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Thread: Knock-off's

  1. #51
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tavli View Post
    Your suggestion is not very practical. When you get a fake razor from an Ebay seller you send it straight back to the seller for a refund. Maybe the seller - if he is reading this thread - would like to let us have one of these to send to GS and other experienced SRP members to kick its tyres. If he says he has sold them all and can't send us one to check that's fine. That means he won't have another to post for sale. BTW I am happy to pay for the registered post.
    I can't think of anything more practical than "If you have a fake razor, please show us the proof," and that is exactly what my suggestion is.

    PS I'm also finished with this thread, as it is going in the same circles the last two went in. No one has any records or proof, so I guess we'll all just believe what we want to until some actual evidence emerges.
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  3. #52
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    Tavli I think that you should stop resting on the WW2 backstory, it very well could be BS the fact is not what the backstory of the razor is rather if it is authentic or not. I could post a razor on ebay that is a Genco Pyramid and say that it was from Teddy Rosevelts personal collection, that would be a lie but the razor is authentic. The only way to prove that it is real or fake is for it to be examined and if no one has one and no one will by one then there is no way to tell what it is. Like JimmyHAD said the other razors that he sells look like one offs and a counterfiter will not likely make a number of one offs but rather a larger number of one razor to sell. So if you want to make sure it is a fake buy one and send it to Glen and let him get it on a hone. Otherwise leave it alone and let those who are looking at that razor make their own decisions the information for both sides is here so let them make their own. Sorry if I step on toes but that's just my 2 cents.

  4. #53
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Somethings we all can agree on here guys...

    Why have NONE of us ever seen this logo on a razor before????
    Why does only this guy have them ???
    Could they really be Henckels??? possibly, but it seems odd that this hasn't come up before..
    Are they new production being marketed wrong by the e-bay seller ???? Possibly but none of us a dumb enough to believe everything we read on e-bay...

    Since I haven't held one or shaved with one I reserve judgment until I do, We have two members here that bought them and returned them, and they have actually touched the razor...
    Neil who's opinion I respect, has honed one razor from this e-bay seller (not one of these Henckels) and called it good..

    There is enough doubt here both ways to make this an interesting convo... But really I myself wouldn't call it either way, until I Hold one, Hone one, and Shave with one, and even then it might not convince me either way...
    But my offer still stands for a free honing just so I can try one.. I was really hoping Lynn would have done a few already...

    And please guys let's keep this about the razors,,,,
    Last edited by gssixgun; 04-07-2011 at 11:13 PM.

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  6. #54
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    Thanks for your comments Glen. I agree with them . Neil is a first rate guy. He made a few posts on the 4 Oct which were quite illuminating. They should be read. For some reason I can't get a copy of this thread. Here it is: It seems to not be coming up? Maybe someone can put it back on - it seems to have disappeared?

  7. #55
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Well, I've emailed Henckels International, maybe they can offer some insight.

    Edit, although the guy is clearly a liar. "Here is also the silver inlay on the three pins handle." Is definitely talking about a different razor; no three pins or silver inlay. In addition, it was new in box, but "This item includes no box."?
    Last edited by JimR; 04-07-2011 at 11:46 PM.
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  9. #56
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tavli View Post
    Thanks for your comments Glen. I agree with them . Neil is a first rate guy. He made a few posts on the 4 Oct which were quite illuminating. They should be read. For some reason I can't get a copy of this thread. Here it is: It seems to not be coming up? Maybe someone can put it back on - it seems to have disappeared?
    The thread is there. Your link is just bad.

  10. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slartibartfast View Post
    The thread is there. Your link is just bad.
    Thanks for your help - got it now. See no 26 from Neil. Nos 15, 16 and 29 are also interesting.

  11. #58
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tavli View Post
    Thanks. This has already been commented on on the 4 Oct thread. Do you really think this single man looks the same as that on the scales of the razor sold on Ebay? Also see the same 4 Oct thread. The single man has only been used for lower quality Henckels RECENT (not WW2) production in Spain and China for knives.
    Google has its limitations. I don't think the images they provide are a comprehensive list of all of the logos Henckels has used over their long history. Since 1731 according to Goins. The Henckles website says they began Henckels International in 1895. Unfortunately , unlike Boker, they don't provide examples of their logos with dates for their use.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to JimmyHAD For This Useful Post:

    tavli (04-08-2011)

  13. #59
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tavli View Post
    It seems that there are a lot of people doubting that fake razors don't or have ever existed. A lot of people, on the other hand, believe that fakes exist. Why don't we start a competition open until say 30 June with a prize to someone who finds a GENUINE fake razor. There could be say a panel of 5 judges with a majority vote being binding. I would be happy to sponsor a prize. If I am wrong and no fakes are found then the prize goes to charity, and I eat humble pie. If I am right then the same prize will be paid twice, once to the first person who finds the 'genuine' fake and the same again to charity. I am not sure if this is appropriate for SRP and leave it to the moderators to decide if this can go ahead. Lets put some spice into our lives! I think it is a great idea.
    Not going to happen.

    The reason is simply that it is impossible to determin if something is fake or not.
    Assuming we are talking about the blade itself, there are enough reputable brands coming from reputable sellers which had issues.
    Additionally, over the years, razors have been outsourced to other razor makers. Dovo for example made razors for other brands when they stopped making their own razors.

    Therefore it is next to impossible to say with any degree of certainty whether a blade is fake or not.
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  14. #60
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    I've heard from Henckels INternational, they're passing the pictures on to the German site. He said I'm not the first to ask, so if any of you other guys are in contact with him, please let me know.

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