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Thread: Knock-off's

  1. #31
    Member tavli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PonderingTurtle View Post
    You seemed to be the only one in that thread dead set that it was a knock off. The story seems likely to be bogus and that is a dishonest selling tactic, but I don't see anyone sure that it is a modern knock off(there is also the possibilities of vintage knock offs as well).
    If you read the 4 Oct thread carefully I suggest you look at posts nos 16, 26, 29 and 31.

  2. #32
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    To anyone that has any of these razors in hand, please PM me I will hone it for free, so I can feel one on a hone... No need to post here just send me a pm

    Thanks in Advance

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  4. #33
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tavli View Post
    If you read the 4 Oct thread carefully I suggest you look at posts nos 16, 26, 29 and 31.
    One post notes that it's not a listed trademark, and by listed I mean listed in the source the marks were posted from. Another says it look suspicious. Another notes it has modern pins. The last says it's fake - RazorTalkin is a great guy and he knows his stuff, but he goes on to say that he has seen fake versions of razors from several manufacturers. Personally, I have never seen ANY fake razors, so that part of the post makes me wonder. Even if it didn't, you are left with one "that looks wrong," two "that doesn't match with records of vintage razors" and one "that is fake."

    Given how many other posts there are from lots of members saying "yea, it looks weird but I don't know," I do not think it can be determined whether or not the razor is fake. And I absolutely do not think the general flavor of the thread was "that razor is fake." But I guess we all read the same thing and interpreted it differently, and that's what makes the world fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by tavli View Post
    a USD 10 Chinese knock off.
    I don't suppose you'd like to share your evidence?
    Last edited by holli4pirating; 04-07-2011 at 06:14 PM.

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  6. #34
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I think that the 2 posters who complain the most got their money back. At least that is my understanding. So why beat a dead horse and run down the seller? No one has seen another one like it, so there is no precedent except for these buyers experience. They must have been interested in it enough to buy it in the first place for a good sum. Now that they sit with their money back in their pockets, they still complain! Lots of junk on ebay as well as at the dollar store! Don't like it?Seem fishy? Don't buy it! Simple as that! I say move on! lots of other things to discuss here.
    But hey, thats my opinion.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

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  8. #35
    Member tavli's Avatar
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    Thanks Holli4 and Sharptonn for your comments. It is great to see the diversity of opinion on SRP. We all respect other members' opinions. I think the spirit of SRP is that we all help each other and can all learn from each other's experiences. Sharptonn mentions that there is a lot of junk on Ebay - you are right. Some of us have the misfortune to be tempted by this junk and buy it. We learn by our mistakes. What is wrong with alerting other members to avoid junk? Holli4, I live in Switzerland and can tell you that there are fake copies made of just about every watch with an official selling price from USD 50 - USD 30 000 and more. Capitalism is a wonderful economic system - but where there is a gap to make a fast dishonest buck there are unfortunately a small minority of people who will do so. I wish I had kept the razor but needed to return it to get the refund - otherwise I would have sent it to GS for his opinion.

  9. #36
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I've seen many fake rolex watches, among others. They weren't intended to fool anyone. Just to enable a person who wanted to wear a look alike cheaply. Nowadays with all of the people restoring razors it is not at all unlikely to find a brand of razor with the 'wrong' pins and washers, scales and what have you. Some well known restorers let it be known in their description that they have repinned the razor at the pivot to facilitate cleaning the tang area.

    If someone is counterfeiting name brand razors they are unlikely to be doing one off pieces. They would have to have the tang stamps as well as scale inlays and someone capable of hollow grinding along with the machinery to do it. I'm from Missouri on this one. I'll believe it but you have to show me.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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  11. #37
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    It seems that there are a lot of people doubting that fake razors don't or have ever existed. A lot of people, on the other hand, believe that fakes exist. Why don't we start a competition open until say 30 June with a prize to someone who finds a GENUINE fake razor. There could be say a panel of 5 judges with a majority vote being binding. I would be happy to sponsor a prize. If I am wrong and no fakes are found then the prize goes to charity, and I eat humble pie. If I am right then the same prize will be paid twice, once to the first person who finds the 'genuine' fake and the same again to charity. I am not sure if this is appropriate for SRP and leave it to the moderators to decide if this can go ahead. Lets put some spice into our lives! I think it is a great idea.

  12. #38
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tavli View Post
    It seems that there are a lot of people doubting that fake razors don't or have ever existed. A lot of people, on the other hand, believe that fakes exist.
    I doubt that fakes exist because I have never seen one in person or in photos. Do you believe they exist because you have seen one in person or in photos? Perhaps this is being too picky, but I don't even think "a lot of people" believe fakes exist; I think the number is very small.

    While I understand your watch example above, I don't see what watches have to do with straight razors. Just because there are fake watches does not mean there are fakes of everything else.

  13. #39
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    So then lets clear the air and have a competition. What would you have against this? If you are so sure there are no fakes I would be proved wrong and we would all have a bit of fun. It would be interesting to see the entries for fake razors posted. The normal razor threads can get quite boring?? Lets do this properly with independent judges and see what happens?

  14. #40
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tavli View Post
    So then lets clear the air and have a competition. What would you have against this? If you are so sure there are no fakes I would be proved wrong and we would all have a bit of fun. It would be interesting to see the entries for fake razors posted. The normal razor threads can get quite boring?? Lets do this properly with independent judges and see what happens?
    I have nothing against a competition, other than that I don't think that can happen on the forum unless it's forum sponsored. I just don't see why a competition is necessary. Is some incentive to share information really needed? Who cares about entries? If anyone has even one fake razor and some method of showing it's a fake, let's see it.

  15. The Following User Says Thank You to holli4pirating For This Useful Post:

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