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    51 44.74%
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  1. #5511
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Lotsa musing here....Who knew?

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  2. #5512
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    or you do like i do, if the phone is on you while your on my time, then you have a choice, hyou work for free instead of 40 dollars and hour or i throw the phone into the blender. i have no gray area, how in the hell did we get to where kids can dictate the rules. but at work your not working if your chatting to your girlfriend buddy or facebook. and its no different in most places that are proffessional. when my wife was still working in the doctors office, employees turned in their phones at reception upon clocking in. i know my way is kinda hard in some eyes, but since when does taking a job give you the right to free time while on someones clock. or when kids who already have a sense of give me give me give me and i dont have to listen to the rules. a swift kick in the ass can cure alot of attitudes.

    here in my work phones havent been missed, cause they are now working and paying attention. so we are safer, and actually doing what they are paid for. why do you think productivity is down all over our country and probably yours too Mike, in my generation with pout the tech we have now, we were better at getting the job done. time to visit the family is at home around the dinner table smacking the kids for getting in trouble! like my idea or not, but you cant argue the point, since when do you do your best walking around with a phone in your ear, or better yet texting and driving, its all crazy
    Geezer, sharptonn, 32t and 1 others like this.
    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

  3. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to tcrideshd For This Useful Post:

    Geezer (03-16-2019), MikeB52 (03-16-2019), sharptonn (03-16-2019)

  4. #5513
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Exclamation Productivity rises; however, your pay lags severely behind...

    Minor correction: worker productivity steadily rises each year in the US; unfortunately, rises in effective pay for us peasants went flat some 50 years ago.

    Name:  _worker_productivty_vs_wage_growth.jpg
Views: 622
Size:  47.1 KB

    Avoiding industrial accidents via your "no smart phones, dummies!" rule makes perfect sense to me. But, my mileage varied, so I had no qualms using my phone occasionally after the company started off periodically bugging me for after-hours support calls. I would have preferred an hour wage and no freebies on my part.

  5. #5514
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Tom, musing at work like this would get me either fired, or in sensitivity training, which would be worse, so here is safer, hehe.
    Tc, I like the mandatory ban idea too, it being optional is why it’s gonna crap the bed up here again.
    Mark, the stats you provide are misleading, as I read them. But I could be wrong.
    They show total national output vs wages, but don’t reflect total number of workers involved in the measure for scale. As such I’d attribute the increased output shown to automation and higher machine throughout rather than more productive, or engaged working staff.
    Example; One man walking around the Warehouse of 1950 collecting items to fill a box could fill a box in maybe 10 minutes and ship it out. A pic driven sortation center could feed the same one worker a filled box every 30 seconds for him to slap a label on and he’s done. His output goes from 6 shipped boxes to 120 shipped boxes in the same hour, because of automation, not him working harder.
    Output per man per hour goes up by a factor of 20 times, but of course the wages haven’t, and couldn’t.
    A 5$ an hr job in 1950 is not paying 100$ an hour today, nor could, cause I for one won’t pay more to ship a package than the package is worth. As an example..

    Terrific off topic conversations on St Patty’s weekend men. Wait till I get into the Jameson later. THEN the musings really get goin, har!
    Might be why I tend to drink alone too!
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
    Steven Wright

  6. #5515
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    I’ll disagree whole heartedly. Phones at work reduce productivity and that’s simple. You are not working while talking on your phone. My industry or an office setting. One of the reasons ay my wife’s office that had them change to the no phone policy was a patient complained about not being waited on because the nurse was talking to her sister about plans for the weekend. Shorten up the story they actually had a research evaluation company do the study. 4 months after implementing the policy productivity and sand slacking off went opposite directions.

    I’lgive me a job other than someone on a Phone for work. Telemarketer. And you can do the math. Ie. crane operator can you imagine? Train engineer? Pilot? Work a floor on a rig with a phone on your hand? Never can you argue that productivity is better today. Automobile factory worker?

    Where did we come into this attitude that on someone’s dollar you can do your personal business all day long?

    I worked for one of the largest oil exploration company’s in the world. So it’s not just on my little old rig I have now. Productivity went up straight across the board st Apache around the world theDAY we wrote the rule in 2000. By then all the the kids were just living on there phones. Now with me I just enforce the rules by my straight forward acts. They were hired to do a job. They agreed to the rules. And we have safety guys out here that will fire you for one single infraction of the safety rules. And whether they will or not gas and electronics don’t mix. And neither does bullshitting with your buds or wife while 20,000 pounds of iron is swinging.

