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Thread: Interesting Perspective on the State of American Manhood

  1. #101
    Senior Member crouton976's Avatar
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    Oh, one more thing. I again want to stress to all of you that I appreciate and welcome any ideas and viewpoints that are not my own. We may disagree on certain things, but that makes me value you as an individual, and I hold no negativity toward any of you.

    Just a gentleman discussing gentlemanly things with my fellow gentlemen.
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    "Willpower and Dedication are good words," Roland remarked, "There's a bad one, though, that means the same thing. That one is Obsession." -Roland Deschain of Gilead

  2. #102
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiskerHarvest View Post
    I watched some of the Pierce Morgan interview with Rachel Jeantel
    Could this be the problem?

    My view is that it's not the media that is obsessed with sensationalism and spin, it's the consumers of those things who demand them. Last time I checked TV's these days still come with an on/off button and a power cord if that button is broken, or the batteries of the remote control are drained. And there is always the option of not having a TV - I know it exists for sure because I've been using it for quite a few years now.

    Quote Originally Posted by crouton976 View Post
    I think the main point of Grizzley's post, as well as my own, is that I shouldn't be made to feel like a bigot or racist simply because I don't like someone who has given me cause not to like them.
    But why would you be feeling like a bigot or racist? It seems to me that it's you who are allowing external things determine your view of yourself.
    Last edited by gugi; 07-16-2013 at 07:08 PM.

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  4. #103
    Senior Member crouton976's Avatar
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    Haha... two threads with one post!!

    "You might be a straight shaver if... you get your news from a forum about straight razors instead of your TV!"
    "Willpower and Dedication are good words," Roland remarked, "There's a bad one, though, that means the same thing. That one is Obsession." -Roland Deschain of Gilead

  5. #104
    Senior Member WhiskerHarvest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Could this be the problem?

    My view is that it's not the media that is obsessed with sensationalism and spin, it's the consumers of those things who demand them. Last time I checked TV's these days still come with an on/off button and a power cord if that button is broken, or the batteries of the remote control are drained. And there is always the option of not having a TV - I know it exists for sure because I've been using it for quite a few years now.
    Sorry about the breif wording I was using my phone. Here is a link to the interview with the part I mentioned beginning around the six minute mark.Rachel Jeantel Interview On Piers Morgan CNN - Part 2 - July 15, 2013 - YouTube

    The reason I brought it up was because of the issue of civil rights abuse the DOJ is seeking. If this interviewee is credible then it is possible that Trayvon attacked George because he believed George to be homosexual and thereby committing a hate crime himself.

    And FYI, I usually just watch MST3K and then hit the sack but the interview happened to be on YouTube and I thought it was very interesting. The media has painted Trayvon as an angel but we have all been that age and know that teenagers make rash or poor decisions based mostly on emotion. My contention is that there is a lot of "should've" talk that is promoting animosity. Lets not forget it is still legal to follow a person and ask them a question, for now!
    I shave because I want to, not because I have to!

  • #105
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    I really don't care much for this type of 'celebrity interviews' - I had no idea who this woman was, until I looked it up and she was a witness in the trial. I've been around long enough to know what this is about - money. The media is looking to sensationalize something so that they get viewership which is the same currency as advertising dollars.
    She is either naive and would do it for nothing, or she is savvy or has somebody savvy around her and will extract a decent amount from the media for providing them the hot commodity they are after.

    But it all starts by with viewers who really want this crap in whatever form - tabloids, reality shows, punditry, etc. For as long as the demand is there, the supply will be there as well, so judging from history - forever. I just have no interest to be part of it - there are other things I actually enjoy.
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  • #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    But why would you be feeling like a bigot or racist? It seems to me that it's you who are allowing external things determine your view of yourself.
    Who, me? I don't view myself as a bigot or racist. In fact, only once that I can ever think of was I ever even alluded to as a racist in person, and, well, let's just say that the gentleman who did so changed his opinion pretty fast.

    My point isn't that I'm feeling like a bigot or racist. I'm secure enough in myself and own beliefs to know I'm not, and if I ever defend that position, it's to clear up any offense someone has taken with me. In fact, I don't know for sure that earcutter was even suggesting that I was acting bigoted.

    The point of the post you are quoting was simply clarification of my earlier statements. The gist of that statement was that while I have a right to dislike someone (honestly, how could one ever enforce a mandate to the contrary?), because of that right, and the exercise thereof, I shouldn't be labeled as something that I'm not. That would be like saying everyone who drinks beer, wine or liquor is an alcoholic just because they exercise their right to drink. When I say "I", I'm using the proverbial "I"... not that this is actually happening to me.

