Like Spanish people?? I sure hope so !
Folks, I'm sure what you have heard about the new immigration bill.
This is bad. This is really bad.
This threatens Social Security. It is a slap in the face to every person who has gone through all the legal hoops to get their citizenship/permanent residency.

Right is right and wrong is wrong. If you snuck in then you are a criminal.
PERIOD ! Do we want criminals to stay? Do we want to reward criminal behavior?
What makes you think illegals will follow the NEW laws when they didn't follow the old laws?

If they don't comply what are we going to do? Deport them?

OK, so you want to be a nice guy and give amnesty to illegals??
America is a nation of immigrants you say? NOT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS !

Stop being such a sissy and email your senator or rep and tell them to vote NO on a $2.5 TRILLION aid bill to Mexico.

I'm a nice guy but lets look at reality here folks. Do the math !

I've been paying into SS all my life. The law says 10 years gets you in for $19,000 a year.
Lets say 15% of these 12 Mil(bogus number for sure) are 50 and will get SS in 15 years.
So 15% of 12 mil is 1.8 mil X $19,000 per year = $34.2 BILLION per year
The average person collects SS for 19 years THATS 649.8 BILLION !!!
Think of how much of this goes back to the home country! Can we afford to have this much money sucked out of our economy?
Thats just one little tiny bit of math
Now add in if 25% have one child.
I can't find a website who has done math right now but I am quite sure the cost of public education is ave $9600 per child per year.
Get an immigrant with 4 kids thats $40, a year even without entitlements.
Thats 3,000,000 X 9,600 = 28.8 BILLION a year

Effects of immigration on native born unemployment rates.
Furthermore, research shows that white males working in an area with recent Spanish speaking immigrants make on average $1 less per hour than in a less racially diverse community.

Don't like math? Read this.

Email your state rep and tell them no. Even if you think this bill is a good idea do it anyway. Be a good American and DO IT !

202-224-3121 Senate Switchboard
202-225-3121 Congress Switchboard

Pray for country