T-shirt which recently arrived. Pretty cool!

    (From the listing!)
    George Korn Patent

    Name:  korn.jpg
Views: 208
Size:  10.4 KB

  4. #3524
    Senior Member Demetrius's Avatar
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    Just got this one today. I lost an auction on "that auction site" that the winner didn't come through so I got it. It is a Wester Bros. "Fraternity 33". Looks to be in as good shape as the pics I saw before I bought it. To the hones this weekend...

    Name:  IMG_0620.jpg
Views: 151
Size:  23.4 KBName:  IMG_0621.jpg
Views: 143
Size:  21.6 KB

    The scales are in incredible shape and the blade has no hone wear on the spine at all.
    Last edited by Demetrius; 08-17-2016 at 03:36 AM.

  5. #3525
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Wow, you got a 2nd chance offer? Those aren't as common as they once were. When I would lose one I really loved I hoped I would end up getting a 2nd chance offer & it did happen a couple times when I wished for it to happen!
    ejmolitor37 and Demetrius like this.

  6. #3526
    Senior Member Demetrius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by engine46 View Post
    Wow, you got a 2nd chance offer? Those aren't as common as they once were. When I would lose one I really loved I hoped I would end up getting a 2nd chance offer & it did happen a couple times when I wished for it to happen!
    This was the first time it ever happened to me. I wanted this one but was busy when the auction ended. I lost by $1 but now have it for my highest bid. Nice deal, I think.
    MikeB52, engine46 and outback like this.

  7. #3527
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ultrasoundguy2003 View Post
    Now they arrived , You are correct , they sound nice.... New HP Pavillion laptop NO bluetooth. Bang & olafson stereo package, No working speakers... Short answer. its nice but not $250 nice and I must use a corded headphones.
    Really headphones with cords in 2016?? I have a screen coming for my old laptop. All the stuff may go back. Not impressed. Experience with brick and mortar Best Buy was even worse.
    You'd have to do some quick research of reviews on the various models currently available (why? Budget model = budget quality), but I'm confident that you would be satisfied with a pair of Plantronics headphones. The sound quality may not exactly be "mind blowing", but the difference in sound quality will be offset by the difference in price (probably 50% or more). I'm not a sponsor nor an audiophile, just a fan of the "quality vs. price" sweet spot... which I picked up from my dad.

    Shure, btw, is generally what musicians of all genres & career levels use. When I worked at Fry's, Shure was changing-up their models of earbuds. I can't remember exactly what the retail price was, between $150 & $250, but I snatched up a pair of E2G earbuds for about $28 on clearance. That was more than I ever planed to spend on such an item in my life, but it was a heck of a deal! When I first used them.... THAT was mind blowing! I played one of my Battlefield games on PC, and I heard entire groups of instruments & notes of music, for the first time ever, in the start menu, of all things!! They used a full orchestra, even for the background music in the menus! Lol. Anyway... I still have & use those Shure earbuds, going on ten years now.
    Last edited by Crawler; 08-17-2016 at 07:05 PM.
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Crawler For This Useful Post:

    dinnermint (08-17-2016)

  9. #3528
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Sound quality. It's just one of those things. A surround sound entertainment system is the difference between "The Matrix" turning from a neat 'flick, into an immersive experience.

    For two reasons, I recently watched an anime that is outside of my usual preference of: action, TV14 to TVMA. First: the anime had very high production quality, both visually & audibly (good story as well, obviously...). Second: the music sounded great through my Shure earbuds! I watched the entire show via Netflix on my phone, so I could hear it good 'n proper. I tried it on one of our T.V.s for a single episode before going back to the tiny screen on my phone so I could hear everything.

    The anime, btw, was Your Lie in April. More mushy than I tend to go for, but I don't regret watching it .

    Gonna get off my soapbox now...
    dinnermint likes this.
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  10. #3529
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    I've got 2 razors from the auction site in the mail right now. A Hayashi Diamond 1300 and a Jernbolaget, which I hadn't heard of before but had a BIN price that I couldn't pass up.
    MikeB52 and engine46 like this.
    Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. -Groucho Marx

  11. #3530
    Senior Member Panama60's Avatar
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    Just received my Illinois Razor Strop Co. #827 in the mail this morning. In a couple of days I'll be receiving a set of Norton water stone kit, green honing compound
    and a 3"x 60" 8/9 oz Veg Tanned Leather Belt Blank.
    Phrank and engine46 like this.

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