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  1. #51
    red dots and Kleenex mercV12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    We should all appreciate spaces where Homosexuality (which is NOT a "choice" (think about it, who would choose to be targeted and hated by homophobes)) and hateful statements like yours are not allowed ... oh wait! That's this very forum. I would respectfully ask you to immediately remove your hate speech from this forum. Just do it. It's the right thing to do.

    I also want to live in a place with Freedom FROM Religion. You wouldn't want somebody else's idea of "God" enforced on you and I don't want yours forced on me, meaning I want to live somewhere where people are free to speak how and what they like (hate excepted) and where personal honor, integrity and responsibility are indeed important and not merely paid lip-service to.

    I'm dreaming of a place where right and wrong are determined by their help or harm to a society and not individual or mob fears, where choice is permitted and supported. In short where narrow minded and, dare I say, Fascist ideals are not the order of the day.

    Hate speech? .......What? Homosexuality has NEVER been proven to be genetic. That's just a fact. I do not say that with any kind of "hate" whatsoever. I merely have stated a fact. So if homosexuality is not the result of genetics, ...what does that leave. Yes, it IS a choice. And that is a fact. Since there is NO hate here.. I see no reason to remove it. But I respect your right to request that I censor reality.

    You do live in a place where you have the freedom FROM religion. Who's forcing anything on you? Believe....don't beleive...whatever. This is the United States.

    A society where right or wrong are determined by their help or harm to society is a society where whoever can cry the loudest will be afforded the most that society has to offer. That's it. You want to live in a society of crybabies?? I don't think you do because in the next part of your statement you say: "where personal honor, integrity and responsibility are indeed important and not merely paid lip-service to. " I won't live in a society like that .....AND I have the right to choose to live in a different place, where ever that may be.

    Xman, I honor your opinion and I hope that mine will be honored with the same courtesy. Please reserve the "Hate" word and the 'Fascist" word for truly relevant situations. Your enlightened, accepting and politically correct views are welcomed by me, and I thank you for them. They are impressive.
    Have super fantastic day my friend!

  2. #52
    I'm Back!! Jonedangerousli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercV12 View Post
    Here in the United States of America we welcome your opinion, and i would hope that my opinion would be welcomed and respected with the same level of common courtesy extended to you. I do not define right and wrong. It was defined by the Creator of heaven and earth and evrything in them. THE God who SPOKE the universe into existence. THE God that walked on water, healed the lame, gave sight to the blind, raised the dead, fed the multitudes, turned water into wine, calmed the seas, died, was dead for 3 days, and rose from the dead. He is the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob AND the God of the founders of this great nation. He has blessed this nation greatly. He has defined right and wrong very clearly in the infallible and inerrant Word of God....the Bible.
    The problem with your statement is that you DO define it. It is your BELIEF in the bible, etc. that defines it. I don't want to get off on a rant here, but by virtue of your BELIEF you are exactly the same as the muslim that BELIEVES that the koran is the one true word of god and defines right and wrong. /rant

    You ask my why being homosexual is perverse. Isn't it self-evident? Don't those smells tell you how wrong it is? What about the illnesses associated with that lifestyle? What don't you get? It's obvious.
    Self-evident? No, not by any stretch of the imagination. What smells? What illnesses exclusively target homosexuals? The only thing obvious in that paragraph is your version of truth is colored by your prejudices. That's not unusual though. We all have our prejudices.

    The good news is that we are free to debate these and other issues. The bad news it that we are free to debate these and other issues.

  3. #53
    red dots and Kleenex mercV12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    'Choosing' segregation is not a choice, it is the institution of it's absence. The Rush line "If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice" is a logical fallacy. Now we get to hear how logic is not some god's word. Fundamentalists come in Christian forms too. All written words were written by men, not gods.

    Some people are so resistant to the idea of questioning their convictions. I do it every day and don't see what the trouble is.

    In Los Angeles we have "little Tokyo", China town", "Olvera Street", West Hollywood (the Gay part of town), Beverly Hills (the rich part of town), South Central ( the poor side of town), the Fairfax district (the Jewish part of town), and many, many other "segregated" sections of this large metropolis. I know that Los Angeles is not unique..... New York, Miami, Dallas, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City....basically everywhere throughout the United States has pockets where like minded people gather. Again it's the right to choose who you WANT to associate with. Are you going to FORCE people to mingle? Good Luck!

