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Thread: I'm number one!

  1. #651
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RichZ View Post
    Ok I am at my last week at C&W. I will start at my new job on Monday looking forward to it.
    I have noticed something about our samples of AS. They have darkened over time, I want to check but I think they have blended better. I will check and keep all updated.

    Well I'll's Point man

    How ya doin Rich ? Sounds like you're getting ready to start a new adventure

    Thank you for the heads up on the AS. It's not your imagination.....the AS are darker, and yes....the scents will have "come into themselves" as they In natural perfumery a perfume/cologne isn't considered to be ready for sale until a minimum of one year has passed, and the longer the better....sorda like making wine

    I wish y'all could see ALLLLLL the containers full of "just a little of this, and just a little of that" But I save most everything so I can have an understanding of how time affects a blend; does it separate more ? Does it grow mold .......Does it affect the plastic container ? I did have a fella suffering away in a hot foreign country say that the plastic bottle seemed to be affected by the heat and the EO's. Which can certainly happen when the two are combined.

    So even though we came to a grinding halt....I suppose the passage of time has it's own lesson's.

    I know I miss everyone!!!!! Things are about the same here on the home front....stressful as ever, I suppose I'll be divorced by Fall, but I don't really know cuz this is my first divorce....geez!... and my last ....I hope lol

    XXWarm Regards, Colleen

  2. #652
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by churley View Post
    Well I'll's Point man

    How ya doin Rich ? Sounds like you're getting ready to start a new adventure

    Thank you for the heads up on the AS. It's not your imagination.....the AS are darker, and yes....the scents will have "come into themselves" as they In natural perfumery a perfume/cologne isn't considered to be ready for sale until a minimum of one year has passed, and the longer the better....sorda like making wine

    XXWarm Regards, Colleen

    Yes once again the pointman is there out front.... The oils seem to have settled to the bottom on the orange and plain blue. The red however seems to be mixed. Interesting....I didn't like the red originally but now I am not sure.

    Hope all works out well for you. I also am crossing my fingers this new adventure works out for me. Well whatever as long as I can still shave....
    Keep us informed on how you are doing.


  3. #653
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Gentlemen!

    Rich, I can't explain it......but somehow it's comforting to know that you're always there I hope your new job is going well. Be sure to give us an update!

    I reeeeaaaaallllllly wish I could make all the activity of my life stairstep into some organized, but everything (business, divorce, tamarack, medical, herb garden) are running neck and neck, damn what a race! I might put a photo or two on here of the basement in progress.....I wouldn't want everyone else to see what a horror it was....but at the same time, I'm anxious for folks to see all the work that's being done...."make sense" ?

    Probably the biggest expense.....but the work that most needed to be done was the wiring...... I have been living in a tinder box, and just say my prayers daily and look carefully to unplug things . When my friend saw the state of the wiring, he said, " you know, it'd be really foolish to spend all this money and effort trying to fix your basement, and then let the house burn down around you" turns out that Roger's son is a certified electrician....recently returned home from NC, and looking for work. WELL.....whadda ya know Praise be to the heavens above!

    Shane agreed to do the work for $10.00 an hour, so the work on the soap shop/basement came to a grinding halt while the wiring is updated. I've been running on a 100 amp fuse box from the 30's .... and some of you might even recall that I had a small fire about 2 years ago.

    The wiring should be finished up today, I even have a new mast pole....LOL.... I never dreamed I'd be so happy over a freakin mast pole.... The power company still has to come out and then the building inspector.

    Tomorrow we go back to work fixing the walls, building shelving....and the floor will be put down next week......Check it out! the coolest ever. Garage Floor Paint | Epoxy Concrete Floor Coating | Basement Floor Paint

    Half of the business is back in the middle of my living should see it. I'm once again keeping company with Black & Decker.

    Miss everybody! huggs, Colleen

  4. #654
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    I am there is right. I am living on Old Spice.... I need the good stuff back...

    So far the job seems better than the last one. Man the last job had an estrogen overload. The three bosses in our department were women. 2 divorced, one lesbian. Do you think I had a chance...

    Ever woman that I spoke with who had worked for a woman said you never want to work for a woman however I have had some dip**** male bosses too. Oh well lets hope this works out.


