• Featured Shave of the Day

    by Published on 07-15-2021 07:05 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Iwasaki 50
    Strop Martin J.Rubin 4601 New York
    Morris & Forndran Antique Ivory & Tortoiseshell
    Crabtree & Evelyn Moroccan Myrrh Soap
    Frankincense Sweet Orange Neroli & Myrrh AS Balm
    Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka Bean Cologne Intense
    by Published on 07-14-2021 06:14 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    So great to have a shave off my own edge.

    Frederick Reynolds In Buffalo Horn
    Synthetic/ From April giveaway. (Thanks SRP)
    Castle Forbes
    Clubman/ Because it still reminds my of my first haircut with my Dad.
    Stonemason Beard oil./I just love my beard oil
    by Published on 07-14-2021 06:06 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    George Wostenholm
    SRD Roo.
    Castle Forbes, Lime.
    B-52, 44Mag Lather Blaster.
    Captain's Choice, Lime.

    by Published on 07-13-2021 07:09 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    AOS Badger|G5|Meissner Dark Limes|Charlex 6/8|Skin Bracer|T&H West Indian Limes ASB

    Have a Great Tuesday Gents!
    by Published on 07-12-2021 08:47 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Feather AS-D2 razor
    Feather blade
    J&T blackened badger brush
    Truefitt & Hill 1805 suds, balm and schpritz

    by Published on 07-11-2021 08:43 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Erik Anton Berg
    Semogue OC
    De Vergulde Hand
    by Published on 07-10-2021 10:07 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day


    I just love the smell of this soap and splash. It wasn’t originally, but it’s grown on me big-time.

    It’s gonna be a hot one today, and I was not intending on using this soap.

    But as I opened my shave cabinet, it caught my eye, and I immediately remembered the pleasure I get from the slickness and scent.

    So I pulled it out and paired it with my Koraat straight razor.

    Just an incredible shave this morning.

    Now to wake-up my daughter from her nap, and get lunch going for both of us.

    It’s an awesome day.

    Straight: Koraat 14-2.0 (custom shortened)
    DE: Carbon Shaving Cx-316L (head shave)
    Lather: PAA “Blue Samhain”
    Balm: Captains Choice “Unscented”
    Splash: PAA “Blue Samhain”
    Brush: Mühle (synthetic)
    Bowl: Captains Choice (large)