View Poll Results: do you believe in a supreme being?

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  1. #211
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Yes, one has to ask and I think everyone is compelled to decide for themselves what the best answer is, and even possibly admitting they can't empirically know whether or not it is the right answer
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  2. #212
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    God only answers the praying mantis. Maybe the ants do have a soul. I don't think that means anything for the foundations of religion. An ant soul is still not a human soul And hey! Women can be just as dry and crusty in religious dogmatic tradition as men - let's not discriminate based on gender alone
    Well women can have an opinion. It just doesn't count in many of the institutionalized religions.

    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    God only knows
    It seems like we're coming back to the if-I-can't-make-sense-of-it-myself-then-it-can't-be-true sort of argument. It's a great argument until you realize that your ability to make sense of it really doesn't change what was true before you ever came on the scene.
    I'm not saying that's any better or worse than the well-I'm-going-to-believe-it-anyway-regardless-of-what-natural-science-and-man's-logic-dictates argument. Neither have any bearing on what is really taking place, do they?
    Sorry, that wasn't my intention.
    My point was that we cannot know one way or the other. It may be true that we have an immortal soul but it may just be that only the ants have souls. We don't know either way, until we find out what the afterlife is all about.
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  3. #213
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    I think we can know, but as Russell seemed to me to be indicating, we can't prove it by natural material proofs. So people who will only accept that kind of proof will never be able to know, but that doesn't discount those who can know in their heart

    Natural proof itself is at its core no more reliable than any other kind because it is filtered through human perception and tested by human interaction. Unless man is God, then we have to admit man can make mistakes and errors, even in rigorous scientific observations and judgments. You can say that all the evidence points to one conclusion but when the question is presented, you must still choose whether or not to agree to that conclusion based on the evidence. Your agreement is based on your faith in how strong the proof is
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  4. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post

    I don't know. I'm always conscious and you can't prove to me otherwise (can you prove to a dead man that he's dead?) - do you mean the subconscious? Either way, my mind would be part of my soul, wouldn't it? Unless my mind is just a collection of electrical signals and hormones washing around responding to each other in completely natural and predictable ways. But what is a decision if not a choice that someone makes?
    The unconscious mind is the same thing as, or the precurser to, the subconscious mind. unconscious mind.

    I think we are making the same point, only there is an opinion on what we call the end result. The mind works on electrical impulses and hormones, true, but that intangible part is what causes problems. It can be called any name you choose.

    The brain works in interesting ways; the right hemisphere is only concerned with sensing the world around us in as much detail as possible, our perception of the world comes from the left hemisphere categorizing all of that raw data into a usable collection of specific entities. This is pretty neat if you have time to watch the whole thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    It's no different in the case against God. If the claim is that there is no God because there is no feeling that we can know God by, then we have to ask why people claim to feel like he exists in any form.
    Ah, I was hoping we could talk about this, it's one of my particular interests within this topic , ( as I mentioned a bit earlier). It could be said that a person's seemingly innate ability to "sense" divinity is no different from the tendency of people of all nationalities and creeds to have a set of "Archetypes" that govern their unconscious (or subconscious) actions. Such archetypes as "the hero", "the father", "the villain", "the nurturer" are characters that occur in some form or another within every person and act as a set of examples, to which we can look to when in need of guidance (or other mundane actions that may apply).

    The Archetypes that make up the theoretical "collective unconscious" could be the same place that people develop their feeling that there must be a supreme "father" to all of creation. But it's just a theory that I like to think about, doesn't prove anything one way or the other.

    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    What nondescript senses are you talking about that can't be used for a communal discussion but that are necessary to sense God? Do you know what God feels like? If you don't know, can you assume nobody else does? I don't know but reason alone is an indication to me that I am not just what can be scientifically measured and observed.
    I just meant that it's common to hear people say that they just "feel" that a god is with them, not that there is a particular physical feeling associated with that. It's a subjective notion, so it's fine if a person wants to reaffirm their beliefs based on that "feeling", but it can't be said that "because one person has a feeling, God exists for all others". Therefore it's not acceptable in public debate until you put some details on it like we have done above.

    Great points, btw!
    Last edited by Russel Baldridge; 09-09-2008 at 02:45 PM.

  5. #215
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russel Baldridge View Post
    ...our perception of the world comes from the left hemisphere categorizing all of that raw data into a usable collection of specific entities...
    I hold that the opposite is true. my left hemisphere's categorization of all the raw data I am observing is a result of how I am perceiving it. You'll say my decisions are a result of what is around me, I'll what is around me is a result of my decisions. You could take away my decisions and say what is around me is still going on as usual (but then once again there is the problem of proving that to me since my decision-making has been taken away), but then I could take away what is around me and -oops! well then I guess you wouldn't be around to see what happened to me If God presents himself and nobody recognizes it, is it necessarily because he is unrecognizable?

