• Featured Shave of the Day

    by Published on 09-18-2023 07:50 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    ~Burl/Resin W&B/Shavemac by MikeB52~
    ~Lipshaw/Neil Miller Bridle~
    ~AOS Essential oil of Lavender Balm~
    by Published on 09-16-2023 04:51 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Rocnel SE50 Artiist Club 2022 * Schick Proline
    Moon Soaps 26mm 2-Band Badger
    Boellis Panama 1924 Coffret Shave Soap
    Moon Soaps Amaretto Speciale Aftershave
    by Published on 09-16-2023 04:50 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    SOTE 09/14/2023 My very first time with complete Darwin Classic set. Fantastic shave with absolutely great and classic natural products.

    by Published on 09-16-2023 04:49 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Rocnel SE-P SS Half-Blade SE Razor * Nacet
    RazoRock Hive 24 Mokasoft HD Synthetic Shaving Brush
    Lea Classic Shaving Soap
    Lea Classic Aftershave Splash
    Lea Classic Aftershave Balm
    by Published on 09-14-2023 09:35 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Les Croix
    Lipshaw Microtome Neil Miller Red English Bridle Finishing panel
    Omega Mini Badger
    George Trumper Limes
    Royall Muske

    by Published on 09-13-2023 10:47 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Thuesday, September 12, 2023.
    Geo F Trumper’s, Coral skin food, pre shave. Declaration Groming, Colonia balsamica, shavinng soap & lotion aftershave. Paladin, chief, two bands badger 26 mm, arlekin. 泰平 Taihei Co.,Ltd. (Taiheishokai) / Tokyo, Yasuki steel.
    by Published on 09-12-2023 09:27 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Featured Shave of the Day

    Getting ready for a day on the lake as boating season winds down here in North Idaho


    Tosuke Kamisori 50mm
    Buffalo Leather Strop
    GemStar Elk/SilkSmoke brush
    WTF Grey’s Vetiver Tallow Base
    Royall Vetiver splash
    Love my Tosuke Razors they are very face friendly…

    Shave On !!!!

    Made it out on the lake, the water was not as smooth as the shave hehehe