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  1. #31
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    I think it's neat for the President to do this. A local radio show was inviting callers to give their opinions, and I was the only one who called in who did not say they think it is a bad (or worse) idea... Some callers were outraged (why?) and some were bewildered. Most said they do not trust Obama, and some said they were sure he was going to try to weasel a liberal agenda into the minds of their kids

    Since then the text of the speech has been released, and though I've only scanned the text, I have no problem at all letting my kid hear it.

    I don't even care if it's a political stunt - I like it
    Last edited by hoglahoo; 09-08-2009 at 03:00 AM.
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  3. #32
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JokiJo View Post
    Or maybe I'll continue doing the alternative high school classes I paid $2300 out of my own pocket for so I didn't have to put up with that ****ty no child left behind bull**** and morons for teachers and peers.

    And while we're at it I'd love for you to tell what is so important about listening to our current president, as the youth I am?
    Maybe, just maybe, it might give you an idea of why and how a man like he could could actually become president. Maybe if you listened to him, you'd stop comparing him to Hitler. And maybe if you listened to HIM, and not to people talking ABOUT him, you'd learn what you disagree with rather than what other people tell you to disagree with.

    But you're right, it's much better to listen to your older brother.

    And if you are avoiding school to avoid morons, then you might be better off investing that $2300 in a shack on a mountain, because that's about the only place in the world where you will never have to deal with people who are perhaps not as gifted as you apparently are.

    One lesson that public schools can teach you, a lesson that is, in fact, their most important one, is how to be part of a society that is largely made up of people you don't agree with. The world is full of people who you won't like. Who will make life difficult for you. You can't get away from them, and you should learn NOW the best way for you to deal with being thrust into company you do not want. That's what school is really, REALLY good for. And if you don't get that now, you're in for a bad road.

    And, might I add, it is entirely possible to get an EXCELLENT education from "government funded" schools.

    Government funded schools have gifted programs, and libraries, and IDL programs. I went to a tiny rural school in SE Kansas, and I learned Russian, and German, and advanced speech and writing, and I did it because I DEMANDED it. I was the only student in some of those classes, but I wanted to learn it and I talked to the right people and I made the right arguments.

    And it was free.

    Which leads me to another point--you spent $2300 of your own money on "alternative high school" classes. I fear that someone gave you some very bad advice...because I guarantee that the vast majority of what you are learning in those classes would have been available for free if you knew where to look. First place? Library. Give it a try. Second place? Your teachers. Not all of them are morons. Some of them surely are, but come on, if you really think you're smarter than everyone around you, you should be able to figure out how to get what you need.

    Quote Originally Posted by JokiJo View Post

    If I need life advice, I have parents, I have religious leaders, I have older brothers and friends, I have people here on these forums who have given me invaluable advice, I don't think Mr. Obama has any more "life experience" than a single one of the above.

    I'm sorry, but not only would this speech be a waste of time that should be spent on academics, which the governmental educational system is severely lacking, it's either the President trying to impart wisdom and life advice, or it's a political play like what Hitlers administration (though to a lesser degree) applied.

    Neither of which I'd be very fond of attending.

    Or maybe it's the president taking the opportunity of being the most powerful man in the world, coming from background where that outcome was very very unlikely, to let people know how it might actually be possible for them? Or maybe to tell young people that he does, indeed, give a crap about what they do. That what they do is important not only to themselves, but to the future of this country. Maybe you already know that, but what about the kid beside you?

    And you know, learning that you often have to do something you don't want to do is pretty much why you're in school.

    Quote Originally Posted by JokiJo View Post
    And in case you didn't know, the United States was founded on fighting the system. I realize you probably went to a government funded school and didn't learn this, but it's true. We actually had to kill people and abolish government to make the U.S. Wow, who would have thought?
    Abolish GOVERNMENT???? ABOLISH GOVERNMENT? THIS is the kind of comment that makes you feel you can be the smarty-pants high school kid?

    If that's what your alternative high school is teaching you, well, that is $2300 well spent.

    Quote Originally Posted by JokiJo View Post
    Sorry, but if I want to hear Obama talk, I'll watch it on TV or the internet or I'll go watch in person, it doesn't need to be played in schools that have strict attendance standards and absence policies. Just the fact that they would TRY and do that, whether I wanted to hear the speech or not, would set me on my toes. There is absolutely no reason this needs to be played in school.
    You do realize that the kids who might actually need a respected, well spoken person giving them good advice are just the kinds of kids who need to be sat down and told to listen, and who might not have the good luck you apparently do, to have parents or friends to give them that advice?