    You say: "Now we get to hear how logic is not some god's word. Fundamentalists come in Christian forms too. All written words were written by men, not gods." Not really sure what you're trying to say but it sounds like an insult....or "hate speech" as you call it. That's OK. The Bible was indeed written with the hands of men... 66 books by 40 authors...but it is a cohesive, infallible and inerrant book, unlike any other in the history of the world. NO other book has had prophecies written hundreds of years in advance of actual events which took place EXACTLY as foretold. In fact the day that Jesus was crucified, 43 prophecies came true. It is a mathematical impossibility that these are the result of "coincidence." We are seeing prophecies taking shape before our very eyes every day moving us toward a one world government and one world leader. We are seeing Isreal become a burdon to the whole world and we are seeing the anti Semitism on the rise and hatred for Isreal growing tremendously. EXACTLY as foretold in the Bible. IF the Bible is not true, then why are the things written in it thousands of years ago coming true today?? How did 40 authors from 40 different locations in time and space and perspective know these things?

  4. #54
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonedangerousli View Post
    The problem with your statement is that you DO define it. It is your BELIEF in the bible, etc. that defines it. I don't want to get off on a rant here, but by virtue of your BELIEF you are exactly the same as the muslim that BELIEVES that the koran is the one true word of god and defines right and wrong. /rant

    Self-evident? No, not by any stretch of the imagination. What smells? What illnesses exclusively target homosexuals? The only thing obvious in that paragraph is your version of truth is colored by your prejudices. That's not unusual though. We all have our prejudices.

    The good news is that we are free to debate these and other issues. The bad news it that we are free to debate these and other issues.
    Thanks. I was trying to figure out how to reply to that post but you nailed it as far as I am concerned.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  5. #55
    I'm Back!! Jonedangerousli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercV12 View Post
    In Los Angeles we have "little Tokyo", China town", "Olvera Street", West Hollywood (the Gay part of town), Beverly Hills (the rich part of town), South Central ( the poor side of town), the Fairfax district (the Jewish part of town), and many, many other "segregated" sections of this large metropolis. I know that Los Angeles is not unique..... New York, Miami, Dallas, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City....basically everywhere throughout the United States has pockets where like minded people gather. Again it's the right to choose who you WANT to associate with. Are you going to FORCE people to mingle? Good Luck!
    I have good friends that live in LA. I'm sure they will be happy to hear that you are selling out and moving. Intolerance and prejudice are not really attractive qualities.

    You say: "Now we get to hear how logic is not some god's word. Fundamentalists come in Christian forms too. All written words were written by men, not gods." Not really sure what you're trying to say but it sounds like an insult....or "hate speech" as you call it. That's OK. The Bible was indeed written with the hands of men... 66 books by 40 authors...but it is a cohesive, infallible and inerrant book, unlike any other in the history of the world. NO other book has had prophecies written hundreds of years in advance of actual events which took place EXACTLY as foretold. In fact the day that Jesus was crucified, 43 prophecies came true. It is a mathematical impossibility that these are the result of "coincidence." We are seeing prophecies taking shape before our very eyes every day moving us toward a one world government and one world leader. We are seeing Isreal become a burdon to the whole world and we are seeing the anti Semitism on the rise and hatred for Isreal growing tremendously. EXACTLY as foretold in the Bible. IF the Bible is not true, then why are the things written in it thousands of years ago coming true today?? How did 40 authors from 40 different locations in time and space and perspective know these things?
    You believe what you chose to believe. Since faith by its very definition is the absence of proof, the problem you have is that you can't prove any of it, and without proof you will never ever be able to persuade someone that does not share your faith.

    I'd suggest we abandon the discussion of the validity of the bible and christianity and stick with the topic before a mod has to redirect the thread.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonedangerousli View Post
    This is a recursive argument. It stops if you consider that ...
    I disagree in the validity of you logic, but as Lou would say, "Whatever!". These discussions almost always fail to come to an agreed conclusion for the majority of the participants. I'd rather hone razors.

  7. #57
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    congrats are in order for your 1000 posts... give yourseldf another gold star!

    getting back... depending on what else i'm eating fried potatoes are quite good with mayonaise or malt vinegar or ketchup. i however do not like them if i mix those three condiments together, oddly though, mayonaise, ketchup and dijon mustard are great mixed together and served with fried potatoes.
    Be just and fear not.

  8. #58
    The Voice in Your Head scarface's Avatar
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  9. #59
    I'm Back!! Jonedangerousli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by azjoe View Post
    I disagree in the validity of you logic, but as Lou would say, "Whatever!". These discussions almost always fail to come to an agreed conclusion for the majority of the participants. I'd rather hone razors.
    I'm with you. I have a DD goldedge that I'm working on at the moment. Just finished polishing and it's going on the hone bench in a few.

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by scarface View Post


    Well said, Lou!

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