  5. #655
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RichZ View Post
    I am there is right. I am living on Old Spice.... I need the good stuff back...

    So far the job seems better than the last one. Man the last job had an estrogen overload. The three bosses in our department were women. 2 divorced, one lesbian. Do you think I had a chance...

    Ever woman that I spoke with who had worked for a woman said you never want to work for a woman however I have had some dip**** male bosses too. Oh well lets hope this works out.

    Estrogen overload....LOL....Holy Cow! I've had bad bosses .....male and female. Actually I got along better with the male bosses the women didn't like me much.... BUT I do know that I prefer being my own boss.

    Well....summer is coming to a close. Hardly seems possible, but it's happening because all the "Back to School" sales are up and running. I'm thinking about taking in two Nepalese girls from the University as borders to give me a little leeway in my finances. I think it'll be fun, I can be the Den Mother.... and learn how to cook Nepalese.

    The basement is coming along just fine...... my guess for the 1st of September will be on the mark, unless something drastic happens. Oh, oh....we are doing the floor this week. It's an epoxy with chips in it, I think it will look nice and will be easy to mop which is the important thing.

    I'm not sure about the AS tests......and because some of our players have changed I'm no longer sure that the AS would be for SRP.....the one person I spoke with said, " it would only be as a group buy" So I don't know. Everything ( my life, AS, new products etc ) are all up in the air at the moment.

    XXWarm Regards, Colleen

  6. #656
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    I'll admit to being out of the loop quite a bit lately, but 'some of the players have changed"?!? If I'm not being too nosy and if you are able/willing to explain, enquiring minds want to know. I'll admit that the forum doesn't feel as much like to close knit community of a couple years ago, but I chalked that up to my not spending as much time here and there being SOOOOO many new members.

    Hope all are enjoying the last days of summer. I'm frantically getting ready for fall semester while trying feverishly to get some last minute data collected before being tied to a podium for a few months.


    Quote Originally Posted by churley View Post
    Estrogen overload....LOL....Holy Cow! I've had bad bosses .....male and female. Actually I got along better with the male bosses the women didn't like me much.... BUT I do know that I prefer being my own boss.

    Well....summer is coming to a close. Hardly seems possible, but it's happening because all the "Back to School" sales are up and running. I'm thinking about taking in two Nepalese girls from the University as borders to give me a little leeway in my finances. I think it'll be fun, I can be the Den Mother.... and learn how to cook Nepalese.

    The basement is coming along just fine...... my guess for the 1st of September will be on the mark, unless something drastic happens. Oh, oh....we are doing the floor this week. It's an epoxy with chips in it, I think it will look nice and will be easy to mop which is the important thing.

    I'm not sure about the AS tests......and because some of our players have changed I'm no longer sure that the AS would be for SRP.....the one person I spoke with said, " it would only be as a group buy" So I don't know. Everything ( my life, AS, new products etc ) are all up in the air at the moment.

    XXWarm Regards, Colleen

  7. #657
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForestryProf View Post
    I'll admit to being out of the loop quite a bit lately, but 'some of the players have changed"?!? If I'm not being too nosy and if you are able/willing to explain, enquiring minds want to know. I'll admit that the forum doesn't feel as much like to close knit community of a couple years ago, but I chalked that up to my not spending as much time here and there being SOOOOO many new members.

    Hope all are enjoying the last days of summer. I'm frantically getting ready for fall semester while trying feverishly to get some last minute data collected before being tied to a podium for a few months.

    Our Sargent Major is missing Joe.....


  8. #658
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Promote Ed

  9. #659
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RichZ View Post
    Promote Ed


    I'm still here Gentlemen. Working hard on the basement and filling a few orders.....and buying new clothes ...... It's excellent therapy.


    ps...hey Rich, how's the new job going?

  10. #660
    Senior Member ForestryProf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RichZ View Post
    Promote Ed
    Thanks for the vote of confidence Rich, but to quote an oldie but goodie:
    "If nominated, I will not run, if elected, I will not serve"

    Hope you're enjoying the new job. Few people know how valuable a low stress job is until they experience the other side of the coin.


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