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  5. #33
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    the red color is mine
    I especially liked the red colored part - thanx

  6. #34
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    I'm sorry if I got off topic, Mark, but I think it's a great idea. I like the fact that it emphasizes personal responsibility for education. Because I think it's the best thing anyone can tell you--you, in the end, are the one who learns. Teachers can only give you the pieces, you have to put them together for yourself.

    And I can't honestly imagine anyone disagreeing with what the speech actually says...Really. It's got some great messages, and if some kids actually listen to it, it could actually help. You can be as cynical as you want, but this:

    Where you are right now doesn’t have to determine where you’ll end up. No one’s written your destiny for you. Here in America, you write your own destiny. You make your own future.
    is pretty darned good.

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  8. #35
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright
    You object to the use of the word "Demogogy" to describe the Obama speech?
    Well, I'm usually rather cynical but given that the target public is children I do have problems with the word in reference to the speech. I just don't feel comfortable with calling "popular prejudices and false claims and promises" the following:

    - it is important to discover what you're good at and what is that you like to do
    - hard work is how you become successful, even though you're tempted to believe it's just luck. in any case pure luck is the very rare exception.
    - when you fail you need to keep trying again and not give up
    - everybody has things they struggle with, just overcome them, give it your best shot and then again...
    - get help
    - help others if you can
    - in america it is you who defines yourself

    Sounds pretty much like an afterschool special.

    The single thing I found demagoguish was the idea that people are/were motivated by patriotic feelings. But I am not an american, so I am willing to go with the benefit of the doubt on that one.

    Now, I'll be very interested in the opposite perspective - I mean really am I missing something?

  9. #36
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Well, I'm usually rather cynical but given that the target public is children I do have problems with the word in reference to the speech. I just don't feel comfortable with calling "popular prejudices and false claims and promises" the following:

    - it is important to discover what you're good at and what is that you like to do
    - hard work is how you become successful, even though you're tempted to believe it's just luck. in any case pure luck is the very rare exception.
    - when you fail you need to keep trying again and not give up
    - everybody has things they struggle with, just overcome them, give it your best shot and then again...
    - get help
    - help others if you can
    - in america it is you who defines yourself

    Sounds pretty much like an afterschool special.

    The single thing I found demagoguish was the idea that people are/were motivated by patriotic feelings. But I am not an american, so I am willing to go with the benefit of the doubt on that one.

    Now, I'll be very interested in the opposite perspective - I mean really am I missing something?
    Platitudes. Alone the speech sounds good. In context with everything else surrounding this president, I find the speech offensive.
    Last edited by honedright; 09-08-2009 at 04:00 AM.

  10. #37
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright
    Platitudes. Alone the speech sounds good. In context with everything else surrounding this president, I find the speech offensive.
    that's it?!? wow, there's nothing that could be said really.

  11. #38
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    that's it?!? wow, there's nothing that could be said really.
    Nothing to say Gugi? Really?

  12. #39
    Senior Member matt321's Avatar
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    This reminds me of several years ago when the first Harry Potter movie came out. Some parents and ministers said the movie was anti-Christian because it glorified witchcraft. At the time, I wasn't too worried about the movie, but those parents and ministers scared the daylights out of me.

    Same thing with the President Obama controversy. I'm not too concerned with the speech, but the fact that the nation is so polarized is very scary stuff!
    Last edited by matt321; 09-08-2009 at 05:25 AM.

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  14. #40
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    When the Health Care Reform Bill came out, it was attacked not by what it said, but by what Hannity, Limbaugh and the rest said it really meant.

    It says "X", but it doesn't really mean "X" it means the complete destruction of everything. A Nazi regime and dogs sleeping with cats. Total chaos will ensue.

    When this speech to the students was first bandied about it wasn't attacked on what it says, but what it REALLY is saying.

    I just wonder, is the crystal ball the pundits are peering into the same crystal ball that were using when they were telling me that Saddam Hussein was involved with 9-11 and had WMD's planted everywhere like daisies?

    I'm just saying the track record of the right in predicting and deciphering isn't so great.

    I've read the speech and can find nothing that overtly reads like a speech to the Hitler Youth. But I'm sure someone will tell me what Obama is really saying.

    I remember being told for the previous eight years that like him or not it was the duty of every American to support the president no matter what and especially in war time. America love it of leave it, I heard a lot.
    Well fellas, the U-Hauls are waiting.
    Last edited by joscobo; 09-08-2009 at 05:11 AM.

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