    In short, I love everybody until their actions give me a reason to disassociate myself from them. Even then, I still accept, honor and respect their right to live their lives the way they want. It's up to them to make their own choices, not me.
    Last edited by crouton976; 07-16-2013 at 07:49 PM.
    "Willpower and Dedication are good words," Roland remarked, "There's a bad one, though, that means the same thing. That one is Obsession." -Roland Deschain of Gilead

  • #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    I really don't care much for this type of 'celebrity interviews' - I had no idea who this woman was, until I looked it up and she was a witness in the trial. I've been around long enough to know what this is about - money. The media is looking to sensationalize something so that they get viewership which is the same currency as advertising dollars.
    She is either naive and would do it for nothing, or she is savvy or has somebody savvy around her and will extract a decent amount from the media for providing them the hot commodity they are after.

    But it all starts by with viewers who really want this crap in whatever form - tabloids, reality shows, punditry, etc. For as long as the demand is there, the supply will be there as well, so judging from history - forever. I just have no interest to be part of it - there are other things I actually enjoy.
    I will agree that the viewers that clamor for this type of thoughtless news are feeding part of a cycle of garbage in garbage out. But, regardless of how much money is being made or wether or not you agree with this type of interview, what was said is pertinent to the conversation.

    There were two men that night and both made decisions that led to one of them dead and the other's life shattered. Regardless of what should have been done or could have been done what happened, happened. The media has blown this up into a frenzy because they know from the past that race baiting is great for their business. The DOJ has promoted the feeling of injustice by continuing an investigation which in turn eggs on the protestors. Nobody has the integrity to try to get past this and so the game continues.

    Last night this woman has some mouth diarrhea and brings to light an interesting viewpoint only she was privy to. The media is silent because it would put a damper on their party. I know you want to tie this back to money but the results of the DOJ's biased meddling and the continuing media charade are detrimental to the social fabric of our country.

    It ties back into the thoughts above about the men in this country. Just because I don't agree with the outcome of something doesn't give me the right to assault another person or damage property. Many young people don't know how to react to disappointment because they have been taught what to think, not how to think. So, the talking heads whip up the sheeple into a frenzy and set them loose to behave like angry children.
    Last edited by WhiskerHarvest; 07-16-2013 at 08:07 PM.
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  • #108
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    Well, that's what I'm saying - why would one care what somebody else would 'label' them? In this country people get to say anything they want, complete BS or not.

    I didn't mean 'you personally', just didn't think it's worth spending a lot of time to figure out a phrasing to indicate it's a general statement without making it very cumbersome. English is fairly limited in this regard, but that's the languate we share here.
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  • #109
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    I agree about the limitation of language in the same regard as communicating over email/text/forum posts... tone of voice and body language play just as much of a role in communique as the words we use.

    I also want to say that you've hit the nail on the head about as long as there is a demand for junk, the supply will come. That's part of what I meant in my earlier post about not discrediting Hollywood... they act as a barometer for what is popular in the country at the time (not that what is popular is always right, though).

    Man, is it just me, or is "The Parlour" section of the forum just as intriguing as the rest of the site? I love being able to shoot the bull with you guys!
    WhiskerHarvest likes this.
    "Willpower and Dedication are good words," Roland remarked, "There's a bad one, though, that means the same thing. That one is Obsession." -Roland Deschain of Gilead

  • #110
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiskerHarvest View Post
    I will agree that the viewers that clamor for this type of thoughtless news are feeding part of a cycle of garbage in garbage out. But, regardless of how much money is being made or wether or not you agree with this type of interview, what was said is pertinent to the conversation.
    I don't think so. There was something that happened in florida some half a year ago and some guy shot and killed another guy. He was then quickly let off the hook, and that became an issue. Some resignations later the whole process was resumed and recently there was a trial. The guy was acquitted. Apparently plenty of people think that was not right and have been protesting, but that's about it.

    I really don't have much interest beyond this. I can tell there is more than enough BS going on with everybody spinning it for whatever their agenda may be. I don't care and I'd rather spend my time on something that's productive or enjoyable, than waddle in this rubbish and try to figure out what's what.

    The way I see it there's only one way not to be a 'sheeple' as you put it - don't join the herd. It's part of that personal choice and responsibility.
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