After 5 years of using a shavette, today was my first time to shave with a straight razor!
Pre: Hot Shower
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft Monster
Soap: MWF
Razor: Frederick Reynolds
Post: Nivea Sensitive
Razor: FA Koch, new cheap plastic scales and my second attempt at pinning
Hone: Coticle
Brush: Omega Boar
Strop: 60 Herringbone Cotton, 100 Buffalo Leather before shave - 40 flax, 40 English Bridal Leather after shave
Soap: Henri et Victoria - La Poire Francais (French Pear)
Post Shave and Beard Oil matching
A new catch from the 'bay. Never really expect them to be 'shave ready'. That said, two hours later it is shave ready. I set the new bevel with a Shapton 1K. Set the edge with a Shapton 4k followed by a Shapton 8k. Finished this edge with a coticule and a .005 diamond pasted paddle strop. After a nice smooth shave today, it is not only shave ready, but its time to go in the drawer with the other nineteen blades. I think I need to stop before I hit twenty! Nice Japanese blade i'm thinking 1960's vintage. This is today's Shave of the Day.