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Thread: Measles

  1. #31
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    don't worry, they are working on at least 120 new ones right now. As far as changing your mind about vaccines once you get sick, the same would be true if you got sick from a vaccine.
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  2. #32
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    The one that I have been dealing with and concerned about lately is Norovirus.

    No vaccine for that one yet..........
    That's because there are a hundred or so varieties of the bug. Once you get one you are immune to it and only that one. So any vaccine for that has to match them all and they change over time.
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  3. #33
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    The one that I have been dealing with and concerned about lately is Norovirus.

    No vaccine for that one yet..........
    A school here shut down today after numerous kids and staff got sick.

    They suspect norovirus!
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  4. #34
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onimaru55 View Post
    For another chuckle google how allopathic treatments for that flu lost 30% of their patients whereas homoeopaths lost less than 2%
    If your only tool is a hammer every problem looks like a nail.
    20 years of experience as a homoeopath taught me there are feasible alternatives to many illnesses.
    There is an old saying about a little knowledge about something is a very bad thing.

    In that era folks thought they knew it all when in fact they knew nothing but they did what seemed logical to them. Things like folks with swelling of the brain were treated by wearing a shower cap with ice water running through it. I mean, that made sense right?

    What happened then has little applicability to things now. You also have to be careful throwing around statistics cause they can be made to say anything you want.

    Sure there are some remedies based on alternative medicine that work for some things for some people and there are many such preps that have sickened and killed a lot of folks or have caused folks to take worthless preparations forgoing true life saving methods.
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  5. #35
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    There is an old saying about a little knowledge about something is a very bad thing.

    In that era folks thought they knew it all when in fact they knew nothing but they did what seemed logical to them. Things like folks with swelling of the brain were treated by wearing a shower cap with ice water running through it. I mean, that made sense right?
    Of course ! Perfect sense for the allopathy of the day. However Hahnemann the founder of Homoeopathywould have thought it madness as we do

    What happened then has little applicability to things now.
    Not at all. A natural principle applied now or at any time still holds. I'm sure nobody here wants me to bore them with the details but individualising a case rather than using a shotgun approach maks a lot more sense to me. Of course in the case of epidemics it is highly likely most will need the same remedy but it should not be presumed for all.

    You also have to be careful throwing around statistics cause they can be made to say anything you want.
    Just something that was recorded which I thought people would find interesting.I'd bet others will mention the statistics of how safe vaccines are.

    Sure there are some remedies based on alternative medicine that work for some things for some people and there are many such preps that have sickened and killed a lot of folks or have caused folks to take worthless preparations forgoing true life saving methods.
    Of course, there are quacks in all fields & you have to carefully do your research on what you choose. Ultimately we are responsible for ourselves.
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  6. #36
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Well, I will say one last bit on this and then I am done with the discussion.

    "Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not." JER 5:21
    "There are none so blind as those who will not see."
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    As you and I have both said statistics can be made to say anything you want them to say so in down and dirty nitty gritty what truly matters is what you put your faith in. I can say that homeopathy is for reefer smokin' hipppies with a head full of manure and you can say that the CDC has an agenda and is in the pocket of the big drug companies but neither of us will convince.the other if they are determined not to see. Believe what you want and do what you want but just keep your antivaxers kids away from mine and beware because one day they are going to sue you for not vaccinating them. Think I'm full of it? Look it up. It's happening already.
    Last edited by PaulFLUS; 12-07-2019 at 01:53 AM.
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  7. #37
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Well as I have decades experience as a practitioner with near perfect results it's not about me not wanting to see.
    I have seen what works so I'm not just voicing an opinion.

    Some devils advocate questions to stimulate more conversation.

    if your kids are vaccinated and supposedly immune, what is the risk from contact with non vaccinated kids ?

    If a kid is vaccinated & develops symptoms is he also outcast or is he ok company because he's vaccinated ?
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  8. #38
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onimaru55 View Post
    Well as I have decades experience as a practitioner with near perfect results it's not about me not wanting to see.
    I have seen what works so I'm not just voicing an opinion.

    Some devils advocate questions to stimulate more conversation.

    if your kids are vaccinated and supposedly immune, what is the risk from contact with non vaccinated kids ?

    If a kid is vaccinated & develops symptoms is he also outcast or is he ok company because he's vaccinated ?
    In the public health game it's all in the end game. The more folks vaccinated means the fewer overall cases there are. As the number of vaccinated cases goes down the number of cases goes up as evidenced by the increasing numbers of measles cases we are seeing. The fact is diseases that were classified as wiped out are making a return and this is related to the lack of vaccinations. These are all verifiable facts.

    It's not about a kid not getting a vaccine who gets sick and does or does not get another kid sick or not because the next kid did or did not get the vaccine. It's about the possibility of an epidemic and the possibility a bug can mutate and then a vaccine might not work and then we start to fill cemeteries.

    Of course not all vaccines work wonders. The flu is an example. However the really nasty stuff like Polio is as close to 100% effective as you can get and we can go down the list of similar nasty bugs.
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  9. #39
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    In the public health game it's all in the end game. The more folks vaccinated means the fewer overall cases there are. As the number of vaccinated cases goes down the number of cases goes up as evidenced by the increasing numbers of measles cases we are seeing. The fact is diseases that were classified as wiped out are making a return and this is related to the lack of vaccinations. These are all verifiable facts.

    It's not about a kid not getting a vaccine who gets sick and does or does not get another kid sick or not because the next kid did or did not get the vaccine. It's about the possibility of an epidemic and the possibility a bug can mutate and then a vaccine might not work and then we start to fill cemeteries.

    Of course not all vaccines work wonders. The flu is an example. However the really nasty stuff like Polio is as close to 100% effective as you can get and we can go down the list of similar nasty bugs.
    That is exactly it. It is about herd/group immunity levels. The higher the number of people vaccinated the higher the herd/group immunity level is. The reverse is also true and why I originally posted about what is happening in Samoa. You are seeing the result of not having a comprehensive immunization program in that an unusually large number of people are dying, mostly children.

    That is also why I dislike the anti vaccer movement as it is now lowering our group/herd immunity level as more people choose not to be vaccinated. It is to the point where we are seeing more and more outbreaks of measles that until recently has not been seen here in a long time.

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  10. #40
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    I grew up during the 50s and 60s when vaccines were just starting to be developed. I lost quite a few weeks of school when I contracted the red measles (Rubela), German Measles (Rubella), Chicken Pox (varicella-zoster virus), and Mumps (Rubulavirus). Vaccines are now available for these diseases. I was vaccinated against Polio and Smallpox.

    Because I had Chicken Pox, I am a candidate for contracting Shingles. Thus, I have had the vaccine hoping it will reduce my chances of contracting this very painful condition.

    In year's past, I never bothered with the flu vaccine. However, my resilience to disease is not what it once was. Thus, I now get my flue shot every fall.

    Pneumonia was once called the "friend of the aged" or the "old man's friend" as it was a relatively swift, painless way to die. Each year, millions are affected with pneumonia. In spite of modern antibiotics, some 60,000 Americans still die of pneumonia each year. Thus, getting a vaccine providing protection against pneumococcal pneumonia could prolong your life.

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