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Thread: The Ukraine situation

  1. #121
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    I would like to think the UN is a noble concept - at least it is in theory. I know it was an American President's pet project bla, bla, bla, and that the US resisted for a long time bla, bla, bla, BUT... I think what many forget (or I am just making this up), is that when the US decided they could use the UN to stop communist spread and peruse it's economic agenda with it, the U.S. went gangbusters with it. Of course, when the "big dog" sells the world on an idea, the rest follow.

    It might sound bitter - and don't get me wrong, I love the idea of the UN, but lets call a spade a spade, the UN has been a tool utilized by the west to get what they want. America has benefited HUGE!
    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I actually agree, but let's also add that America has paid HUGE too - in Gold and Blood, let's finish the sentence if we are calling a spade a spade shall we...
    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    No question about it. In the end we always try to turn things to our benefit. The US has benefited and still does, but also paid huge.
    Holey Cow!! Now we are getting someplace .

  2. #122
    Contains ingredients Tack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by welshwizard View Post
    US soldiers did fight in WWI. That said US history doesn't go very far back. The desk that this computer sits on and the house that it is in both pre-date the USA's existence as an independent nation by more than a hundred years. The British joke is that we ran the world before you did.
    It is said that Americans think a 100 years is a long time and Europeans think 100 miles is a long way.

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    I have great faith in fools - self confidence my friends call it.

  3. #123
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    You know it's true we (Americans) fought and died in ww1 & ww2. I was not there but I was in the USAF in the late 60 and early 70. I went to many different country's and I the only country I felt welcome and the people acted like they were glad I or we were there was Germany. To me it's like if they need us then what took you so long and as soon as you don't get the !!!!! out here. At least that's what it looks like and sounds like to me. now that's just my way of thinking.

  4. #124
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhensley View Post
    You know it's true we (Americans) fought and died in ww1 & ww2. I was not there but I was in the USAF in the late 60 and early 70. I went to many different country's and I the only country I felt welcome and the people acted like they were glad I or we were there was Germany. To me it's like if they need us then what took you so long and as soon as you don't get the !!!!! out here. At least that's what it looks like and sounds like to me. now that's just my way of thinking.
    I think there is some truth to that... they love Yanks in Normandy though. Heck, they'll even speak English to you there.

    It's kind of funny though. American's love to run around and ask the French when they are being belligerent, "Do you speak German?" When and if they say "no," to then reply, "That's right! You're welcome."

    Of course there is truth in that. But there is also truth in what Glen alluded to which is America stayed out of the war for a long time and basically said to the European's, fight your own battles - eff you!

    With that in mind, knowing (some) European's haven't glorified the Yanks arrival as anything but them being forced to come for their own reasons, and not to save the day as Hollywood likes to make out - it's hard not to see that many over there aren't jumping up and down when they see an American. They suffered long and hard waiting... only to be laughed at by American's saying things like "Authentic French Military rifle for sale - only dropped once." once they got there.

    EDIT - just an opinion.
    Last edited by earcutter; 03-05-2014 at 10:07 PM.

  5. #125
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    I think there is some truth to that... they love Yanks in Normandy though. Heck, they'll even speak English to you there.

    It's kind of funny though. American's love to run around and ask the French when they are being belligerent, "Do you speak German?" When and if they say "no," to then reply, "That's right! You're welcome."

    Of course there is truth in that. But there is also truth in what Glen alluded to which is America stayed out of the war for a long time and basically said to the European's, fight your own battles - eff you!

    With that in mind, knowing European's haven't glorified the Yanks arrival as anything but them being forced to come for their own reasons and not to save the day as Hollywood likes to make out - it's hard not to see that many over there aren't jumping up and down when they see an American. They suffered long and hard waiting... only to be laughed at by American's saying things like "Authentic French Military rifle for sale - only dropped once." once they got there.
    I guess we should have stayed home. Then I would not have lost two uncles. I think if you see two people fighting for what ever reason it's there business then one of them hits you and it's tme for a change.
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  6. #126
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhensley View Post
    I guess we should have stayed home. Then I would not have lost two uncles. I think if you see two people fighting for what ever reason it's there business then one of them hits you and it's tme for a change.
    And that's exactly what happened...

  7. #127
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    It's kind of funny though. American's love to run around and ask the French when they are being belligerent, "Do you speak German?" When and if they say "no," to then reply, "That's right! You're welcome."
    You know spending my life growing up a Military brat with many years in Europe, after my father landed on Omaha beach on 6/6/44 traveled through the Ardennes not looking for Coticules Knowing that he had been to Korea and would go to Vietnam.. The one thing that was drilled into our heads as children, was a very strict rule, NEVER ever take the host country for granted, we were taught as children to respect the country that invited us.. Not doubting your story, but I sure never experienced anything like that, but then again it was a different time....
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  8. #128
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    You know spending my life growing up a Military brat with many years in Europe, after my father landed on Omaha beach on 6/6/44 traveled through the Ardennes not looking for Coticules Knowing that he had been to Korea and would go to Vietnam.. The one thing that was drilled into our heads as children, was a very strict rule, NEVER ever take the host country for granted, we were taught as children to respect the country that invited us.. Not doubting your story, but I sure never experienced anything like that, but then again it was a different time....
    That's awesome!! And that's the America I know and love.

  9. #129
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    I do remember some of our Norwegian neighbors having to explain the term "Loud Americans" to us when they described another American family that lived in the same building as us

    Now that was funny

    Americans do tend to think that if they speak Slower and Louder and use grandiose facial and hand gestures that the entire world can understand them.. That is truly an American fallacy...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 03-05-2014 at 10:15 PM.

  10. #130
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    You know - speaking of the UN. I recall in the 90's I think it was... America was so far in arrears with respect to paying their UN dues, the Canadian Prime Minister stood up and offered to pay America's debt if the UN agreed to relocate the headquarters to Canada.

    Yup - it's that good for the economy - I mean we are were talking billions the U.S. owed. Of course, after that public shaming the U.S. began to pay up, but it wasn't until Obama came into power with a commitment to the issue that America finally caught up in 2011.

    LOL - just throwing that out. I think it's kind of funny and it allows me to say this in a meaningful way rather than the joking way I normally do:

    "Thanks Obama!"

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