• Featured Shave of the Day

    by Published on 04-05-2024 08:00 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Dovo Favorit 10 Fritz Bracht
    Silvertip Badger Brush
    Vitos Pre/Post Shave
    Eufros Vetiver by JabonMan Shaving Soap
    Thayers Lavender Witch Hazel
    Eufros Vetiver After Shave

    by Published on 04-04-2024 08:49 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    H. Diamond for a Tuesday bbs shave! Paired up with Murphy and McNeil tobac fanaile.
    by Published on 04-03-2024 08:15 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Friedrich Herder # 76
    SRD, Roo.
    Barbershop, Pure Bristle.
    Frozen Master, suds.
    Captains Choice, Cat O Nine Tails.

    by Published on 04-02-2024 08:23 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Monday, April 1, 2024
    Floïd pre shave oil. Wolly Kaw, La fougère parfaite. Yaqi, Pooka: synthetic 24 mm tuxedo premium HD, fusion resin green and wood handle. Ali’s blade, Raptor 15/16, Suminagashi steel 23 layers / Shirogadmi 61 HRC. Brut, original lotion, balm aftershave & EdT.
    by Published on 04-01-2024 08:02 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    ~'The British Razor' from Harley of Old Haymarket, Liverpool. F&B scales, NY~
    ~Lipshaw/Neil Miller Bridle~
    ~Nautilus the Brush by MikeT~
    ~Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet~

    As if to affirm the Miracle of Easter, these reach full bloom on the day every year, never failing!

    by Published on 03-31-2024 09:50 AM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    RAZOR: Parker Open Comb Walnut Handle
    BLADE: Personna Lab Blue
    BRUSH: Yaqi Aqua 24mm High Mountain Silvertip
    LATHER: Pre de Provence No. 63 shave soap
    POST: 4711 Original Aftershave Lotion (splash)
    by Published on 03-31-2024 09:49 AM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    "I did not ask how big the room is. I said I CAST FIREBALL"
    Brush: Yaqi D20
    Soap: WeatherWaxWorshops Oulipo v2
    Razor: Angel, Japanese 7/8