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  1. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by mainaman View Post
    Unless I missed when Christians went to holly war against Muslim world , then my perception is correct.
    Last religious war started by christians was what the 6th Crusade?
    I am not sure what is your religious affiliation, but I happen to know some people that say come from Iran, and it looks like in Iran they have some pretty medieval views on things in life.
    So, your perception is that Islam is going on a holy war against Christian countries? I personally think that is a misconception and that extemists using religion as a front for their doings are fighting a war against the WEST, and not Christians.

    Whether or not Iran has 'Medieval' views on life, has nothing to do with whether or not the RELIGION has evolved.

    The fact remains that Islam has been here much longer than we have, and it is wrong, and pointless, to say their culture is better or worse than ours. It may be different, and their may be many things that people of the west do not agree on, but that DOES NOT MAKE IT WORSE.

    Frankly, I think there are plenty of people in the west who have a medieval view on things, you only have to take a brief look at the issue of captial punishment to realize this.

    I am tired, at 19 years old, of people making huge generalizations on a nation, race, or religion. I thought this world had learned to do better.

  2. #72
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Maybe what some people want is that we should do to the Muslims here like we did to the U.S Citizen Japanese during WWll. Just round them all up and put them in a camp until the war on terror is done. That would really solve things eh?
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #73
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Im with Glen on this one, the decent people of Islam need to help police their own. What I mean is this, stand up with the rest of the world and denounce the savagery. If they dont, eventually the world will have no choice except to lump them all into one basket in order to solve the problem. I do not like the idea of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, but the bath water has to go.

    Thank you ri7ani
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  4. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    It is my belief that the current situation surrounding terrorism is no more related to Islam as the Crusades (which, as a gentle reminder, lasted nigh on 600 years) were related to Christianity. Religion is always cited as a motivation for the actions of man by both sides, but for different reasons.

    Take away religion and what you have is man killing man for their own man-made reasons. Blaming an external source (religion) is way easier than examining your own heart of hearts. Which is why these things will go on forever.

    James, you put it so much better than I did.


  5. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by nun2sharp View Post
    What I mean is this, stand up with the rest of the world and denounce the savagery.
    I think many do, to be fair. Whether you hear about it or not is quite different.

    I certainly do.

  6. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by gregs656 View Post
    I think many do, to be fair. Whether you hear about it or not is quite different.

    I certainly do.
    Got one right here. I am muslim and i denounce the act. In the quran it says : killing a man is like killing the whole humanity. Murder is ofcourse forbidden for only god can take a soul. do not throw away a full baril of apples because one is rotten. Dont think of muslims as distant cousins of zarqawi or ben laden or whatever. Those guys are more than rotten. Zarqawi beheaded people who are supposed to be prisoners when his religion "islam" says : feed your prisoner from the same food you eat so he doesnt feel humiliated and treat him with respect. We all know that zarqawi or others didnt do this. Islam is a peaceful religion but misunderstood
    Last edited by ri7ani; 11-07-2009 at 12:47 AM.

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  8. #77
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    Lightbulb The difference

    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I am really not so sure we should harp on what was accepted practices in ancient times... Whether a bride was 9 or 90 it was looked upon differently in different cultures I would not judge those cultures just as I don't want their culture judging me...

    Hmmmm isn't that in the Bible?????
    No that isn't in the Bible. Like Leroy Wright in Pascagula Mississippi said 'he must have got that out of the Bible, becuz it ain't in there no more'.

    The only judging that is condemned in the Bible is hypocritical judgment in Matthew chapter 7, this is what is always taken out of context to try and shut down someone that they don't like pointing out something that is wrong.
    In Luke 7:43 Jesus commended Simon saying 'Thou hast rightly judged.'
    Anyone knows that it is not possible to go through this world without judging, it is the key to safety and sanity, not only is correct judgement commended but it is instructed especially for the Christian in First Corinthians 2:15 'But he that is spiritual judgeth all things.'

    As has been obviously pointed out in the past, the difference between Islam and Christianity is that -

    In Islam God asks you to send your sons to die for him.

    In Christianity God sent his Son to die for you.

    A little different.

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    treydampier (11-07-2009)

  10. #78
    Senior Member ri7ani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ControlFreak1 View Post
    No that isn't in the Bible. Like Leroy Wright in Pascagula Mississippi said 'he must have got that out of the Bible, becuz it ain't in there no more'.

    The only judging that is condemned in the Bible is hypocritical judgment in Matthew chapter 7, this is what is always taken out of context to try and shut down someone that they don't like pointing out something that is wrong.
    In Luke 7:43 Jesus commended Simon saying 'Thou hast rightly judged.'
    Anyone knows that it is not possible to go through this world without judging, it is the key to safety and sanity, not only is correct judgement commended but it is instructed especially for the Christian in First Corinthians 2:15 'But he that is spiritual judgeth all things.'

    As has been obviously pointed out in the past, the difference between Islam and Christianity is that -

    In Islam God asks you to send your sons to die for him.

    In Christianity God sent his Son to die for you.

    A little different.

    ''In Islam God asks you to send your sons to die for him''
    where does islam say this please??

  11. #79
    Senior Member ri7ani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ControlFreak1 View Post
    No that isn't in the Bible. Like Leroy Wright in Pascagula Mississippi said 'he must have got that out of the Bible, becuz it ain't in there no more'.

    The only judging that is condemned in the Bible is hypocritical judgment in Matthew chapter 7, this is what is always taken out of context to try and shut down someone that they don't like pointing out something that is wrong.
    In Luke 7:43 Jesus commended Simon saying 'Thou hast rightly judged.'
    Anyone knows that it is not possible to go through this world without judging, it is the key to safety and sanity, not only is correct judgement commended but it is instructed especially for the Christian in First Corinthians 2:15 'But he that is spiritual judgeth all things.'

    As has been obviously pointed out in the past, the difference between Islam and Christianity is that -

    In Islam God asks you to send your sons to die for him.

    In Christianity God sent his Son to die for you.

    A little different.
    i though that i read something in the bible thats says that god asked Abraham to sacrifice his son for him.
    i thought i also read something about Lot sleeping with his own daughthers after leaving sodom (Lot was a prophet sent by god,,,,,,isnt that incest). i thought i read something in the bible that says that jesus didnt just come to bring peace but also came to bring war....
    do i judge christians because of this? no not at all.
    Last edited by ri7ani; 11-07-2009 at 12:58 AM.

  12. #80
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I wasn't aware that we were comparing the two religions here... ????

    I have noticed that we have managed to avoid that pretty much in this thread we have side stepped it rather well let's keep trying to do that ....

    Like I stated at the begining the "My God is better then your God has started many a war...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 11-07-2009 at 01:59 AM.

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