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  1. #21
    Straight User Effigy's Avatar
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    You mean the rank of 'Honemeister' doesnt signify anything

    Shoot! I've just had it added to my Business cards!

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Suggestion: can't we have amateur vs. professional honemeisters?
    Or: honorary vs. professional honemeisters? Honemeisters vs. master honers?

    I have been approached a couple of times by newbies asking if I could hone their razor. I always explained to them I do feel competent to hone my own but refer them for their razors to a professional.

    Like there is a list of SRP approved vendors there might be a list of SRP approved honemeisters?

  3. #23
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Well, I feel sorry for the elephant.


    If I had known that this was such a controversial topic I would never have replied in the first place.

    Skill has nothing to do with ranking, so changing the ranks is simply not a solution.
    As joe said, the only option would be to create a group, but I suspect that none of the regulars would care about it because they already know who is good at honing.

    The only people who it'd affect would be fresh newbies.
    If they care to become part of the community they find out soon enough who's who.
    If they don't care for becoming part of it, then the forum should not go out of its way to accomodate them.

    So Joe: you have convinced me. I retract my original statement that this would be a good idea.
    Now, let's all sing kumbaya

  4. #24
    A Cut Above the Rest Yourmum90's Avatar
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    Well i have taken my time over reading over the whole thread and well to be honest i have gone from totally agreeing to stuck right in the middle, i guess it is all just Horse's for Courses.

    I would love to have some Uber title for myself but thats a whole new can of worms

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by azjoe View Post
    Although no one has asked to do this so far, the real "honemeister" guys could, for example, ask to start a "private" group... as the "blabbermouths" did. Then, they could elect to have their "title" (which isn't the same as "rank") indicate their private group name... in this example, honemeister. "Ranks" and "Titles" are not connected in any way. Ranks are post count driven and Titles are Group driven. Currently the groups we have are things like registered, moderator, administrator, blabbermouth, etc. Everyone has a primary group and any number of secondary groups. Most permissions in the forum are group driven... eg, moderators have their "can lock threads" permission set to yes, while registered users have theirs set to no.

    I didn't suggest this as a solution earlier because everyone seemed so intent on doing battle over Ranks. IMHO you can't solve the "honemeister" issue with Ranks alone. .. and I've been trying to get that point across all day.

    Now THAT'S what I was talking about! Post count related ranking completely aside (and I really wasn't talking about post counts anyway), call whoever you want whatever you want, I just think it'd be helpful to see some sort of .... SOMETHING to denote the guys who offer honing service. Like a group name (blabbermouth, etc) as Joe mentions or even an extra icon (either in addition to, or instead of, that shaving brush/"Trouble" gamepiece thingie ... what IS THAT THING anyway?).

    As far as who gets one: Post a sticky in the honing forum detailing the plan for a designation, tell interested folks to PM a moderator with their request, have the mods discuss the requests amongst themselves and make the "yea or nay" decision (you guys have a pretty clear idea of who's who around here as well as the quality of their work). Pretty "neat and tidy" and relatively pain free - then you don't have to change the "honemeister" rank that seems to be the ultimate stick in everyone's ... you know.

    Joe, you and I are referring to the same thing here now. It took me a good while to figure out who I could send my razors to (I stalked here as a guest for a bit before even registering). I figured out Lynn was available fairly early on as there are a good many references to his honing skill and service but the other guys aren't so easy to identify. I came across Joe Chandler's services a few days ago and we've made arrangements to get my blades taken care of. Off the top of my head I really couldn't say who else out there is available "for hire" so to speak.

    So how 'bout it, something to consider?
    Last edited by maclean3; 12-05-2006 at 12:15 PM.

  6. #26
    Senior Member azjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maclean3 View Post
    ...that shaving brush/"Trouble" gamepiece thingie ... what IS THAT THING anyway?).
    ?? Which icon are you referring to... which style... different styles use different icons? Is it the one right-adjacent to the member name in a post? (ie, the one that looks like the silhouette of the "pawn" chess piece on the steel styles, a "check mark" on the smart brown style, and a "ball" on the classic style... when you mouse-over it tells you whether the user is on or off line)

    Quote Originally Posted by maclean3 View Post
    you guys have a pretty clear idea of who's who around here as well as the quality of their work
    I'm the computer nerd, in case you forgot?

    Thanks for the vote of confidence, but you certainly don't want me making those decisions. I'd guess several of my fellow mods would feel equally uncomfortable. IMHO, deciding who is a "qualified" honemeister is something the entire Community should have a say in... not just one or two people. FWIW, the Moderator's job is to maintain order and answer procedural questions about the site. Otherwise, we're members just like everyone else... each of us having varying levels of razor savvy, maintenance/restoration skills, and historical knowledge.

  7. #27
    Senior Member xChris's Avatar
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    Can I just have my title changed to "Just Another Shaver" ???


  8. #28
    Senior Member azjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xChris View Post
    Can I just have my title changed to "Just Another Shaver" ???

    Is there something wrong with "Senior Member"?

  9. #29
    Scar Face Aussie's Avatar
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    What a can of worms

    I'm only a newb but all I did was look in the honing forum etc and could see in a couple of minutes who I could send my razors to and also by looking at the honemeisters posting threads looking for advice to know that they were not the ones.

    My 0.02c but if u can't find an answer ask, for me that has been most of the fun, talking to you guys whether about razors or just plain shite.

    Please don't fight - makes pappa sad

  10. #30
    Senior Member xChris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by azjoe View Post
    Is there something wrong with "Senior Member"?
    No, nothing wrong with it, except [maybe] the issue you brought up earlier in the thread. I'm just one of those poor souls that has a "few" posts, and already ranks highly(). But, I'm "just another shaver."

    The actual naming convention doesn't bother me, and I appreciate the work that you continue to put into site design/maintenance. I can understand both sides of the arguement (clarification & creativity). However, what is entertaining is seeing the extreme sides of the issue so strongly debated.

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