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  1. #51
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    Do you think the majority of women more attracted to muscular jock types, or the lean runner types?

    I'm currently 6'1" and 190lbs, but I'm not happy with where I'm at.

    I was always chubby as a kid, which I mostly attribute to diet (fast food), but after weightlifting heavily for two years in highschool (5-6 days a week), I ended up being a very lean 165 pounds, benching 225. I started going to college, had some health problems, had many deaths in my family including my father, and became pretty inactive/depressed. I kept gaining weight until I was 210, and decided it was time to do something.

    I've since started watching my diet, running and doing pushups/situps/dumbbells. My target is to get back down to 175, but I'm not sure whether I want to go my old route of 100% weightlifting, or if I should try doing more cardio this time around. College is starting back up soon, which is a lot of uphill walking, and I was going to start using an old air-dyne bike for at least 30 mins a day. Don't know.

    Now we need to start an SRP weightloss thread and track everyone's progress.

  2. #52
    Hair follicle smackdown misteredwino's Avatar
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    [quote=Alexander;129948]Do you think the majority of women more attracted to muscular jock types, or the lean runner types?

    Perhaps you don't know this, but women are not nearly as shallow as men in general. They prefer personality traits over physical characteristics. Don't get me wrong, girls love a hard body, but they are looking for much more than that, aside from gold diggers and women looking for a fling. Most women like a man that can make them laugh, has confidence, has their shit together, and of course a man that shaves with a straight. Booyah!

  3. #53
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    I'm always amazed at how effective (affective ?) just pushups, situps, chinups. and dips can be in getting to overall good shape. I like free weights and maybe machine weights for isolating certain muscles --- but it's funny how guys will avoid the basics especially pullups and dips.


  4. #54
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander View Post
    Do you think the majority of women more attracted to muscular jock types, or the lean runner types?

    Perhaps you don't know this, but women are not nearly as shallow as men in general. They prefer personality traits over physical characteristics. Don't get me wrong, girls love a hard body, but they are looking for much more than that, aside from gold diggers and women looking for a fling. Most women like a man that can make them laugh, has confidence, has their shit together, and of course a man that shaves with a straight. Booyah!
    I don't know about the "having their shit together" part ----- I would like to believe this to be true but find myself shaking my head because it's often not.

    I'll act like I know what the hell I'm talking about and say women do seem to like a challenge ---that is a challenge to win a guy over who has his own thing going on whether he has his stuff together or not.

    Of course I'm probably wrong --- I'm anyway,


  5. #55
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    I'm about 150 lbs and I'm fine with the weight. it's my waist line I'm not happy about.


  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by misteredwino
    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander View Post
    Do you think the majority of women more attracted to muscular jock types, or the lean runner types?

    Perhaps you don't know this, but women are not nearly as shallow as men in general. They prefer personality traits over physical characteristics. Don't get me wrong, girls love a hard body, but they are looking for much more than that, aside from gold diggers and women looking for a fling. Most women like a man that can make them laugh, has confidence, has their shit together, and of course a man that shaves with a straight. Booyah!
    True that personalities keep them in, but you need an initial attraction. For most people, their personalities aren't quite as transparent as others. For most of us, we have to use our vanity for the initial attraction, and then let them see our personalities.

    On top of that, being well kept is a great confidence booster. Keeping fit, whether you have a runner's body or body builder's body, is better than one not kept, in my opinion. I think most women agree that they would go for the guy who's at least somewhat fit. Doesn't necessarily need to be a hardcore body builder or ultra lean runner, just that there's little chub (some is acceptible).

    After that initial attraction, then you have the hook - your personality - to get them to want you. Show that you are confident, but not too cocky, and secure. From my experience, women can pick up insecuirty reallly quickly and easily. Once they sense the insecurity, you're pretty much done for. Humor, cleverness, and creativity are among the top traits I would say women love. Only thing is the humor part has a lot of "versions," I suppose you would say. Certain women will like your humor, and others won't.

    Quote Originally Posted by jaegerhund
    I'm always amazed at how effective (affective ?) just pushups, situps, chinups. and dips can be in getting to overall good shape. I like free weights and maybe machine weights for isolating certain muscles --- but it's funny how guys will avoid the basics especially pullups and dips.
    The guys I workout with don't miss the "basics".... I think they're great since they give a really nice strengtheight ratio. If I find that I'm strong, but have a low strengtheight ratio, I do more of the "basics" to bring it back up.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by misteredwino View Post
    Most women like a man that can make them laugh, has confidence, has their shit together, and of course a man that shaves with a straight. Booyah!
    Well, one out of four ain't bad.

    I didn't mean to side-track the thread, but it's one of the two main reasons we get into shape. I agree with Berticus 100%. I don't give the human race too much credit in this regard -- we are pretty reptilian when it comes to dating. Appearance generally catches the interest, and personality is generally what keeps it.

    Naturally, someone who's in good physical condition is likely to have confidence, have their "shit together", and whatever other garbage they're looking for. Once they start dating, the woman can then proceed to destroy the confidence they once sought, and turn the man into an obedient shell. (Cue my ex-girlfriend. Kidding!)

    It's funny, I've had countless friends tell me that appearances don't matter, yet they are usually the ones dating someone who's aesthetically beautiful & with the personality of a wet mop...

  8. #58
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    slim runner

    abs trump anything else

    been there, done that

    had a run-in with some Cirque Du Soleil guys (acrobats)

    "He has nice abs."

    "Yeah, but my arms are bigger than his legs."

    "Yeah, but he has nice abs."

    The women liked them better, even though the biggest one was only about 150 lbs

    (one of them) " Hey get lost Lou FAG-rino!"

    I know this because I was able to "overhead press" him easily, immediately before bouncing him off a wall !

    yes, yes, I might have had a little too much testosterone going back then

  9. #59
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by izlat View Post
    True story: one of my friends in NY was overweight since high school, then he got into cycling, went nuts, actually. To the point of starting to win Central Park races, etc. Also serious diet, leaned up and all, optimized everything for cycling performance.

    Trouble is, his wife complained that she liked him better when he was "fat and happy" vs the lean and mean attitude / constantly grumpy

    The primary reason John Candy stayed overweight was that he feared the people would not find him funny anymore.
    He died of a massive heart attack, only 43 years old.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  10. #60
    Senior Member Tobico4's Avatar
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    213 lbs (97 kg) ...was once up to 265 (1986)
    6' 1" (1.85 m)

    Would like to be 192 lbs...I am currently at a 20% body fat (Tanita scale)...would like to get that in half.

    Tae Kwon Do and 25 miles/week of running for the last ten years got me where I am, but learning to do "push aways" from the table is the only way I am going to get where I want to be!


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