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  1. #61
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gratewhitehuntr View Post
    slim runner

    abs trump anything else

    been there, done that

    had a run-in with some Cirque Du Soleil guys (acrobats)

    "He has nice abs."

    "Yeah, but my arms are bigger than his legs."

    "Yeah, but he has nice abs."

    The women liked them better, even though the biggest one was only about 150 lbs

    (one of them) " Hey get lost Lou FAG-rino!"

    I know this because I was able to "overhead press" him easily, immediately before bouncing him off a wall !

    yes, yes, I might have had a little too much testosterone going back then
    Thought I'd just quote GW ---but who knows what women want --- I don't think they know what they want.

    I think it's a regional thing also --- growing up in fairly rurul south Louisiana, I can guarantee you that most liked the somewhat butchy meaty look --- a little muscles never hurt and most of these girls had a low tolerance for feminine characteristics in a man. But what would you expect from "country" girls. I don't think the metrosexual look will ever take root here ----. And some women are as base and sexually driven as men are if not more so ----

    Now how about that chubby-funny correlation . Well in all honesty the funniest people I've ever known were skinny so there ya go.

    And I've known people that were the whole package -- funny, smart, attractive, etc and some that had nothing going for them including "personality".

    Watch out for those stereotypes we put on people -- it usually says more about our own inadiquacies then it does theirs.

    Of course, I like blonds with big hooters, nice bodies, and no brains so what do I know
    Last edited by jaegerhund; 08-04-2007 at 08:18 PM.

  2. #62
    Senior Member tjiscooler's Avatar
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    5'-9" or so and around 110.... I eat really bad food and gorge on sweets all day yet i cant seem to gain an ounce. In fact, since i started working and walking alot I think im loosing weight. Although i did a good workout routine a while ago and noticed great inprovements, in muscle and overall size., but i just dont have the time or energy to do anything like that. I do have decent abs tho .....

  3. #63
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    I agree with GW about the BMI thing. It doesn't work for me either...never did. I'm about 6' at the moment (1,80 meters) and I weigh somewhere around 90-92 kilos....not quite sure how much since I don't care all that much.

    According to the BMI I'm seriously going to die but according to me (and my wife agrees...there's not much fat on me apart from some small love handles and a little gut insulation (keeps me warm).

    If I try to lose weight by changing my diet and excirsizing(sp?) more I just end up getting heavier.

    On the other hand I do like to stay in shape. So I either Rollerblade or go running at least three times a week. When I blade my shirt is soaked within 15 min and when I run as well. Running gets my stamina up and blading works the muscles heavier. Either way feels good to do so I tend to keep it up.

    I don't do anything on diets since I've found most (apart from the extreme ones) to be useless and pretty much all of them a drag.

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