    Quote Originally Posted by Russel Baldridge View Post
    It could be said that a person's seemingly innate ability to "sense" divinity is no different...
    It certainly could be said, and many people say it. If two people sense two contradictory things though, you have to either agree that one or both of them are wrong or that your idea of contradiction is wrong. How could you or I trust someone else's sense for divinity though? You'd have to do that by faith and wonder why you don't have that sense yourself. (I guess?)

    Quote Originally Posted by Russel Baldridge View Post
    It can't be said that "because one person has a feeling, God exists for all others"
    Sure it can! It just won't be the case I think I understand your point though, that the usual way we like to prove or disprove theories is not very useful for making a really strong case for or against God in a setting such as this. But it's still fun and interesting to talk about and who knows maybe the reader and the writer learn a little bit along the way
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  6. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    I hold that the opposite is true. my left hemisphere's categorization of all the raw data I am observing is a result of how I am perceiving it.
    Well, yes, this is widely accepted as true. The brain does both, in a dynamic way. But I just wanted to give a quick intro to that video, so please don't assume that I was unaware of the other possible modes in which the brain works.

    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    It certainly could be said, and many people say it. If two people sense two contradictory things though, you have to either agree that one or both of them are wrong or that your idea of contradiction is wrong. How could you or I trust someone else's sense for divinity though? You'd have to do that by faith and wonder why you don't have that sense yourself. (I guess?)
    That's what I was trying to say; the report of a "feeling" isn't evidence for divinity, it's a faith based argument that needs to be analyzed before it can be acceptable for serious contemplation.

    It's been fun thus far, any other hairs to split?
    Last edited by Russel Baldridge; 09-09-2008 at 06:35 PM.

  7. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    I think we can know, but as Russell seemed to me to be indicating, we can't prove it by natural material proofs. So people who will only accept that kind of proof will never be able to know, but that doesn't discount those who can know in their heart
    I was indicating that, but my belief goes a step further to say that if a divine creator were to have created us and givin us this powerful drive to investigate things and to use our reasoning, then he should be just as happy with us dedicating ourselves to what can be done with that capability as he "is" with blind faith acceptance of his pressence.

    Which leads to the question of how do we know he doesn't want us to reject blind faith and spend our entire existence playing an intellectual "hide and seek" in an effort to provide that ultimate reward at the end of an extremely long a tiring search? It's just as likely as being rewarded for throwing in the towel and taking it easy for the rest of your life. (not that that's what anyone here's doing necessarily)

  8. #218
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russel Baldridge View Post
    Well, yes, this is widely accepted as true. The brain does both, in a dynamic way. But I just wanted to give a quick intro to that video, so please don't assume that I was unaware of the other possible modes in which the brain works.

    Oh I know you're aware of other possible modes. You're aware of many things! Except for one: if you keep scratching your head like that you'll go bald.

    PS I can watch the video but I can't listen to it without solving my audio problem first

    And I'll be watching for more hairs that need splitting. Some of you off topic forum chatters are tricksy, you are
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  9. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post

    if you keep scratching your head like that you'll go bald.

  10. #220
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russel Baldridge View Post
    I was indicating that, but my belief goes a step further to say that if a divine creator were to have created us and givin us this powerful drive to investigate things and to use our reasoning, then he should be just as happy with us dedicating ourselves to what can be done with that capability as he "is" with blind faith acceptance of his pressence.

    Which leads to the question of how do we know he doesn't want us to reject blind faith and spend our entire existence playing an intellectual "hide and seek" in an effort to provide that ultimate reward at the end of an extremely long a tiring search? It's just as likely as being rewarded for throwing in the towel and taking it easy for the rest of your life. (not that that's what anyone here's doing necessarily)
    Really? I don't think that ought to be the case. Maybe so. Although I have noticed this curious idea in my own life: I love my son all the time. I want the best for him, and when he gets something right or does the right thing (he is just a young tyke), I am happy for him, and quite pleased with myself for having helped raise him. And what really tickles me pink is when I know he doesn't know I'm watching, but he takes something I've shown or taught him and he discovers how to use it for himself to do whatever it is he's trying to do. It really brings a special pleasure for a father to see his kid using what he's given his kid. I love him regardless and am happy for his progress whether he uses what I've given him or not. But when I've taken the time and effort to invest something into him without even requiring a return and then he uses that it makes something of it, it really is a wonderful feeling.

    So it doesn't seem out of place to me that if the Creator gave me something by which to discover him, then he would be delighted if I used it to do that. And it doesn't seem out of place to me that he wouldn't enjoy me accepting him blindly either. But yes it still should lead you to that question - does he want me to spend my life's efforts trying to find him a certain way if the end will be no different than if I hadn't? Well like in my analogy I like to think my son does certain things because he loves, respects, admires, and learns from me. But even if he doesn't, I'll still be daddy to him and will gladly enjoy whatever time and effort he chooses to spend with me

    Why? Because I see myself in him

    Yes... it's the daddy anthropomorphism
    Last edited by hoglahoo; 09-09-2008 at 07:12 PM.
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