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Thread: How many Soap/Creams do you have????

  1. #11
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    5 soaps, 4 creams. I have noticed the creams can get hard/dry over a relatively short period of time. At one point, I was on the verge of buying lots more soaps and creams. Glad I'm past that. I plan on using up everything I have before I consider buying some more. It may take a couple of years or more??? We'll see.

  2. #12
    zib is offline
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    I have Castle Forbes going on 5 years old, seriously. It's perfectly fine. I have so many, it takes me a while to get to it. In all, I have over 90 soaps and creams on hand, It was higher than that. All are good, some are a few years old. That does not include samples I receive, I probably have 20 of those and a fair amount from a former member or two. I had one cream go bad over the years, and it was only a few months old, and the vendor gladly replaced it. It separated, looked like cottage cheese.

    Like anything else in this hobby, Razors and stones for example, Soap and Creams can be addictive. Choose wisely. If I were starting out, I'd stay away from the Artisan vendors. It's really hit or miss with them. You don't know until you buy it if the praise it receives is deserved. I found out the hard way a few times. Many of those soaps went in the shower. Stick with the well known brands at first. Learn how to use them. You'll be glad you did. (Castle Forbes, Truefitt and Hill, TOBS, and for the budget conscious, Williams. Long before I picked up a straight razor, I was using Williams and a cheap brush with a DE.

    One cream/soap did not hold up over the years, That was Proraso. It still works, but became a bit hard. It's not one of my favorites. I don't really care for mentholated soaps and creams.
    Last edited by zib; 05-02-2013 at 03:30 PM.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member Slur's Avatar
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    I have about 5 Kgr of Italian soft soaps in the fridge and about 30 to 40 others soaps and creams.
    I promised my self I will not buy again a shaving soap or cream in my life

  4. #14
    Senior Member Riaanrab's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replys, this is what i can get locally

    Crabtree and Evelyn soap and cream
    Tabac soap and cream
    Col Conk Soap
    Art of Shaving cream
    E-Shave soap and cream
    Truefitt and Hill soap and cream
    Jack Black cream
    Omega soap and cream
    Prorosa soap and cream

    so i dont have to worry to import some products

    what is the deal with soaps/cream in the fridge like Slur is doing?

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    I don't even want to admit in public what I have. Lets just say that there is more there than I can possibly use in a couple years. A few months back I purged the products I didn't care for but I've steadily replaced much of it. Now, unfortunately, I have a lot of products that I like but can't shave but every other day to use it. I could start shaving every day but that's not necessary. I suppose it makes as much sense as having multiple Christmas trees but I think you men can understand.
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  6. #16
    Straight to the Point Gotdzel's Avatar
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    Two soaps and two creams. Plus some samples. There are more I want to try but I need to work through what I have. The Mitchell's Wool Fat seems to not want to go away. I've been using it for oh I think 3 years??? I think it has at least that long on what is left.

  7. #17
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    I have purchased and own "at this point in time" 23 creams and 31 soaps.
    Ugh. One whole hanging cabinet in the shave den is dedicated to just soaps and creams. There are a few cubby holes with brushes in them......
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  8. #18
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It's easy to say how many I have. Quite simply I have exactly....too many.
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  9. #19
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    I'll play!!

    6 soaps, 9 creams and all 12 of the TOBS sampler creams.
    Wanting to buy D.R. Harris Arlington sooooo bad right now!!!
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  10. #20
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Yes, like so many others I have waaaayyy too many. Way.

    There are some I haven't even opened from 6 years ago. I have an entire sports bag full of soaps and creams given to me by a German friend completely untouched. If the shaving apocalypse ever hit us, I'd be set for life.

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