• Featured Shave of the Day

    by Published on 02-20-2024 09:58 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Gillette DE razor
    Feather blade
    J&T badger brush
    Insitut Karité Shea face serum
    Marc Barrois- Ganymede EdT

    by Published on 02-19-2024 09:32 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    ~Skinner Warranted~
    ~Lipshaw/Neil Miller Bridle~
    ~Texas 2-Band~
    ~Martin de Candre Original~
    ~AOS Essential Oil of Lavender Balm~

    An old stubtail from the eighteen-teens possessing one of the most precise old regrinds I have experienced.
    Just smokes my Filarmonicas.. Hard to get a picture. Descends into oblivion.

    by Published on 02-18-2024 11:04 AM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Saturday, February 17, 2024.
    Floïd oil pre shave. Acca Kappa, White moss: Shaving soap, lotion, balm aftershave & Solid perfume. Pablo Fuertes: Boti Brush-Tuxedo 2th Synthetic Hair Knot 24 mm, Kirinite weeding white pearl handle shaving brush. Forgia Pizzi, K720 steel, 10/8, spanish point, synthetic mother of pearl scales.
    by Published on 02-18-2024 11:03 AM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    16 February 2024

    * Weber DLC
    * Super Iridium
    * Shavemac 2-Band
    * Mystic Water Bay Rum
    * Unrefined Shea Butter
    * Bergamot/Vetiver EO

    by Published on 02-16-2024 09:38 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    An oldie but a goodie
    Henckels 472
    Razor Rock brush with a badger knot
    Mystery soap
    by Published on 02-15-2024 09:37 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    223 Shaves and Counting on this edge!
    A new personal record for me.
    'Hot Rod 49'
    Tripoli Boarhide Strop
    Aqua Velva

    Nivea Shave Balm
    by Published on 02-14-2024 09:14 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Noxema preshave
    MDC suds
    HarryWally brush
    No pre shave strop
    Hemp post shave strop
    Freshly restorected (Outback) GB anchor
    And of course the dink mug