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Thread: What are you working on?

  1. #16461
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    Tim, it appears the my vintage hones that are not finished on the back are set in plaster of paris or similar. I was planning and plotting to do one in garden variety silicone, and to keep the hone from being stuck in the box I intend to coat it with petroleum jelly. I see no reason why it would not work and the mount will be removable and water proof.
    Plaster of paris or similar seems right.

    If the back is unfinished why do you need to take it out of the box?

    I guess I am thinking more oil stones................

  2. #16462
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    There’s no stamp on it so I’m going to assume it’s plated, luckily, if it is plated there’s no flaking or spots worn through that I can see, just the pesky knurling, went at it with a small nylon bristle brush and some dish soap, seems to have gotten the soap scum out of the knurling but it’s pretty tarnished in there as well as some other parts which are almost totally black with tarnish.
    It’s going to have to wait though as I’m picking up after my 1 yo who thinks when your full it’s fun to throw your leftover food all over the floor. Times like this when I really miss my dog.

  3. #16463
    32t is offline
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    My wife is allergic to cats.

    When I first met her I had just gotten a new kitten.

    Sometimes I wish i had kept the cat...............

  4. #16464
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    The hone that I want to be able to remove from the box is a slate with a fossil on the back. It’s too cool to permanently mount.
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  5. #16465
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jfk742 View Post
    There’s no stamp on it so I’m going to assume it’s plated, luckily, if it is plated there’s no flaking or spots worn through that I can see, just the pesky knurling, went at it with a small nylon bristle brush and some dish soap, seems to have gotten the soap scum out of the knurling but it’s pretty tarnished in there as well as some other parts which are almost totally black with tarnish.
    It’s going to have to wait though as I’m picking up after my 1 yo who thinks when your full it’s fun to throw your leftover food all over the floor. Times like this when I really miss my dog.
    Tarnish? Are you sure it's not brass instead of gold plating? Just wondering
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  6. #16466
    32t is offline
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    That one should be on display not in a box...................

  7. #16467
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    The hone that I want to be able to remove from the box is a slate with a fossil on the back. It’s too cool to permanently mount.
    Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!!!
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  8. #16468
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    It’s definitely silver. The pics I posted don’t show the color correctly unfortunately. I hit the smooth areas with a little silver polish as I don’t have any baking soda on hand. Should clean up nicely. The nylon brush with some dish soap cleaned out the knurling really well. After I get the razor cleaned up I’ll post some more pictures. Thanks again for the suggestion, hadn’t thought of it until you said something, duh...

  9. #16469
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    The hardest part of making a reverse hollow of an odd shaped object is measuring the depth and width, because there is no uniform reference edge.

    So rather than measuring off the object, take an impression then copy the impression to duplicate it. A piece of floral foam crushes very easily to make an exact mold of the object. Now you can measure the depth and width of the stone and cut to those measurements. Or if you are just storing use the floral foam as packing for the box.

    You can get very close for a tight fit, so the stone is held to the box from the sides, or you can remove it for use. If you are going to use it in the box, I would glue it in place with clear silicone to prevent water getting under the stone.

    I have made pedestal stands using a similar method, carving into the base, so the stone sits flat and glued with silicone.

    An alternative for an uneven bottom stone, is to build up the bottom with craft foam, it comes in 2 & 6mm thickness, cut strips and glue to the bottom of the stone with silicone to make the base parallel to the top. It will sit flat and you can store in a flat box. You can trim the foam and the silicone with a sharp knife for a perfect fit and is removable without damaging the stone.
    32t, Gasman and JellyJar like this.

  10. #16470
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!!!
    I’m at work right now. I will try to remember to show it when I get home.
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