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12-05-2019, 10:15 PM #11
Vaccines do not cause autism. That study was fake and the person who published it lost his medical license.
No there is no some wide spread conspiracy to hide the side effects of vaccines, there are side effects and it's part of the risk of getting vaccinated. Vaccines save lives and I am thankful that we have them.
Our immune system is very complicated and sometimes viruses and bacteria have parts that look similar to our own cells and it can confuse the immune system. For example a simple cold can trigger a reaction where our own immune system attacks the sheaths of peripheral nerves causing Guillain Barre Syndrome.
12-05-2019, 11:30 PM #12
True my stepson contracted GBS 6 months in a hospitality and 1 1/2 years learning to walk again. On the vaccines. Think about it. We had rare cases of TB and polio after it became common for these vaccines. With some 3rd world nations bringing g it back along with the anti vaccine crowd it’s coming back around
“ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”
12-05-2019, 11:31 PM #13
Just thinking out loud again.
If vaccinations were 100% effective then only the non vaccinated would die so why care?
Not measles but one time I was allergic to the Flu. Chances are I will never have that reaction again because from what I understand once I had that strain I will not get it again due to my immune system.
Still I have an aversion to getting the Flu shot/vaccine.
My work wants to try to shame us into getting the shot but does not require it.
{We need little green tags on our ID's to prove it and I could get one to lie if I really wanted to....}
If I tried to shame my coworkers that way I would get fired.... But I am not management.
My point is that if it was 100% safe and they required it then I would for sure do it but by not requiring it they are admitting they don't ant to take responsibility for any side effects by "making" me do it.
12-06-2019, 12:05 AM #14
Indeed it is & it's totally dedicated to preventing infection so why bypass all the initial defence response by turbocharging pathogens directly into the body via injection.
I'm not against protecting children just the delivery system. I don't see it as logical.
When I had a natural therapies practice, I had a patient that came to me who had intense flu symptoms develop after his shot. He was sick for two weeks before he came to me for treatment & like you he refused to ever have another one.The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.
12-06-2019, 12:26 AM #15
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Thanked: 3228No matter how you cut it more people have died from the actual diseases before vaccines were introduced than from being vaccinated or side effects from a vaccine. To me it really is that simple. Based on that alone I'd take any risks a vaccine may have associated with it and get immunized. In life there are always risks but you try and minimize those when you can.
BobLife is a terminal illness in the end
12-06-2019, 12:36 AM #16
there are ways to boost the immune system that are much safer with less potential side effects. At the very least we ought to be told the potential side effects at make our own choice as to what is right for our selves and children. I chose not to get the flu shot and risk getting the flu rather than risk paralysis (one of the listed potential side effects.) I'll risk the flu over that any day.
12-06-2019, 12:44 AM #17
It depends on the disease and the vaccine your age and many other things including risk of the disease itself.
I have had the measles Polio and few other vaccines.
Flu, Lyme's, chicken pox, I don't see the benefit/risk ratio as being worth it.
12-06-2019, 01:17 AM #18
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Thanked: 3228With the flu you risk death especially if you are old, have other chronic health issues or are very young. I could care less if you get the flu or not. That said and everyone being free to make their own choice we should quarantine any individual who gets a communicable disease to keep the rest of use from getting it. It's simple to do with no risks of side effects from taking the vaccine.
Just for chuckles read about the Spanish Flu Pandemic This was before vaccines for the flu and parts of the world took weeks if not months to travel to by ship.
Today your infected little body could easily be halfway round the world in less than a day. Even with Today's vaccines it would be hard to control especially if the population you lived in had less than a 95% immunization rate. That is the case in most western industrialized countries today because people are opting out of immunization programs.
BobLife is a terminal illness in the end
12-06-2019, 02:04 AM #19
You want a reality check? Go to an older cemetery especially in a large city and look at all the graves of young folks who died during that flu epidemic.
I blame it all on stupid people who have no ability for critical thinking and would rather believe what they read on some gossip site rather than science based fact. The perfect example is this thing going around "the web" now. Beware people driving around in white vans with big locks on the doors. They be looking to kidnap you and sell you into the sex slave market.
Social media? You can keep it.No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero
12-06-2019, 02:13 AM #20
I absolutely cannot believe that we are even having this mindless discussion. You can tell that none of the antivaxers are statisticians. Do a little research on more than just the symptoms of a conceivable reaction. The chances are so much lower that you will have a reaction to a vaccine than the chances of you dying of one of the plethora of childhood illnesses before vaccinations existed that it is not even worth considering. The reason why the average age is higher now is not because people live to be older it's because they don't die as young largely from diseases. This reminds me of those people back in the 80s and 90s that used to say, "we'd all be better off if we lived like the 'native Americans' did" You cannot be serious with that. crapping in a hole in the ground? Dying at 30 of an infected tooth? Getting cut by something and dying of an infection like tetanus? Cholera?... This is the most absolutely asinine thing I've ever heard in my life
Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17