    Oh and if someone wants to play on a phone at work. Ok then they choose the phone over a job. I can fire you for it cause I can find lots of men who will work for 150k a year. So it’s a choice and starving and broke won’t pay the phone bill while your living under a jridge
    Last edited by tcrideshd; 03-16-2019 at 04:01 PM.
    MikeB52 and Dieseld like this.
    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

  7. #5516
    32t is offline
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    Integrety is formed/learned behaviors.

    By the time one enters the workforce this has already been developed. It is hard but not impossible to teach old dogs new tricks. Since having integrity many times does not gain you personally I think it is easier to go "backwards" not forwards. As a manager I think the first and best thing to do would be to lead by example. Don't foster a work environment that benefits lack of integrity and shows it to other workers.

    Example: At my work the time clock will not deduct time if you punch out up to 7 minutes early. A few people started doing this and it didn't take long before most of the others were standing there 15 minutes early and punching out at 7 minutes to the hour. I finally had enough of this and complained to my lead and supervisor. One day in particular I got calls about issues at 5 minutes to 3 about things that happened during the day shift and they were gone from the parking lot at that time! And my pay didn't start til 3...

    I am still on the sh@t list of a few that are mad at me because they have to now stand around another 7 minutes before they can punch out.

    I am a peon and don't have much power so one of my favorite sayings is that if I was in charge the world would be a much different place.

    But that would be another off topic thread!

  8. #5517
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Back in the day before there were cell phones I loved how my store manager would handle finding an employee (usually a younger one) standing around talking to their friends.

    Jim would walk up and ask the employee how much their friends were paying them and the answer was always 'Nothing'. And Jim would say "That's right! I do so get to work"!

    I was never on Jim's bad side which was a good thing. I always admired that you always knew where you stood with Jim---you may not like know where it was but you always knew.

    Lost Jim almost 28 years ago, cancer ate him up. He was a damn good man.
    Geezer, 32t, MikeB52 and 1 others like this.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  9. #5518
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    Mark, the stats you provide are misleading, as I read them. But I could be wrong.
    They show total national output vs wages, but don’t reflect total number of workers involved in the measure for scale. As such I’d attribute the increased output shown to automation and higher machine throughout rather than more productive, or engaged working staff.
    Example; One man walking around the Warehouse of 1950 collecting items to fill a box could fill a box in maybe 10 minutes and ship it out. A pic driven sortation center could feed the same one worker a filled box every 30 seconds for him to slap a label on and he’s done. His output goes from 6 shipped boxes to 120 shipped boxes in the same hour, because of automation, not him working harder.
    Output per man per hour goes up by a factor of 20 times, but of course the wages haven’t, and couldn’t.
    A 5$ an hr job in 1950 is not paying 100$ an hour today, nor could, cause I for one won’t pay more to ship a package than the package is worth. As an example..
    Sure, the 1970's heralded the computer age, ever-increasing factory automation, etc., but the wages actually fell for a few decades before taking a dead-cat bounce or two. To me, the data shows workers can forget receiving any increased share in wealth through their increased productivity, even if automation has nothing to add.

    All manner of other shifts in the workplace and market took effect over that period as well, but all these various factors simply cannot be factored into a single graph. So much for the tangent....
    Geezer, MikeB52 and Dieseld like this.

  10. #5519
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Once again, I find internet argumentation supremely pointless. My only use of a personal phone call at work was related to medical appointments or family emergencies. It's not as if I felt my employer owed me work time to make plans to watch a basketball game with my brother over the weekend. A bad, yet purposeful example;he's just like these tools you complain about who pay near constant attention to their phone while the world spins on. "Hello in there?!"

    For the past year, I haven't been visiting my brother much for any sports or whatever. I get more of his focus if I come at him via text or voice mail. Hell, the best interaction I've had with him in years was just last month thanks to my mom's 87th birthday. Ha!

    Geezer, MikeB52 and Dieseld like this.

  11. #5520
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Does anyone notice anything peculiar about this McDonald's besides the extraordinary architecture?

    I haven't visited my neighborhood one in almost a few decades...or just over a few. Too bland a memory to recall I swear.

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